ETERNUS SF Storage Cruiser 14.0 User's Guide

5.2.6 Registering a Manually Embedded Device

Some devices (such as managed servers without an agent, tape units, and NAS devices) cannot be retrieved by device search. Register these devices with this software by using the manual embedding function.

  1. Open the Main view or SAN view window, select [File] - [Manual Configuration window] from the menu, or select [Manual Configuration window] from the pop-up menu to display the Manual Configuration window.

  2. Select [Operation] - [Create New Device] from the menu or select [Create New Device] from the pop-up menu in the Manual Configuration window.

  3. Select the device type from the submenu (listing the types of devices that can be selected for addition). Server node, Storage, Library, Bridge, Router, or Hub can be selected for the device type. Select Storage for the NR1000.

  4. A dialog box for entering the product type appears. Select the product type. If no product types listed are applicable, select "Other". The following is an example of selecting Storage for the device type.

  5. A dialog box for entering device information appears. Be sure to enter the storage type because it is used as an important key during internal processing. An icon that is displayed for this product on the window can be selected using "Display Icon Setup".

    • "Embedding Information (Required)"

      • For "Device Name", specify a unique name that can be used to manage the device. This software uses the name as a key for identifying the device. For this reason, the name must be different from the names of other devices and server nodes within SAN management. For ETERNUS SX300, ETERNUS SX300S units, be sure to set the device name marked SANtricity.

      • When Storage has been selected for the device type, select the storage type from the drop-down list for "Storage Type" from among Disk, Tape, Array, Robot, and Other. Select "Other" for the NR1000.

      • When Bridge for a device other than a tape encryption device has been selected for the device type, specify the number of SCSI busses connected to the bridge for "Number of SCSI bus" and select [SCSI Bus Setup]. Dialog box swsag2504 appears. Enter the initiator number on the bridge side of the SCSI bus, and select <OK> button. Dialog box swsag2506 appears. Specify information on the devices to be connected to the SCSI bus in the SCSI ID/LUN part, and select <OK> button. If 2 or a larger number is specified for the number of SCSI busses, the procedure from swsag2504 is repeated for the number of busses.

      • When Router has been selected for the device type, "Number of FC Ports" and "Number of WAN Ports" are automatically set if template is selected for the product type. If "Other" is selected, enter data according to the router device configuration.

      • When Library has been selected for the device type, "Number of Bridge" and "Number of Drive" are automatically set if template is selected for the product type. If "Other" is selected, enter data according to the library device configuration.

    • "Option"

      • For "Manufacture Name", "Product Name", "Serial Number" (for Storage type only), "OS Type", and "OS Version" (for Server Node type only), specify appropriate information on the device. This information is displayed as property information for this software.

      • For "IP Address", specify the IP address of the device when the device is connected to a LAN. If the IP address is specified here when the device supports the SNMP Trap transmission function, this software receives SNMP Traps from the device and displays them in the event log and device event information (in the device properties). The device is also subjected to the device polling function and automatically monitored with ping (or SNMP depending on the device).
        For the LT120/LT130/LT200/LT210/LT220/LT230, NR1000, and Edge, be sure to specify the IP address of the device here. However, do not specify the IP address if the device is not connected to a LAN. If the IP address is specified here for a device not connected to a LAN, the device is put in the communication disable state by the polling monitoring function and cannot be restored until it is connected to a LAN. For ETERNUS SX300, ETERNUS SX300S, enter the IP address of the SANtricity installation server in "IP address".

      • For "Management Software", specify how to execute software used to manage the device. Doing so enables the specified software to be called directly from the properties displayed for the device icon on the GUI window. If the Management Software can be started from the Web client, specify the corresponding URL beginning with http:// or https://. If the Management Software is an application that runs on the client, specify the full path to the executable file (c:\test\test.exe, for example).

    • "Display Icon Setup"

      Select an icon to be used for the device.

  6. The embedded device is displayed as a light-color icon.

  7. Exit from the Manual Configuration window.

    Select [File] - [Exit] or select the <OK> button on the lower part of the screen.

  8. After the Manual Configuration window is changed, a dialog box appears asking "Do you want to update the administrative server with the latest information?" Select the <OK> button to update information.