ETERNUS SF Storage Cruiser V16.9 Operation Guide

6.6.2 Required Setup Configuration

This section explains requirements for installing ETERNUS Disk storage system NAS management.

Table 6.5 Prior Configurations

Subject of Configuration

Configuration Details

ETERNUS Disk storage system

Authentication server

DNS server

Management Server ETERNUS Disk Storage System Configuration

This section explains ETERNUS Disk storage system configuration.

The items to be configured are as follows:

Application of NAS Option

To apply the ETERNUS Disk storage system NAS option, refer to the ETERNUS Disk storage system manuals.

Skip this work if the NAS option has already been applied to the target ETERNUS Disk storage system.

Preparing ETERNUS for Registration to This Product

Prepare the ETERNUS Disk storage system to be registered to this product. Refer to " Setting" for details about the configuration.

Skip this work if the target ETERNUS Disk storage system has already been registered to this product.

Registration of Local User/Local Group for Connecting to NAS

When the firmware version number of an ETERNUS Disk storage system is V10L53 or later, you can register a local user/local group for connecting to NAS on the ETERNUS Disk storage system. Refer to the ETERNUS Disk storage system manuals for information on how to register them.


The local user/local group configuration and the authentication server configuration are exclusively correlated. When you use an authentication system by an authentication server, do not register any local user/local group on the ETERNUS Disk storage system. Authentication Server Setup

This section explains required configuration for the authentication server.

When the firmware version number of an ETERNUS Disk storage system is V10L53 or later, before executing this configuration, delete the local user/local group registered on the ETERNUS Disk storage system for connecting to NAS.

The items to be configured are as follows:

Registration of User/Group

On the domain controller or LDAP server, register the users and groups that have access to the shared folders. Refer to the LDAP or domain controller manuals for information on how to perform the registration.


When using both protocols of CIFS and NFS, ensure uniqueness of user/group information between Active Directory authentication server and LDAP authentication server.
Mapping Windows security identifier (SID) and UNIX server's user ID (UID)/group ID (GID) can secure the uniqueness of user/group information.
When mapping user/group information, set the UID/GID of an LDAP authentication server based on the user ID/group ID of an Active Directory authentication server.
When registering a user/group on the LDAP authentication server, register as UID/GID the number that has 10,000,000 added to the end part of SID of the user/group registered on the Active Directory authentication server (e.g.: when the value of SID is S-1-5-21-xxxx-yyyy-zzzz-nnnn, nnnn is the end part).

Creating Redundant Authentication Servers

In this product, redundant authentication servers can be registered up to 3 units. Refer to the LDAP or domain controller manuals for information on how to create redundant configuration. Prior Configuration of DNS Server

This section describes the pre-configuration of the DNS server.

The items to be configured are as follows:

NAS Server Name Registration

When the NAS server name is specified when accessing the shared folder, the NAS server can be registered on the DNS server using any name set uniquely in the ETERNUS Disk storage system.

Refer to the manual accompanying the DNS server for the registration method. Prior Configuration of Management Server

This section explains the prior setting of this product when installed in the Management Server.

The details to be configured are as follows:

Device Registration

Register the ETERNUS Disk storage system to be managed with this product. Refer to "5.2 Registering Device" for information on how to register the device.

When a target ETERNUS Disk storage system has already been registered to this product, and when application of the addition of the NAS option has been performed with " ETERNUS Disk Storage System Configuration", perform the Reload Conf. operation for the ETERNUS Disk storage system.


When using the snapshot function or quota management function, enable SNMP Trap Setup when you register devices. If SNMP Trap Setup is not enabled, snapshot collection result and an alarm output when a quota threshold is exceeded are not notified.


Refer to "Reload ETERNUS Disk Storage System Configuration Information" in the Web Console Guide for information on how to perform the Reload Conf. operation.

License Registration

Register the ETERNUS Disk storage system NAS license, and any other required license that is not already registered.

Refer to required licenses (software) of the " Operating Environment" for required and optional licenses.

Skip this work if the license of the object has already been registered in this product.


Refer to "Register License" in the Web Console Guide for information on how to register the license.

Creating Thin Provisioning Pool

Create a Thin Provisioning Pool in which the NAS volume is created.

Skip this work if the Thin Provisioning Pool for the NAS volume has already been made.


Refer to "Create Thin Provisioning Pool" in the Web Console Guide for information on how to create a Thin Provisioning Pool.


For increased reliability, it is recommended to create the primary NAS volume and the backup NAS volume in separate Thin Provisioning Pools. When performing NAS volume backup, create two Thin Provisioning Pools; one for the primary NAS volume and one for the backup NAS volume.

Configuration of Connection Type of Advanced Copy

Configure the access connection type for Advanced Copy in order to define the NAS volume backup.

Skip this work if the backup is not being used for NAS environment or if the connection has been configured already.


Refer to "Configure Connection Type for ETERNUS Disk Storage System" in the Web Console Guide for information on how to perform the configuration.


For the configuration of the connection type, select "Access through volumes" or "Access through network".

Creating RAID Groups

When using the NAS snapshot, a NAS snapshot volume is created on the RAID group. The capacity is calculated according to the following formula, and is required as free space within the RAID group.

RAID group free space = Total capacity of NAS volume for NAS snapshot * snapshot generation numbers * 0.001

Skip this work if not creating a NAS snapshot or if a NAS snapshot volume on the RAID group has already been created.


For the number of snapshot generations, calculate the sum of the number of generations taken in Automatic mode and the number of generations taken in Manual mode.


As shown below, if the RAID group where the NAS snapshot volume is created is shared, it may not be possible to set the maximum number of snapshot generations.

  • Where creating SDPV with "SDP Capacity Expansion"

  • Where creating a NAS snapshot volume for other NAS volumes

  • When creating volumes for SAN


For the RAID group creation procedure, Refer to "Create RAID Group" in the Web Console Guide.

SDP Capacity Expansion

SDP capacity may need to be expanded in order to use the NAS snapshot.
Skip this work when not using NAS snapshot.

The physical capacity allocated for the snapshot captured with NAS snapshot is provided by creating an SDPV. Create so that the total SDPV capacity becomes the capacity estimated below.

SDP additional capacity = total value for updated volume (*1) of NAS volumes for each generation

*1: NAS volume content that is changed between the time of one snapshot and the next snapshot.

When it is difficult to estimate size of the changed content, we recommend adding the following capacity. This is only a recommended value, so it should be modified according to the operational state.

SDP additional capacity = Total capacity of NAS volumes for NAS snapshot * a number between 0.3 and 0.5


SDPV and SDP are shared with SAN AdvancedCopy.

For this reason, when using SAN AdvancedCopy and NAS snapshot on the ETERNUS Disk storage system simultaneously, prepare SDP capacity that is the total estimated volume for SAN and NAS.


Refer to "Create Volume" in the Web Console Guide for the SDPV creation procedure.

Copy Table Size Settings

In order to use NAS snapshot, configure the copy table size and resolution.


  • Values that can be configured for the copy table size and resolution differ depending on the model of the storage device. Refer to the ETERNUS Disk storage system manuals for information on the specification of the copy table size.

  • Refer to "Configure Copy Table Size for Advanced Copy" in the Web Console Guide for the copy table size configuration procedure. However, if an AdvancedCopy Manager license is not purchased, this cannot be configured from Web Console. Configure from ETERNUS Web GUI.