Use of this file enables customization of the fault monitoring method. Define the file on the Manager and Agent sides.
The icon statuses, event log and device event messages, and operations using linkage with Systemwalker Centric Manager, linkage with Shell/Bat and linkage with External Script can be defined for SNMP Traps received from individual device (including server node). Customize the contents of this file to change default values of this software on the Manager side according to the operating environment of the storage system used.
Creating this definition file enables a function equivalent to the fault monitoring function for support levels A and B to be implemented for a device of support level I.
It defines a fault monitoring method of an Agent server node. Customize its contents to change the monitoring method from default.
Reflecting the contents of the setting file
The setting file on the Manager side is dynamically read into this software and therefore no special reflection method is provided.
The setting file on the Agent side is read into this software statically and therefore the Agent needs to be restarted to reflect the contents of the setting file on this software.
If an error is detected in an XML definition file, a message in the format shown below is output to the event log and device log. The fault level of notification is the information level, and the icon status does not change. Linkage with Systemwalker Centric Manager and linkage with Shell/Bat are not used.
Message format: "XML parse error (detected trap: (SNMP Trap data character string))"
Except for some devices, all swsag codes that are reported to Systemwalker Centric Manager are 4821.
When customizing SNMP Trap processing, do not edit the definition file in the installation directory but edit the one in the customization directory.
The SNMP Trap XML definition file is created for each device. It is then stored in the following directory when Manager is installed or upgraded.
Platform of Manager | Location |
Windows | $INS_DIR\Manager\opt\FJSVssmgr\lib\snmpth |
Solaris OS, | /opt/FJSVssmgr/lib/snmpth |
When customizing SNMP Trap processing of Manager, copy the SNMP Trap XML definition file in the above directory to the customization directory shown below, and edit the copy of the file.
Platform of Manager | Customization Directory |
Windows | $ENV_DIR\Manager\etc\opt\FJSVssmgr\current\snmpth |
Solaris OS, | /etc/opt/FJSVssmgr/current/snmpth |
Manager operates as follows.
When the SNMP Trap XML definition file exists in the customization directory
Manager operates in accordance with its file.
When the SNMP Trap XML definition file does not exist in the customization directory
Manager operates in accordance with the definition file in the installation directory. (default)
In a trap of a device, the file name is enterprise code in which "." is replaced with "_".
Device type | File name |
ETERNUS SN200 series Fibre Channel switch | 1_3_6_1_4_1_1588_2_1_1_1.xml |
ETERNUS SN200 MDS, Cisco MDS | 1_3_6_1_4_1_9_9_117_2.xml |
McDATA | 1_3_6_1_4_1_289.xml |
ETERNUS3000 model 50 | 1_3_6_1_4_1_211_4_1_1_126_1_7.xml |
ETERNUS3000 model 600 | 1_3_6_1_4_1_211_4_1_1_126_1_6.xml |
ETERNUS3000 models 80 and 100 | 1_3_6_1_4_1_211_4_1_1_126_1_5.xml |
ETERNUS3000 models 200 and 400 | 1_3_6_1_4_1_211_4_1_1_126_1_4.xml |
ETERNUS3000 models 300, 500 and 700 | 1_3_6_1_4_1_211_4_1_1_126_1_8.xml |
ETERNUS6000 models 400, 500, 600, 700, 800, 900, 1000 and 1100 | 1_3_6_1_4_1_211_4_1_1_126_1_10.xml |
ETERNUS8000 models 700, 900, 1100 and 2100 | 1_3_6_1_4_1_211_4_1_1_126_1_20.xml |
ETERNUS8000 models 800, 1200 and 2200 | 1_3_6_1_4_1_211_4_1_1_126_1_50.xml |
ETERNUS2000 models 50, 100 and 200 | 1_3_6_1_4_1_211_4_1_1_126_1_30.xml |
ETERNUS SX300 | 1_3_6_1_4_1_1123_1_205.xml |
ETERNUS GR710 | 1_3_6_1_4_1_211_4_1_1_126_1_3.xml |
ETERNUS GR720, GR730 | 1_3_6_1_4_1_211_4_1_1_126_1_1.xml |
ETERNUS GR740, GR820, GR840 | 1_3_6_1_4_1_211_4_1_1_126_1_2.xml |
ETERNUS LT120 | 1_3_6_1_4_1_11_2_3_9_7_1.xml |
ETERNUS LT130 | 1_3_6_1_4_1_3351_1_3_2_6_1_1.xml |
ETERNUS LT160 | 1_3_6_1_4_1_211_4_1_1_126_3_1.xml |
ETERNUS LT200 | 1_3_6_1_4_1_119_1_83_1_21.xml |
ETERNUS LT210, LT220, LT230 | 1_3_6_1_4_1_119_1_83_1_1.xml |
ETERNUS LT250 | 1_3_6_1_4_1_211_4_1_1_126_3_5.xml |
ETERNUS LT270 | 1_3_6_1_4_1_211_4_1_1_126_3_2.xml |
Tape encryption device | 1_3_6_1_4_1_2021_250_10.xml |
Fibre Alliance MIB support device | 1_3_6_1_3_94.xml |
NR1000 | 1_3_6_1_4_1_789.xml |
Edge | 1_3_6_1_4_1_333_2_4_1.xml |
Event from performance management | 1_3_6_1_4_1_211_4_1_3_21_3.xml |
Multipath-related event from Solaris OS Agent or Windows Agent | 1_3_6_1_4_1_211_4_1_3_21_2.xml (*1) |
Safe/PRIMECLUSTER GDS or GFS series event from Solaris OS Agent | 1_3_6_1_4_1_211_4_1_3_21_2_2.xml (*2) |
Multipath-related event from Solaris OS Agent | 1_3_6_1_4_1_211_4_1_3_21_2_21.xml (*2) |
EMC PowerPath event from Solaris OS Agent | 1_3_6_1_4_1_211_4_1_3_21_2_22.xml (*2) |
Multipath-related event from Windows Agent | 1_3_6_1_4_1_211_4_1_3_21_2_5.xml (*2) |
MPIO event from Windows Agent | 1_3_6_1_4_1_211_4_1_3_21_2_51.xml (*2) |
GR multipath driver event from Linux Agent | 1_3_6_1_4_1_211_4_1_3_21_2_3.xml (*2) |
PRIMECLUSTER GDS or GFS series event from Linux Agent | 1_3_6_1_4_1_211_4_1_3_21_2_31.xml (*2) |
LVM(PV-Links) event from HP-UX Agent | 1_3_6_1_4_1_211_4_1_3_21_2_4.xml (*2) |
HBA driver event from HP-UX Agent | 1_3_6_1_4_1_211_4_1_3_21_2_41.xml (*2) |
Symmetrix | 1_3_6_1_4_1_1139_1.xml |
Crossroads | Not provided but can be created. |
*1: This file can be changed only concerning the on/off setting of "linkage with Systemwalker Centric Manager" (only Shell/Bat linkage control can be done and Systemwalker Centric Manager linkage cannot be.) and "external script linkage 1" and "external script linkage 2" in "Operation definition" (the flag attributes) in "Definition contents" of "Definition file format". For "Fault level" and "Message," this file can not be changed.
*2: When this file is updated, the file with the same name on the Agent side must also be updated so that their contents are the same.
*3: Disk array unit for ETERNUS VD800.
For devices excluding the above ones, SNMP Trap processing for each device is enabled by creating XML files according to the enterprise code of the device.
The XML definition file for customizing the fault monitoring method of an Agent server node is saved at the following location:
Platform of Agent | Location |
Windows | $ENV_DIR\Agent\etc\snmpth |
Solaris OS, | /etc/opt/FJSVssage/snmpth |
The file is read and used when Agent starts. Therefore, the restart of Agent is needed to operate according to the modified contents when the file is modified.
The file name is the enterprise code in a trap issued from Agent to Manager and in which "." is replaced with "_".
Server node | File name (*1) | Monitoring target |
Solaris OS | 1_3_6_1_4_1_211_4_1_3_21_2_2.xml | Safe/PRIMECLUSTER GDS, GFS series |
1_3_6_1_4_1_211_4_1_3_21_2_21.xml | ETERNUS/GR multipath driver | |
1_3_6_1_4_1_211_4_1_3_21_2_22.xml | EMC PowerPath | |
1_3_6_1_4_1_211_4_1_3_21_2_23.xml | HITACHI JP1/HiCommand Dynamic Link Manager | |
1_3_6_1_4_1_211_4_1_3_21_2_24.xml | Sun MPxIO | |
Windows | 1_3_6_1_4_1_211_4_1_3_21_2_5.xml | ETERNUS/GR multipath driver |
Linux | 1_3_6_1_4_1_211_4_1_3_21_2_3.xml | ETERNUS/GR multipath driver |
1_3_6_1_4_1_211_4_1_3_21_2_31.xml | PRIMECLUSTER GDS, GFS series | |
HP-UX | 1_3_6_1_4_1_211_4_1_3_21_2_4.xml | PV-LINK (LVM function) |
1_3_6_1_4_1_211_4_1_3_21_2_41.xml | HBA driver |
*1: When this file is updated, the file with the same name on the Manager side must also be updated so that their contents are the same.
Operations are defined by the following items for the Specific Trap Type in the definition file:
Item | Description |
Operation definition | Whether to post a status change to a window Whether to output a device event Whether to output the event log Whether to implement linkage with Systemwalker Centric Manager and linkage with Shell/Bat Whether to enable external script linkage 1 |
Fault level | Notification levels of icon status, individual events, and linkage with Systemwalker Centric Manager (Information/Warning/Error) |
Message | Message output for event and linkage with Systemwalker Centric Manager |
The following figure shows the hierarchy of tag nodes:
Attribute name | Description |
name | Device name |
ver | Version of this definition file |
This tag defines the script name when using external script linkage. ExternalScript1 indicates external script linkage 1 and ExternalScript2 indicates external script linkage 2. A script defined here is executed when the corresponding linkage bit is set on in the flag attribute of the TrapType tag or the Convert tag.
ExternalScript1 and ExternalScript2 tag must be defined in a line above the TrapType tag definition.
Attribute name | Description |
name | Executed script name (using full path name) |
This tag defines trap analysis operations for each Specific Trap Type. Traps of types not defined by the TrapType tag are not analyzed and discarded.
Attribute name | Description |
type | "ST" + Specific Trap Type number (decimal) |
flag | Control of event, linkage with Systemwalker Centric Manager, and linkage with Script (in 6-bits binary) (*1) The "0" is interpreted as "off", the "1" is "on". bit5 ... external script linkage2 For example, only linkage with Systemwalker Centric Manager is set to on "001000". |
level | Fault level "I", "W", or "E" Specify levels of events and icon statuses (*3) that are posted to Systemwalker Centric Manager. (I: Information / W: Warning / E: Error) |
msg | Messages displayed for events and linkage with Systemwalker Centric Manager, sending and linkage with Script. The following parameters can be included in messages: %d: Decimal number %x: Hexadecimal number %s: Character string As many ARG tags as the number of parameters included in a message must be defined as described in (4) below. If any character other than 'd', 'x', and 's' follows %, the % is handled as a character and displayed as is. |
*1: If the higher-order bits are 0s, the 0s can be omitted.
(ex.) "001000" can be described as "1000".
*2: Since events of the Agent are not reported to Systemwalker Centric Manager, only Shell/Bat linkage control can be done in the definition file of the Agent.
*3: Since the icon status is also changed by "Refresh to latest information" processing, or the device polling function, it may bring a different result from specification of this definition.
The ARG tag defines correspondence between a parameter specified in the msg attributes of the TrapType tag and a Variable Binding index in trap data. There are as many ARG tags as the number of parameters specified in the msg attributes must be defined.
Attribute name | Description |
index | Index number (0 or larger) of a parameter included in the msg attributes of the TrapType tag described in (3). |
VBIndex | Index number (0 or larger) of Variable Binding in Trap data |
The Convert tag specifies how to express a character string for an INTEGER-type data value of a trap. Definition of this tag is optional. For example, to use Trap data value 0 to indicate the status of OK, specify <Convert val="0" name="OK"/> so that character string "OK" can be displayed instead of "0".
By specifying the flag attribute and level attribute (options), a fault level specified in the level attribute of the TrapType tag can be changed and posted. (If the msg attribute includes multiple ARGs and the flag or level attribute is specified in individual Convert tags, the values specified in the Convert tag of the last ARG are used.)
Attribute name | Description |
val | Numeric data value (decimal) of the INTEGER type in a Trap |
flag (option) | Control of events, linkage with Systemwalker Centric Manager, and linkage with Script (in 6-bit binary) For values, see "TrapType tag". |
level (option) | Fault level "I", "W", or "E" This tag is given a higher priority than the TrapType tag. |
name | Character string corresponding to val |
If an undefined value is received, the value is displayed as a numeric value as is.
The MSG tag defines a monitoring keyword for Server Node Agent monitoring. It is valid only for Server Node Agent.
Windows Agent: Monitors with the id, src, and type attributes (ignores the key attribute).
Another Agent: Monitors with the key attribute (ignores the id, src, and type attributes).
Attribute name | Description |
key | Monitoring keyword for monitoring (required for a non-Windows Agent) |
id | Event ID of the event to be monitored (required for a Window Agent) |
src | Source name of the event to be monitored (required for a Windows Agent) |
line | When a VAL tag is used (a substring of a monitored event is added to notification information), specify the number of monitored event lines for the line attribute. The line attribute can be omitted for a single line or when a Windows Agent is used. |
type | Specify the type of event logs to be monitored. (Valid only for windows Agent) System: Monitor the system log. (Default) Application: Monitor the application log. |
To change the monitoring keyword, change this keyword.
A normal expression can be specified to the monitoring keyword.
To add a monitoring keyword for monitoring, add the TrapType tag and later shown below. Be sure not to specify a Specific Trap Type number that is already specified.
The VAL tag is used to define the method of retrieving a character string from the monitored event and adding it to notification information. The VAL tag is valid only for Server Node Agent.
Attribute name | Description |
ref | Specify the value to be added to notification information. Specify the value in parentheses () in normal expression. |
During SNMP Trap control, the type attribute of the TrapType tag is used as the ID attribute for searches, so DTD must be described as follows in the XML definition file:
<!DOCTYPE SNMPTrapControl[ <!ATTLIST TrapType type ID #REQUIRED> ]>
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <!DOCTYPE SNMPTrapControl <!ATTLIST TrapType type ID #REQUIRED> ]> <SNMPTrapControl name="SW3800" ver=1.0"> <TrapType type="ST1" flag="111111" level="E" msg="Faulty reason: %d"> <ARG index="0" VBIndex="0"> <Convert val="0" flag="000110" level="I" name="sw-ok"/> <Convert val="1" name="sw-faulty"/> </ARG> </TrapType> <TrapType type="ST2" flag="000111" level="E" msg="%s: is currently in state %d"> <ARG index="0" VBIndex="4"/> <ARG index="1" VBIndex="0"> <Convert val="1" name="unknown"/> <Convert val="2" name="faulty"/> <Convert val="3" name="below-min"/> <Convert val="4" flag="000110" level="I" name="nominal"/> <Convert val="5" name="above-max"/> <Convert val="6" name="absent"/> </ARG> </TrapType> </SNMPTrapControl>
Method of suppressing forecast monitoring traps of products of the ETERNUS3000 series and GR series:
To suppress events of forecast monitoring traps from products of the ETERNUS3000 series and GR series, change the following items in the XML definition file as shown below:
The flag attribute is changed to "000000" in the TrapType tag for which "ST5" is specified as the type attribute.
<TrapType type="ST5" flag="000000" level="W" swsag="4405" msg="%d(0x%x) %d">
Method of suppressing ETERNUS SN200 series Fibre Channel switch, Brocade series FC port Online/Offline traps:
To suppress ETERNUS SN200 series Fibre Channel switch, Brocade series FC port Online/Offline traps, change the following locations in the corresponding XML definition file.
The flag attribute is changed to "000000" in val="1" and val="2" of the Convert tag in <ARG index="1" VBIndex="0"> for which "ST3" is specified as the type attribute.
<Convert val="1" flag="000000" level="I" swsag="4203" name="Online"/> <Convert val="2" flag="000000" level="I" swsag="4203" name="Offline"/>