PRIMECLUSTER Global Link Services Configuration and AdministrationGuide 4.6Redundant Line Control Function
FUJITSU Software

7.7 hanetpoll Command


hanetpoll - Setting, modifying, deleting, and displaying the monitoring destination information for the HUB monitoring function


/opt/FJSVhanet/usr/sbin/hanetpoll command [args]

[Feature description]

The hanetpoll command sets the monitoring destination information required for the HUB monitoring function. This command also modifies, deletes, displays, enables, or disables the settings.


Process outline



Creates monitoring destination information

Super user


Copies monitoring destination information

Super user


Displays monitoring destination information

General user


Modifies monitoring destination information

Super user


Deletes monitoring destination information

Super user


Enabling the HUB monitoring function

Super user


Disabling the HUB monitoring function

Super user


Displays monitoring destination information for each virtual interface

General user

Creates/deletes monitoring destination information for each virtual interface

Super user

(1) create command

The operation of the HUB monitoring function requires the definition of monitoring destination information. Use the create command to define monitoring destination information.

/opt/FJSVhanet/usr/sbin/hanetpoll create -n devicename -p polladdress1[,polladdress2] [-b {on | off}]  or
/opt/FJSVhanet/usr/sbin/hanetpoll create -n devicename -p _none_

-n devicename:

Specify the name of a virtual interface to be monitored. Specify a virtual interface created using the hanetconfig create command or the hanetconfig copy command. No logical virtual interface name can be specified.

-p polladdress1[,polladdress2] | _none_:

When using ping response monitoring, specify the host name or IP address of the HUB connected as a monitoring target.

For single physical interface configuration (single bundled interface by virtual interface):

Set at least one monitoring target. Up to two monitoring targets can be set.
Specify the host name or IP address of the monitoring target to polladdress1.
If there is a second monitoring target, specify the host name or IP address of the monitoring target to polladdress2.

For redundant configuration (two bundled interfaces by virtual interface):

It is recommended to set two monitoring targets. At least set 1 monitoring target.
If there are two monitoring targets, specify the host name or IP address of the HUB to which the Primary interface connects to polladdress1, and specify the host name or IP address of the HUB to which the Secondary interface connects to polladdress2.
Specify the host name or IP address of the monitoring target to polladdress1 for one monitoring target.

Specify "_none_" if ping response monitoring is not to be used.


When setting the monitoring target using an IP address, IPv4 address or IPv6 address can be set as an address form.

When setting IPv6 address, do not set the prefix value.

If IPv6 address is to be set in an environment where address auto-configuration by IPv6 router is not performed, set the link-local address.

Also, do not use a host name that has the same name in IPv4 and IPv6 when setting the host name as the monitoring target.

-b on | off:

If two HUBs are specified as monitoring destinations in NIC switching mode, communication between the primary and secondary HUBs can be monitored.

on: Monitors communication between two HUBs.
off: Does not monitor communication between two HUBs.

(2) copy command

Use the copy command to create copy monitoring destination information on a virtual interface in NIC switching mode. This command thus allows monitoring destination information to be automatically created by using the copy source information and without requiring you to specify monitoring destination information and HUB-to-HUB monitoring mode. This command realizes simpler operation than directly executing the hanetpoll create command. The following is the command format for the copy command:

/opt/FJSVhanet/usr/sbin/hanetpoll copy -n devicename1,devicename2


When the tagged VLAN interface is used, the "copy" command is used to set a synchronous switching in the virtual interface.

-n devicename1,devicename2:

Specify the names of virtual interfaces from and to which monitoring destination information should be copied.


Specify the name of a virtual interface that is set in monitoring information in the copy source.


Specify the name of a new virtual interface to be monitored. Specify a virtual interface created using the hanetconfig create command or the hanetconfig copy command. No logical virtual interface name can be specified.

(3) print command

Use the print command to display the current monitoring destination information. Use this command to view the current monitoring destination information. The following is the format of the print command.

/opt/FJSVhanet/usr/sbin/hanetpoll print [-n devicename1[,devicename2,...]]

-n devicename1[,devicename2,...]:

Specify the names of virtual interfaces whose monitoring destination information should be displayed. If this option is not specified, the print command displays all the monitoring destination information currently specified.

The following shows an example of displaying information without any option specified.

# /opt/FJSVhanet/usr/sbin/hanetpoll print
 Polling Status         = OFF
         interval(idle) =   5( 60) sec
         time           =   5 times
         link detection = YES
 FAILOVER Status        = YES
 Name    HUB Poll Hostname
 sha0       OFF   hostA,
 sha1       OFF   _none_



Polling Status

The current status of the monitoring function.

Polling Status


The monitoring function is enabled.


The monitoring function is disabled.



The monitoring interval in the stationary status.


In seconds the wait time that elapses after monitoring starts and before the HUB links up.


The monitoring count.
Monitoring count is not used if monitoring by ping command is not used.

link detection


NIC switching is performed when the NIC link down is detected.


NIC switching is not performed even if the NIC link down is detected until ping monitoring fails.


With or without cluster switching when an error occurred in all transfer routes.



Node switching is performed when the virtual interface is registered in the cluster resource.


No node switching is performed.


The name of a virtual interface to be monitored.

HUB Poll

The HUB-to-HUB monitoring status.

HUB Poll


The monitoring function is enabled.


The monitoring function is disabled.


The monitoring function is not used.


The host name or IP address to be monitored, in the order of the primary and secondary monitoring destinations. If monitoring by ping command is not used, _none_ is displayed. Each example,

sha0: Indicates that "hostA" is the primary monitoring destination and "" is the secondary monitoring destination.
sha1: Indicates that the monitoring by ping command does not operate.

(4) modify command

Use the modify command to modify the monitoring destination information.

/opt/FJSVhanet/usr/sbin/hanetpoll modify -n devicename {[-p polladdress1[,polladdress2]] [-b {on | off}]}  or
/opt/FJSVhanet/usr/sbin/hanetpoll modify -n devicename -p _none_

-n devicename:

Specify the name of a virtual interface whose monitoring destination information should be modified. Specify a virtual interface whose monitoring destination information is currently defined.

-p polladdress1[,polladdress2] | _none_:

When changing the monitoring destination of ping response monitoring function specify the host names or IP addresses. When monitoring is not used "_none_" is specified. For details on the procedure, see -p option of (1)create command.

-b on | off:

If two HUBs are specified as monitoring destinations in NIC switching mode, communication between the primary and secondary HUBs can be monitored. This parameter cannot be specified for the monitoring destination information in RIP mode.

on: Monitors communication between two HUBs.
off: Does not monitor communication between two HUBs.


Changing the number of monitoring targets from two targets to one target, verify that HUB-to-HUB monitoring exists, and if the value is set "on", then change it back to "off".

(5) delete command

Use the delete command to delete the monitoring destination information. The following is the format of the delete command:

/opt/FJSVhanet/usr/sbin/hanetpoll delete -n {devicename1[,devicename2,...] | all}

-n devicename1[,devicename2,...]:

Specify the names of virtual interfaces (such as sha0 and sha1) whose monitoring destination information should be deleted.


Specify this parameter to delete all the defined monitoring destination information.

(6) on command

To make the created HUB monitoring function valid, and to change the parameter of HUB monitoring function, use the on command:

/opt/FJSVhanet/usr/sbin/hanetpoll on [-s sec] [-c time] [-f {yes | no}] [-p sec] [-l {yes | no}]

-s sec:

Specify the monitoring time in seconds. A value from 1 to 300 can be specified (note that the product of sec and time must be 300 or less). If the HUB-to-HUB monitoring is enabled, or when setting two monitoring destinations in a single physical interface configuration, set 2 seconds or more. If this option is not specified, the previous setting is enabled. Initially, 5 (seconds) is specified.

-c time:

Specify the monitoring count. A value from 1 to 300 can be specified (note that the product of sec and time must be 300 or less). If this option is not specified, the previous setting is enabled. Initially, 5 (times) is specified. When not using monitoring by ping command, the set value in this option is not used.

-f yes | no:

Specify the operation used when node switching occurs due to a line failure during cluster operation. If this option is not specified, the previous setting is enabled. Initially, "yes" is specified. (This parameter is enabled only when a takeover virtual interface is set for cluster operation.)

yes: Node switching is performed if a line monitoring failure occurs.
no: No node switching is performed if a line monitoring failure occurs.


Setting "no" restricts switching caused by an error occurred in transfer routes. This does not restrict node switching caused by other errors such as an activation failure for virtual interfaces.

-p sec:

Specify in seconds the wait time that should elapse after monitoring starts and before the HUB links up in NIC switching mode. A value from 1 to 300 can be specified. If this option is not specified, the previous setting is enabled. Initially, 60 (seconds) is specified. If the specified value is less than the monitoring interval multiplied by the monitoring count, the system ignores the specified link-up time and adopts the time obtained by multiplying the monitoring interval by the monitoring count.

-l yes | no:

Specify the task to be performed when the link of a running NIC in NIC switching mode is down. If you do not specify this option, the previous value will be used. The default value is "yes".

yes: NIC switching is immediately performed if HUB monitoring fails even once when the link of a running NIC is down.
no : NIC switching is not performed until HUB monitoring fails when the link of a running NIC is down.


  • In an environment where GLS is used on the host OS of the virtual machine function, the NIC link down cannot be detected by the link status monitoring function. This is because the link down is not notified to a physical interface bundled by GLS and connected via a virtual switch, even if the NIC link down of the host OS is detected by the link status monitoring function. Therefore, the line will be switched after an error is detected by the HUB monitoring function instead of by the link status monitoring function.

  • Link down is detected just after a failure by ping with the HUB monitoring function is detected. As with the HUB monitoring function, monitoring is started after the waiting time for linkup specified by the -p option elapses.

(7) off command

Use the off command to disable the HUB monitoring function. The following is the format of the off command:

/opt/FJSVhanet/usr/sbin/hanetpoll off

(8) devparam command


Use the "devparam" command to display the HUB monitoring parameters set for each virtual interface.

# /opt/FJSVhanet/usr/sbin/hanetpoll devparam
[ Standard Polling Parameter ]
 Polling Status         =  ON
         interval(idle) =   5( 60) sec
         time           =   5 times
         link detection = YES
 FAILOVER Status        = YES

[ Polling Parameter of each interface ]
 Name    intvl idle  time  -     link  Fover
 sha0        2    60     5   ---   YES    NO
 sha1        3    60     5   ---   YES   YES
 sha2      ---   ---   ---   ---   ---   ---



[ Standard Polling Parameter ]

The current status of the monitoring function.

[ Polling Parameter of each interface ]

Monitoring information that has been set for each individual virtual interface. If no setting has been made, '---' is displayed. Common monitoring information is used.


The name of a virtual interface to be monitored.


The monitoring interval in the stationary status.


In seconds the wait time that elapses after monitoring starts and before the HUB links up.


The monitoring count.
Monitoring count is not used if monitoring by ping command is not used.



NIC switching is performed when the NIC link down is detected.


NIC switching is not performed even if the NIC link down is detected until ping monitoring fails.



Node switching is performed when the virtual interface is registered in the cluster resource.


No node switching is performed.


To set the HUB monitoring parameters for each individual virtual interface, specify the virtual interface name by using the "-n" option, and then the desired monitoring parameters by using options such as "-s". The parameters you do not specify will be set to common monitoring defaults. If NICs are shared, the settings of virtual interface parameter that you made first will be used. To enable the settings, enable the monitoring again (execute the "hanetpoll on" command).

/opt/FJSVhanet/usr/sbin/hanetpoll devparam -n devicename [-s sec] [-c time] [-f {yes | no}] [-p sec] [-l {yes | no}]

-n devicename:

Specify the virtual interface name for which individual monitoring parameters are to be set.

-s sec:

Specify the monitoring time in seconds. For details about this option, see '(6) on command'.

-c time:

Specify the monitoring count. For details about this option, see '(6) on command'.

-f yes | no:

Specify the operation used when node switching occurs due to a line failure during cluster operation. For details about this option, see '(6) on command'.

-p sec:

Specify in seconds the wait time that should elapse after monitoring starts and before the HUB links up in NIC switching mode. For details about this option, see '(6) on command'.

-l yes | no:

Specify the task to be performed when the link of a running NIC in NIC switching mode is down. For details about this option, see '(6) on command'.


To delete the HUB monitoring parameters that have been set for each virtual interface, specify the virtual interface name with the "-n" option and specify the "-d" option.

/opt/FJSVhanet/usr/sbin/hanetpoll devparam -n devicename -d

-n devicename:

Specify the virtual interface name for which individual monitoring parameters are to be set.


Delete the individual parameter settings of the specified virtual interface.



(1) create command

The following shows an example of creating configuration information for monitoring two routers routerA and routerB on virtual interface sha2. The host name is assumed to be associated with the IP address in the /etc/hosts file.

# /opt/FJSVhanet/usr/sbin/hanetpoll create -n sha2 -p routerA,routerB

(2) copy command

The following is an example of copying monitoring target data defined in virtual interface sha0 for NIC switching mode into sha1. (By copying the configuration data of sha0 onto sha1, when sha0 performs failover operation, sha1 also fails back along with sha0).

# /opt/FJSVhanet/usr/sbin/hanetpoll copy -n sha0,sha1

(3) print command

The following shows an example of displaying the configuration information list of a virtual interface.

# /opt/FJSVhanet/usr/sbin/hanetpoll print

(4) modify command

The following shows an example of changing configuration information for monitoring two hubs hubA and hubB to hubA and hubC on virtual interface sha2. The host name is assumed to be associated with the virtual IP address in the /etc/hosts file.

# /opt/FJSVhanet/usr/sbin/hanetpoll modify -n sha2 -p hubA,hubC

(5) delete command

The following shows an example of deleting the monitoring destination information on virtual interface sha2 from the definition.

# /opt/FJSVhanet/usr/sbin/hanetpoll delete -n sha2

(6) on command

The following shows an example of starting the HUB monitoring function.

# /opt/FJSVhanet/usr/sbin/hanetpoll on

(7) off command

The following shows an example of stopping the HUB monitoring function.

# /opt/FJSVhanet/usr/sbin/hanetpoll off

(8) devparam command

The following shows an example of setting monitoring parameters for each virtual interface.

# /opt/FJSVhanet/usr/sbin/hanetpoll devparam -n sha0 -s 2