ETERNUS SF Storage Cruiser V16.9 Operation Guide

6.6.1 Overview of Functions About NAS Management Basic System Configuration

For a basic system configuration to perform NAS operation of the ETERNUS Disk storage system, refer to "NAS Management" in "Function Overview of Express" of the Overview. Support Features

In order to perform NAS operation of the ETERNUS Disk storage system, this product is provided with the following features:

Easy Installation of NAS File System Using Wizard

The "creating of a shared folder" and the "creating of a NAS interface" which are necessary when installing a NAS file system can be configured easily by using a wizard.

Display of Configuration Information and Fault Monitoring

The configuration information resources being used for ETERNUS Disk Storage system NAS can be confirmed with Web Console. In addition, when a failure occurs, the details of the failure are displayed in the event log and Dashboard of Web Console.

Block Level Capacity Monitoring

Capacity monitoring of NAS file system in ETERNUS Disk storage system is implemented at a level similar to that for block volumes.

Performance Management

This enables performance monitoring of resources with the ETERNUS Disk storage system below.

  • NAS volume

  • NAS system


  • The performance monitoring and threshold monitoring functions cannot be used for NAS port.

  • The threshold monitoring function cannot be used for NAS volume and NAS system.

Backup/Restoration of NAS Volume

Backup and restoration of a NAS volume utilizes QuickOPC and a NAS backup volume. The use of the NAS backup volume provides protection against loss or corruption of the active NAS volume. In addition, the NAS backup volume can be accessed Read-Only for file level recovery.

Automatic Snapshot Collection of NAS Volume

This is a function that follows the specified schedule and automatically collects snapshots. The capture of the NAS volume snapshot is achieved using SnapOPC+. The NAS volume snapshot for the specified generation can be stored, and files and folders from the snapshot can be recovered without administrators.

Quantity Consumed Upper Limit Management and Monitoring (Quota Management)

This is a function for managing the upper limit of the quantity consumed by user/group or shared folder. This prevents in advance the depletion of total resources due to large disk volume consumption by certain users/groups or shared folders. Configuration Items of NAS File System

Configure the following with Web Console in order to perform NAS operation of the ETERNUS Disk storage system.

Shared Folder

The shared folder refers to a folder made public on the network as a NAS file system. With this product, by creating a shared folder and setting access controls, it is possible to capture a backup and snapshot.

When creating a shared folder from Web Console, the following resources are also created simultaneously.



NAS volume

A volume where the shared folder is created.
Multiple shared folders can be configured to a single NAS volume.

NAS backup volume

A volume for backup of the NAS volume.
When configuring NAS backup is done by a new NAS backup volume, one is created for each NAS volume. Configuring NAS backup volume is optional.

NAS snapshot volume

This is a volume for the NAS volume snapshot.
When using NAS snapshot, one is created for each generation. Configuring NAS snapshot is optional.

NAS system volume

System volumes are used to control NAS volumes.
They are created when a new NAS volume is created. It is created in the same Thin Provisioning Pool as NAS volume.

Copy group

Copy group used to back up NAS volume.
This is created only when a NAS backup volume is configured.

Copy pair

A copy pair of a NAS volume and a NAS backup volume.
This is created only when a NAS backup volume is configured.

Quota settings

Quota settings for shared folder.
This is created only when a quota settings are configured.

The shared folder that is created with this product can be accessed using the following protocols. As it is possible to use the following protocols simultaneously, it is possible to access a single shared folder from both UNIX and Windows clients.


Refer to the ETERNUS Disk storage system manuals for details about protocols that are supported by ETERNUS Disk storage system.

In an environment that a shared folder for home directory has been created, a shared folder (home directory) exclusively for a user is automatically created when accessing the shared folder from a client on business LAN with CIFS protocol.
To access the home directory, enter the following format to the address bar or to the network drive mapping window.


NAS Interface

A NAS interface refers to the definition information of a network interface that manages, over a business LAN, a public IP address for access to the shared folder and information of the port to which this IP address is assigned. When using the VLAN function, it is possible to configure multiple IP addresses for one port.


There is no relation between the shared folder and the NAS interface. It is possible to reference the same shared folder from any NAS interface.

The NAS interface maybe assigned to a single port or 2 ports. The type of connections that can be configured are as follows:


In order to continue business when a port is down, it is recommended to configure either Active-Active or Active-Standby connection for redundancy.

Further, with the aim of increasing communication speed and becoming more fault-resilient, multiple physical ports can be bundled and handled as one logical port. Further, a NAS interface can be allocated for that logical port (bonding port). The method of determining communication ports of bonding port is to select an operating mode and hash policy.

NAS File System Environment Backup of NAS Environment

This section explains an overview of backup of the NAS environment in the ETERNUS Disk storage system.


Refer to "Backup of NAS Environment" in the AdvancedCopy Manager Operation Guide for Copy Control Module for information on the backup operation for NAS environment. Backup/Restoration of NAS Volume

It is possible to back up the entire NAS volume configured with Web Console to a NAS backup volume. In addition, it is possible to restore the entire NAS volume from the NAS backup volume.

Figure 6.3 Backup/Restoration of NAS Volume


  • Backup / restore of the NAS volume can either be executed with Web Console, or be executed with commands from the Management Server.

  • When recovering individual files from the NAS backup volume, mount the NAS backup volume and manually copy the files.

  • The number of NAS volumes and NAS backup volumes creatable on one ETERNUS Disk storage system varies with the device model and its firmware version. Refer to the ETERNUS Disk storage system manuals for details. Mounting/Unmounting NAS Backup Volume

The NAS backup volume that is the backup destination of the NAS volume can be mounted onto the NAS environment as Read-Only. By mounting the NAS backup volume, users can recover files themselves. In addition, a mounted NAS backup volume can be unmounted when recovery has been completed.

Figure 6.4 Mounting/Unmounting the NAS Backup Volume


  • Mounting and unmounting of the NAS backup volume can be done from Web Console.

  • While the NAS backup volume is mounted, it is not possible to backup or restore the NAS volume.

  • When accessing the shared folder in the NAS backup volume after mounting with the CIFS protocol, the name of the shared folder is "the name of the shared folder at the time of backup" + "$bak". Furthermore, the name of the shared folder of the NAS backup volume is not displayed in Web Console. NAS Environment Snapshot

This section provides an outline of the NAS environment snapshot function for the ETERNUS Disk storage system. NAS Snapshot

NAS snapshots can be periodically captured and the captured snapshots can be browsed by a snapshot captured client. The NAS volume snapshot is achieved using SnapOPC+. This is provided for the purposes of NAS volume generation management and to be able to recover files and folders deleted due to operating errors.

The NAS snapshot feature can be used by configuring the snapshot from Web Console.


There are two modes in NAS snapshot of NAS volumes: Automatic and Manual. In this product, Automatic mode can be set up/changed/cancelled.
To set up/change/cancel Manual mode that captures snapshots at any timing, refer to the ETERNUS Disk storage system manuals.

The following items are configured:

Figure 6.5 Outline of NAS Snapshot


If a snapshot is collected while accessing a volume from an application, a snapshot at a point in time at which half-done data was written to the volume could be created. In this case, the data consistency in the snapshot is not ensured, so that the operation of the file in the snapshot is made impossible or the file content becomes incomplete.
Generally, to collect a snapshot whose data is consistent, the application accessing a volume must be stopped beforehand.
Configure a schedule for snapshot collection and the number of generations in a snapshot so that correct data can be traced back through generations when data inconsistency is found in the snapshot. Automatic Snapshot Collection Stop/Start

Where the NAS volume is temporarily not updated due to device maintenance period or long break, overwriting of past snapshots can be prevented by stopping the automatic snapshot collection. When restarting the automatic snapshot collection, execute automatic snapshot collection start. Automatic snapshot collection can be restarted carrying on with the snapshot before stopping.

Figure 6.6 Automatic Snapshot Collection Stop/Start About NAS Environment Quota Management

This section provides an outline of NAS environment quota management for the ETERNUS Disk storage system. NAS Environment Quota Management

With quota management, the amount of usable resources can be limited. This prevents the depletion of the whole system resources that is caused by disk capacity being consumed away by some users/groups or on some shared folders.

When accessing a shared folder with CIFS protocol, disk usage and the number of files can be limited for the users and shared folders.
When accessing a shared folder with NFS protocol, disk usage and the number of files can be limited for the users, groups, and shared folders.

The following two values can be set:


  • Quota can be set for the user/group and shared folder at the same time. There is no order of priority in settings, and control is executed by a warning value or limit value that is reached first.

  • Even if a disk is used with a limit value exceeded, it may not cause any error. In this case, it is used up to disk use amount limitation value + 2 GB in the maximum.

  • When a NAS volume to which quota is set is backed up, its quota setting information is backed up at the same time. For this reason, when it is restored, its quota setting information backed up is applied.


When using the quota management function, enable SNMP Trap settings. If they are not enabled, no alarm notification is output when a quota threshold is exceeded.
To change SNMP Trap settings on Web Console, refer to "Change ETERNUS Disk Storage System Information" in the Web Console Guide.

Figure 6.7 Quota Management Outline


  • By using mail notification and Systemwalker Centric Manager linkup feature, you are notified by E-mail when the quota management limit value or warning value are exceeded. Refer to "6.3 Event Display and Linkage" for details. Events Notified by Quota Management

With quota management, an SNMP Trap is notified by the Management Server in the following cases.

The notified event can be confirmed on the quota management log screen on Web Console. Logs are stored for 30 days.


Refer to "Display Quota Information" in the Web Console Guide for the procedure to display the Quota Management Log screen.


  • Events are categorized by type; warning value exceeded, limit value exceeded, warning value removed, and notified every 10 minutes.

  • The limit value exceeded event is notified when an error occurred because data update or file creation was attempted with a limit value reached. Operating Environment

The functions of the NAS option of the ETERNUS Disk storage system can be used with the following environments.

Table 6.4 Operating Environment




Platforms on which the ETERNUS SF Manager can be operated.

Required licenses (software)

  • ETERNUS SF Storage Cruiser Basic License (*1,*3)

  • ETERNUS SF Storage Cruiser Standard License (*1,*3)

  • ETERNUS SF AdvancedCopy Manager Local Copy License (*2)

ETERNUS Disk storage system

ETERNUS DX100 S5/DX200 S5, DX500 S5/DX600 S5
ETERNUS DX100 S4/DX200 S4, DX500 S4/DX600 S4
ETERNUS DX100 S3/DX200 S3, DX500 S3/DX600 S3

Required options (hardware)

NAS Option


Storage Cruiser's agent is not required.

Authentication methods (*4)

When accessing with the CIFS protocol: Active Directory
When accessing with the NFS protocol: LDAP

*1: Required to construct the NAS file system.
*2: Required to back up the NAS volumes.
*3: Required to register either one.
*4: Required when performing access control using an authentication server for the NAS file system. When no authentication server is configured, all accesses are permitted.