This software receives and decodes an SNMP Trap that is sent from a device, and handles a device status change as an event for managing device errors.
The event is created based on the contents of SNMP traps and user settings.
The processing described below is performed for generated events.
As for the following event, this software only displays event logs and device events (as for some events only event logs are displayed), and other processing are not performed.
Events by user operations (all the events in "Chapter 1 Events Related to Operation of This Product " in " ETERNUS SF Storage Cruiser Event Guide")
Trap events common to devices (the trap common to devices in "Chapter 2 Events in Notifications Sent from Monitored Devices " in " ETERNUS SF Storage Cruiser Event Guide")
Start of performance data re-collection/Success of performance data re-collection event (Success of performance data re-collection, Success of performance data re-collection in "2.8 Explanation of Performance Management Traps" in "ETERNUS SF Storage Cruiser Event Guide")
Event that indicates when the state changes into error(red) in the device polling function ("When the state changes into error(red)"in the device polling function "Chapter 3 Device Polling Event" in " ETERNUS SF Storage Cruiser Event Guide")
For detailed information on how to customize SNMP Trap processing, see "Appendix C Customization".
Generated events are displayed in the event log of Client. To display the event log, select [View] - [Show/Hide] - [Event Log] from the menu, and select Show/Hide. Events are displayed shown as below.
Displayed items and descriptions | details |
Status | Displays the level of a displayed event. |
Date | Displays time and date event occurred in Month DD, YYYY HH:MM:SS AM (or PM). |
Device Name | Displays the name of a device on which the event occurred. |
Monitor | Indicates the name of the admin server that detected the monitor event. |
Event ID | Displays this ID when the event has the corresponding ID. This ID is defined in the administrative Manager that is monitoring the event. |
Event Information | Indicates event details. Refer to ETERNUS SF Storage Cruiser Event Guide for the detail information. |
A displayed example of an event log is shown below. One line of an event log can be copied in the clipboard. By this function, event log information can be attached to E-mail text to be sent.
The procedure is as follows:
Select the event log to copy, and display the pop-up menu and execute [Copy EventLog to ClipBoard]. This execution enables the event log information to be copied in the client clipboard.
Generated events are displayed as device events of Client. Users can check for device events from "Property" for a device.
Also, generated events are reported to Systemwalker Centric Manager. For information on settings required in advance, see "10.2 Linkage with Systemwalker Centric Manager". The importance levels of the events are also reported.
Events of the server node agent is not reported to Systemwalker Centric Manager. (Shell/Bat linkage is operated.) Execute fault monitoring by message monitoring function of Systemwalker Centric Manager.
A generated event is specified in the call argument of the Shell file, such shown as below.
Platform of Manager | File name (full path) |
Windows | $ENV_DIR\Manager\etc\opt\FJSVssmgr\current\trapop.bat arg1 arg2 arg3 arg4 arg5 arg6 |
Solaris OS, | /etc/opt/FJSVssmgr/current/ arg1 arg2 arg3 arg4 arg5 arg6 |
The "arg1" is the fault detail for the target device.
The "arg2" is the IP address for the target device.
The "arg3" is the server node name (FQDN) for the target device (if the full domain name cannot be confirmed, the IP address is set).
The "arg4" is the number of milliseconds that have elapsed from 00:00:00 GMT 01 Jan 1970 ("zero") to the current time.
The "arg5" is the fault level ("INFO", "WARNING"," ERROR").
The "arg6" is the icon name for the target device.
Rewriting the content of these shell/bat files enables the e-mail linkage of fault information or other Management Software linkage (such as issuing commands to Management Software and writing information to a log file managed by Management Software).
Sample Shell/Bat files are installed in the directories shown below. Copy this sample and create Shell/Bat files for linkage.
Platform of Manager | File location |
Windows | $ENV_DIR\Manager\opt\FJSVssmgr\lib\sample\trapop.bat |
Solaris OS, | /opt/FJSVssmgr/lib/sample/ |
If the Shell/Bat linkage function is not used, there is no need to create these Shell/Bat files.
Any external script other than of Shell/Bat linkage can be executed. Up to two scripts can be defined in each SNMP Trap XML definition file. Arguments for calling such scripts are common to those for Shell/Bat linkage.
For information about the methods for defining, see "C.6 SNMP Trap XML Definition File".
External script linkages must be defined in the SNMP Trap XML definition file. Therefore, they are not available on devices where XML definition files are not provided.
For shell scripts or batch files in Shell/Bat linkages or external script linkages, do not output processing results and processing progress on the screen (for example, do not perform such a process as displaying a message with the echo command). Be sure to describe "@echo off" at the head under Windows.
Users can customize the displaying of events and descriptions of linkage for individual SNMP Traps. For details, see "C.6 SNMP Trap XML Definition File".
The following is an example of each Shell/Bat file. sample for Solaris OS and Linux
The events of this software are reported by mail. (This requires the SMTP server and Manager to be running on the admin server. The path of the mail command may differ from the sample. Change it so that it is appropriate for the operating environment.)
#!/bin/sh #HOSTNAME=`/bin/hostname` #MAILCMD=/bin/mail#TMP_FILE=tmp_mail_file.$4 # #echo "To: $MAILADDRESS" > $TMP_FILE #echo "Subject: SAN manager($HOSTNAME) event mail" >> $TMP_FILE #echo "" >> $TMP_FILE #echo "-----------------------------------" >> $TMP_FILE #echo " Storage System manager event mail " >> $TMP_FILE #echo "-----------------------------------" >> $TMP_FILE #echo $1 >> $TMP_FILE # #$MAILCMD $MAILADDRESS < $TMP_FILE #/bin/rm -f $TMP_FILE
After defining the setting in as described above, executing grtraptest command which is described in "[Test 3] Check Systemwalker Centric Manager linkage and Shell/bat linkage of events." in "5.3 Checking Management Status" transfers mail to a destination. Therefore, whether it is possible to link with Shell/Bat can be confirmed by generating SNMP Trap.
Sample of trapop.bat for Windows
The event of this software is notified by mail. (To actually operate, an UNIX system server with sendmail that supports the SMTP protocol or a Windows Server that support standard SMTP service is necessary.)
@echo off rem ## CAUTIONS ## Please do not comment out or delete the line of "@echo off" rem set INSTALL_DIR=install-dir <- Write the install DIR rem set MAIL_SERVER_ADDRESS=mail@server.address <- Write the address of mail server rem set MAIL_FROM=StorageManager <- Write the mail address of the sender rem set MAIL_TO=your@e-mail.address <- Write the mail address of the receiver rem cd %INSTALL_DIR%\etc\opt\FJSVssmgr\current rem set STXSMAIL=stxsmail.exe rem set TMP_FILE=tmp_mail_file.%4 rem echo From: %MAIL_FROM% > %TMP_FILE% rem echo To: %MAIL_TO% >> %TMP_FILE% rem echo Subject: Storage system manager(%COMPUTERNAME%) event mail >> %TMP_FILE% rem echo.>> %TMP_FILE% rem echo ----------------------------------- >> %TMP_FILE% rem echo Storage system manager event mail >> %TMP_FILE% rem echo ----------------------------------- >> %TMP_FILE% rem echo %1 >> %TMP_FILE% rem set MAILCMD=%STXSMAIL% %MAIL_SERVER_ADDRESS% %TMP_FILE% rem %MAILCMD% rem del %TMP_FILE%
Event information can be sent by starting the stxsmail program with the mail client function in the Bat file.
To edit this Bat file properly, please refer to "Appendix E Mail client function program with the Windows Version of Manager (stxsmail)" for details.
Execute "[Test 3] Check Systemwalker Centric Manager linkage and Shell/bat linkage of events." of "5.3 Checking Management Status" with the above setting, the mail as below is forwarded to the destination mail address. By this way, the Bat linkage can be confirmed.
To perform Systemwalker Centric Manager linkage, Shell linkage, or external script linkage, either register the IP address and host name information for each device in the DNS server that is referenced by the administrative server, or define them in the /etc/hosts file on the administrative server so that the names of the devices registered in this software can be resolved.