ETERNUS SF Express V16.9 / Storage Cruiser V16.9 / AdvancedCopy Manager V16.9 Web Console Guide

9.1.1 Register ETERNUS Disk Storage System

The procedure to register an ETERNUS Disk storage system is as follows:

  1. On the global navigation tab, click Storage.
    The current registered ETERNUS Disk storage systems are displayed on the Main pane.

  2. On the Action pane, click Discover under Disk Array.
    The information input screen is displayed.

  3. Add an ETERNUS Disk storage system.

    For Registering by Searching Subnet
    1. Click the Search on Subnet radio button.

    2. Enter a subnet address and SNMP community name.

    3. Click Discover.

    For Registering by Searching IP Address
    1. Click the IP Address radio button.

    2. Enter an IP address.

    3. When using the SNMPv1 protocol, check the "v1" radio button in the SNMP Version field and enter the SNMP community name.
      When using the SNMPv3 protocol, check the "v3" radio button in the SNMP Version field and check the radio button of the target user from among the SNMPv3 MIB access users.

    4. Click Discover.

  4. Check the target ETERNUS Disk storage system checkbox.

  5. Enter the user name and password of the checked ETERNUS Disk storage system.

    The symbols that can be used for password are as follows.

    Storage Device Name

    Usable Symbols

    Unusable Symbols

    ETERNUS DX series (excluding the ETERNUS DX60 S2)
    ETERNUS AF All-Flash Arrays

    ! - . _ # $ & ( ) + , / @ [ ] ^ ` { | } ~ : ; < = >

    \ ? " ' % *


    ! - . _

    # $ & ( ) + , / @ [ ] ^ ` { | } ~ : ; < = > \ ? " ' % *

  6. Check the SNMP Trap Setting checkbox as needed basis.


    • Do not check the SNMP Trap Setting checkbox if the target ETERNUS Disk storage system is managed by the Management Server that operates AdvancedCopy Manager's manager only.

    • When using the SNMPv3 protocol, the checkbox is grayed out. Perform the SNMP Trap settings in the setup of the SNMP Trap transmission destination on the ETERNUS Disk storage system.

    • To automatically update the device component status, enable the "SNMP Trap destination address automatic setting" function by checking the SNMP Trap Setting checkbox. For devices that support automatic updates of the device component status, refer to "Monitoring Device Component Status" in the Storage Cruiser Operation Guide.

  7. Click Register.


  • The registration process of an ETERNUS Disk storage system may take from a few minutes to over 10 minutes depending on the device configuration. The Job Status pane allows you to confirm the completion of an ETERNUS Disk storage system registration process. However, since the information in the Job Status pane is automatically deleted 24 hours after process is completed, check deleted information in "14.1 Display Operation History". The ETERNUS Disk storage system registration process has completed when the displayed items of the Operation History screen is as follows:

    • Action: Register Disk Array

    • State: Complete

    • Result: Success

    • Target: IP address of the registered ETERNUS Disk storage system

    Do not perform any operation for this ETERNUS Disk storage system until the registration process has been completed.

  • If the ETERNUS Disk storage system is a dual stack device to which both IPv4 and IPv6 addresses are configured, register either of the two addresses.

  • For IPv6 network environment, the ETERNUS Disk storage system cannot be registered by searching subnets. Register it by searching IP address.

  • If the ETERNUS Disk storage system is already registered with IPv6 address, to prevent registration in a dual stack configuration, it cannot be registered with IPv4 address by searching subnets.