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第10章 シャットダウン制御コマンド> 10.2 nsstate

10.2.3 コマンド入力形式

コマンドの入力形式は以下の通りです。下記情報はヘルプ(nsstate ?)指定時、またはコマンドのみの入力時にも表示されます。

  • Display site farm state*
    nsstate ns-ip account password /loadbalance [/state] /farm [farm-vip] [/timeout time1]
  • Display balancing target server state...
    nsstate ns-ip account password /loadbalance [/state] /farm farm-vip /target [target-ip] [/timeout time1]
  • Change balancing target server state...
    nsstate ns-ip account password /loadbalance { /up | /down } /farm farm-vip /target target-ip [/timeout time1] [/force] [/wait time2]
  • Help display...
    nsstate [?]
  • Options
    ? Display this help message.
    /loadbalance Operate about the server load balancing.
    /state Display the state of the site farm or the balancing target server.
    /up Change the balancing target server to the active state.
    /down Change the balancing target server to the maintenance state.
    /farm Specify the site farm.
    /target Specify the balancing target server.
    /timeout Specify the time for waiting the response from the network server. If omitted or specified less than 10 seconds,this command waits for 10 seconds until the response.
    /force The balancing target server enters the state of maintenance at once if this parameter is specified. When specified, "/wait" parameter is disregarded.
    /wait Specify the time of waiting for becoming the balancing target server to the maintenance state. If omitted or specified less than 10 seconds, this command waits for 300 seconds until it becomes that state.
  • Parameters
    ns-ip The IP address of the network server.
    account The account of the monitor operator authority.
    password The password of the monitor operator authority.
    farm-vip The virtual IP address of the site farm. If omitted, display all state of site farms.
    target-ip The IP address of the balancing target server. If omitted, display all state of balancing target servers.
    time1 A non-negative decimal integer specifying the number of seconds. If the network server does not respond quickly, this command waits for the specified time until it responds.
    time2 A non-negative decimal integer specifying the number of seconds. If the balancing target server does not become the maintenance state quickly, this command waits for the specified time until it becomes that state.

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