PRIMECLUSTER Global Link Services Configuration and AdministrationGuide 4.6Redundant Line Control Function
FUJITSU Software

7.6 hanetparam Command


hanetparam - Setting up the monitoring function for each redundant line switching mode


/opt/FJSVhanet/usr/sbin/hanetparam {-w sec | -m times | -l times | -p sec | -o times | -c {on | off} | -s {on | off} | -h {yes|no} | -e {yes|no} | -q sec | -r sec | -g sec}
/opt/FJSVhanet/usr/sbin/hanetparam print

[Feature description]

The hanetparam command sets up the monitoring function.


You can specify the following options:

< Valid options in Fast switching mode >
-w value

Specify the interval (value) for monitoring the communication target in Fast switching mode. A value from 0 to 300 can be specified. No monitoring is performed if 0 is specified in value. By default, 5 is specified. This parameter is enabled only for Fast switching mode.

-m value

Specify the monitoring retry count (value) before message output when the message output function for a line failure is enabled. A value from 0 to 100 can be specified. No message is output if 0 is specified in value. By default, no message is output. This parameter is enabled only for Fast switching mode.

-l value

Specify the cluster failover function.

Specify how many times (count) communication with the communication target can fail consecutively before cluster failover is performed. A value from 0 to 100 can be specified. No cluster failover is performed if 0 is specified in value. When performing Cluster switching, specify the number of repeatedly monitoring within the range between 1-100 for monitoring Cluster switching. The default is set to 5 (switch the Cluster if failure was detected on the entire transfer routes). This option is only available for Cluster operation on Fast switching mode.

-c value

When operating Fast switching mode on a cluster system and when an error occurred in all transfer routes at the activation of a userApplication, sets if or not to execute failover between clusters (job switching between nodes).
Specify "on" to value for executing failover between clusters (job switching between nodes) when an error occurred in all transfer routes at activation of a userApplication.
Specify "off" to value for not executing failover between clusters when an error occurred in all transfer routes at activation of a userApplication.
"off" is set to value as an initial setting value.

-s value

Specify if or not to output a message when a physical interface, which a virtual interface uses, changed the status (detected an error in a transfer route or recovery). A value possible to specify is "on" or "off". When specified "on", a message is output (message number: 990, 991, and 992). When specified "off", a message is not output. The initial value is "off". This parameter is valid only in Fast switching mode.

< Valid options in NIC switching mode >
-p value

Specify the interval (value) in seconds for monitoring paths between operation NIC and standby NIC when the standby patrol function is enabled. A value from 0 to 100 can be specified. No monitoring is performed if 0 is specified in value.
Do not specify 0 to this parameter when set a user command execution function (executing a user command when standby patrol detected an error or recovery). User command execution does not function if specified 0.
By default, 15 is specified. This parameter is enabled only for NIC switching mode.

-o value

Specify the monitoring retry count (value) before message output when the message output function for a standby patrol failure is enabled.
Specify the monitoring retry count (value) before message output. A value from 0 to 100 can be specified.
When specified 0, stop outputting messages and make monitoring by a standby patrol function invalid. Do not specify 0 to this parameter when set a user command execution function (executing a user command when standby patrol detected an error or recovery). User command execution does not function, if specified 0.
By default, 3 is specified. This parameter is enabled only for NIC switching mode. The number of constant monitoring is "a set value of this option x 2" immediately after the standby patrol is started.

< Valid options in Virtual NIC mode >
-q value

Specify the standby time in seconds from when the link status monitoring function detects a failure of the link status (link down) in a physical interface to when the transfer path is switched. A value from 0 to 60 can be specified.
If the network links up again within the time specified by this parameter after a link down is detected, the transfer path is not switched.
Note that a failure may be detected by the network monitoring function.
The default value is 0 (second).

-r value

Specify the time in seconds from when the link status monitoring function detects a recovery of the link (link up) in a physical interface to when it can be used as a standby NIC. A value from 0 to 60 can be specified.
By using this parameter to check the time specified by this parameter and continuation of the link up status, usage of a transfer path in the unstable state is suppressed.
The default value is 1 (second).

-g value

Specify the standby time in seconds from when a virtual interface is activated to when the link status monitoring function is started. A value from 1 to 300 can be specified.
If the value of this parameter is shorter than the time to link up a physical interface, the secondary path may be used on activation of a virtual interface.
The default value is 5 (seconds).

< Valid options in all modes >
-h value

If the host name is set using the virtual IP address, physical IP address, or monitored IP address, the host name should be changed to an IP address to use GLS. Enabling this option allows you to immediately change the host name for GLS just by referencing the /etc/hosts file without depending on the OS setting (nsswitch.conf). Disabling this option allows you to change the host name by using the DNS server or the /etc/hosts file, depending on the OS setting (nsswitch.conf).
As the initial value, YES (using only the /etc/hosts file to change the host name) is set.
On the virtual interface in Virtual NIC mode, however, only the /etc/hosts file is used to change the host name regardless of this option setting.

-e value

Periodically monitors the status of the GLS control daemon and the virtual driver, which enables the output of a message in the event of an error. Also, by enabling this option, monitoring is performed when GLS starts (when the system starts or "resethanet -s" is executed).

YES (monitoring) is set by default.


Outputs a list of settings.

The following shows the output format:

# /opt/FJSVhanet/usr/sbin/hanetparam print
[Fast switching]
   Line monitor interval(w)           :5
   Line monitor message output (m)    :0
   Cluster failover (l)               :5
   Cluster failover in unnormality (c):OFF
   Line status message output (s)     :OFF

[NIC switching]
   Standby patrol interval(p)         :15
   Standby patrol message output(o)   :3

[Virtual NIC]
   LinkDown detection time (q)        :0
   LinkUp detection time (r)          :1
   Link monitor starting delay (g)    :5

[Common Setting]
   Hostname resolution by file(h)     :YES
   Self-checking function(e)          :YES



Line monitor interval (w)

The setting for the transmission line monitoring interval.

Line monitor message output (m)

The monitoring retry count before message output when a line failure occurs.

Cluster failover (l)

The consecutive monitoring failure count before execution of cluster failover.

Cluster failover in unnormality (c)

Operation when an error occurred in all transfer routes at activating a userApplication.

Cluster failover in unnormality(c)


Cluster switching immediately occurs.


Cluster switching does not occur at activating a userApplication.

Line status message output (s)

With or without a message output when a physical interface changed the status.

Line status message output (s)


A message is output.


A message is not output.

Standby patrol interval (p)

The monitoring interval of the standby patrol.

Standby patrol message output (o)

The consecutive monitoring failure count before output of a message when a standby patrol failure occurs.

LinkDown detection time (q)

Standby time for link down detection

LinkUp detection time (r)

Standby time for link up detection

Link monitor starting delay (g)

Standby time for startup of link status monitoring

Hostname resolution by file(h)


Change the host name by using only the /etc/hosts file.


Change the host name based on the OS setting.

Self-checking function(e)


Enable the self-checking function when GLS starts.


Do not enable the self-checking function when GLS starts.

GLS: Global Link Services

[Related command]




< Example of Fast switching mode >

(1) Example of setting line failure monitoring interval

The following shows an example of using this command to perform monitoring at intervals of 5 seconds.

# /opt/FJSVhanet/usr/sbin/hanetparam -w 5

(2) Example of enabling or disabling the message output function used when a line failure occurs

The following shows an example of using this command to output a message if communication with the communication target fails five consecutive times.

# /opt/FJSVhanet/usr/sbin/hanetparam -m 5

(3) Example of setting the cluster failover function

The following shows an example of using this command to perform cluster failover if communication with the communication target fails five consecutive times.

# /opt/FJSVhanet/usr/sbin/hanetparam -l 5

(4) A setting example of the workings when an error occurred in every transfer route at the activation of a userApplication

An example of a command to execute failover between clusters when an error occurred in every transfer route immediately after activated a userApplication is as follows:

# /opt/FJSVhanet/usr/sbin/hanetparam -c on

(5) An example of setting with/without outputting a message when a physical interface, which a virtual interfaces uses, changed the status

An example of a command to output a message when a physical interface, which a virtual interface uses, changed the status is as follows:

# /opt/FJSVhanet/usr/sbin/hanetparam -s on

< Example of NIC switching mode >

(1) Example of setting the standby patrol monitoring interval

The following shows an example of using this command to perform monitoring at intervals of five seconds.

# /opt/FJSVhanet/usr/sbin/hanetparam -p 5

(2) Example of setting the message output function used when a standby patrol failure occurs

The following shows an example of using this command to output a message when communication with the communication target fails five consecutive times.

# /opt/FJSVhanet/usr/sbin/hanetparam -o 5

< Example of Virtual NIC mode >

(1) Example of setting the standby time for link down detection

The following shows an example of using this command to detect link down when the link down status continues for 3 seconds from occurrence of link down.

# /opt/FJSVhanet/usr/sbin/hanetparam -q 3

(2) Example of setting the standby time for link up detection

The following shows an example of using this command to detect link up when the link up status continues for 5 seconds from occurrence of link up.

# /opt/FJSVhanet/usr/sbin/hanetparam -r 5

(3) Example of setting the standby time for startup of link status monitoring

The following shows an example of using this command to prevent detecting link down at least 10 seconds from activation of a virtual interface.

# /opt/FJSVhanet/usr/sbin/hanetparam -g 10

< Example common to all modes >

(1) Example of the setting for changing the host name

The following shows an example of changing the host name by using only the /etc/hosts file.

# /opt/FJSVhanet/usr/sbin/hanetparam -h yes

(2) Example of the setting for self-checking function

The following shows an example of changing self-checking function.

# /opt/FJSVhanet/usr/sbin/hanetparam -e yes

(3) Example of executing the status display command

The following shows an example of displaying the settings made using the hanetparam command.

# /opt/FJSVhanet/usr/sbin/hanetparam print