ETERNUS SF Storage Cruiser 14.0 User's Guide

5.3 Checking Management Status

Check whether the setup is correct. Use the following steps to check the setup:

[Test 1] Check whether every device (excluding the server node agent) can correctly receive SNMP Traps

This software receives generic traps 0 to 5, which are SNMP Traps not unique to a specific vendor, and it decodes their contents and displays information about each event (that does not use Systemwalker Centric Manager linkage or Shell/bat linkage.) As one of generic traps 0 to 5, a COLD START trap is issued by an ordinary device. When using this trap to test whether the software can correctly receive an SNMP trap.

A device sends the COLD START trap and other traps by turning OFF and ON the device to be managed, performing a variety of setup tasks (setup of the SNMP environment for ETERNUS/GR), doing other such work. Check whether the event is displayed with regard to the above operation and trap.

However, generic traps 0 to 5 are not normally required, so after the test is completed, you can disable display of generic traps 0 to 5 by using the following method:

Edit the following definition file:

Platform of Manager

File location


($ENV_DIR means "Environment Directory" specified at the Manager installation.)

Solaris OS,


Edit one description as follows (0=Hide, 1=Show): DISPLAY_SNMP_STANDARD_EVENT = 0;.

Select [Tool] - [Option] - [Re-read Definition File] from the physical resource view to incorporate the definition file into a program.

[Test 2] Check whether server node (agent) can correctly receive SNMP Traps

The server node (Agent) provides the following command that issue SNMP Trap for the test.

Platform of Agent

Command location


$INS_DIR\Agent\bin\traptest [ip-address]
($INS_DIR means "Program Directory" specified at the Agent installation.)

Solaris OS,

/opt/FJSVssage/bin/traptest [ip-address]

In case that server node has more than 1 IP address, please input the IP address which is communicate with the admin server.

Please make sure the IP address input is correct, if the event can not be received correctly.

If the IP address is set correctly, the following event will be output when the command is executed.

SNMP Trap test command cannot linkage to Shell/bat. Please modify the SNMP definition if necessary.

To modify SNMP Trap definition, please modify ESC agent SNMP trap definition file which is located 1_3_6_1_4_1_211_4_1_3_21_2_2.xml. SNMP trap test is defined as the first number of "Specific Trap Type". You may change the action for this trap. For SNMP Trap definition file, please refer to "C.6 SNMP Trap XML Definition File".


For VMware Infrastructure 3 Version 3.5 (or later) or VMware ESXi 3.5 (or later) environment, the fault monitoring function by receiving SNMP Traps is not supported. Therefore, it is no necessary to execute this test.

[Test 3] Check Systemwalker Centric Manager linkage and Shell/bat linkage of events.

Events cannot be linked with Systemwalker Centric Manager or Shell/bat for the standard SNMP Trap. To test the Systemwalker Centric Manager linkage and Shell/bat linkage of an SNMP Trap from a device, execute a tentative SNMP Trap command for the test. This command changes internal information of an SNMP Trap so that the SNMP Trap seems to have been sent from a device being monitored, and it sends such an SNMP Trap to the system's own port for receiving the SNMP Trap. Since descriptions of events are linked to Systemwalker Centric Manager and Shell/bat, Systemwalker Centric Manager linkage and Shell/bat linkage can be tested. To test the Shell/bat linkage of an SNMP Trap of the server node agent, use the method described in [Test 2].

For the IP address of an argument, specify the IP address of a device (ETERNUS/GR or Fibre Channel switch) registered with this software. The contents of this simulated SNMP Trap are loaded into the event log and reflected in device events (in device properties). To display the event log, click [Refresh] on the menu displayed by the GUI, or press the [F5] key. (Loading and reflecting the information may take a long time.)

The commands shown below are executed to generate a simulated SNMP Trap for the ETERNUS8000, ETERNUS6000, ETERNUS4000, ETERNUS3000, ETERNUS2000, GR device registered with this software. Using these commands, the manager creates the simulated trap, receives the same trap, and checks whether the displayed event and shell/bat linkage are correct. Here, the simulated trap is a fan fault with "public" as the Community name. This simulated trap has arbitrary test information that is distinct from actual trap information.
Also, the ETERNUS (except model 50) can issue an SNMP trap from the device by using the "SNMP trap sending test" function of ETERNUSmgr. Though the test uses a simulated trap, its results are the same as those from a test that sends a real trap and checks the response, since the trap is sent from an actual ETERNUS machine.

Platform of Manager

Command location


$INS_DIR\Manager\opt\FJSVssmgr\bin\grtraptest ip-address
($INS_DIR means "Program Directory" specified at the Manager installation.)

Solaris OS,

/opt/FJSVssmgr/bin/grtraptest ip-address

The commands shown below are executed to generate a simulated SNMP Trap for a Fibre Channel switch registered with this software. (A simulated error that is a port fault is issued.):

Platform of Manager

Command location


$INS_DIR\Manager\opt\FJSVssmgr\bin\swtraptest ip-address
($INS_DIR means "Program Directory" specified at the Manager installation.)

Solaris OS,

/opt/FJSVssmgr/bin/swtraptest ip-address