This file is saved at the following location of the Server Node as a detailed setting file of Agent:
Platform of Agent | Location |
Windows | $ENV_DIR\Agent\etc\Correlation.ini |
Solaris OS, | /etc/opt/FJSVssage/Correlation.ini |
Reflecting the contents of the setting file
The file is read and used when Agent starts.
To operate according to the contents of the file the restart of Agent is needed.
Specify a period of time in seconds during which system messages are monitored. The default value is 10.
0 (not monitored) to 3600 (one hour)
Specify this parameter for configuration management targeting Oracle. If there are multiple instance names, specify as many parameters as the number of instance names.
"instance-name" and "oracle-home-absolute-path-name" are always required.
"host-name" can be omitted. When this parameter is omitted, the server node name specified by the management LAN of Agent is used.
"listener-port-number" can be omitted. When this parameter is omitted, "1521" is used as "listener-port-number".
When "host-name" is specified, "listener-port-number" cannot be omitted.
Specify this parameter for configuration management targeting Symfoware. If there are multiple RDB system names, specify as many parameters as the number of system names. This definition statement need not be specified for single RDB operation.
Specify this parameter for configuration management targeting SQLServer. If there are multiple instance names, specify as many parameters as the number of instance names.
SQLServer=instance-name-with-a-name: key-name
The instance name with a name must be specified in the following format.
computer-name-running Agent\instance-name
Specify the key name defined with the defusr command.
Instance type | Authentication method | Instance name with a name | Key name | Notes |
Default instance | Windows authentication | Default | Default | (*) |
SQL authentication | Default | :key name | - | |
Instance with a name | Windows authentication | Instance name with a name | Default | - |
SQL authentication | Instance name with a name | :key name | - |
*: This definition can be omitted only when using the default instance. To use both default and named instances, specify ":" only as shown below.
Specify this parameter to collect slice information of unconnected multipaths. The default value is OFF.
MultiPathSlice= ON or OFF
ON (Slice information of unconnected multipaths is collected.)
OFF (Slice information of unconnected multipaths is suppressed.)
Specify this parameter to collect HBA's status. The default value is ON.
HBAStatus= ON or OFF
ON (status of HBA is collected.)
OFF (status of HBA is suppressed.)
To unite states of HBA in the environment where the ESC Agent of Solaris OS and Windows exists together with SSC Agent, turn HBAStatus to OFF.
Use this parameter to make HBA port be non-displayed. Specify WWPN(World Wide Port Name) of HBA port non-displayed is specified. If multiple HBA ports are specified, specify as many parameters as the number of HBA ports.
The warning/error status is displayed for HBA port when FC cable is not connected with it. To suppress the status of HBA because of unused or similar reason, use this parameter.
If the HBA which has already been displayed is specified, its status becomes "timeout". To remove the HBA icon, refer to "6.1.11 Unregistering CA and HBA (FC adapter) icons".