PRIMECLUSTER Global Link Services Configuration and AdministrationGuide 4.6Redundant Line Control Function
FUJITSU Software

3.4.2 NIC switching mode

This section describes how to change the settings for the NIC switching mode. After changing the settings, you need to reflect the changes in the operations following some procedures. Note that the change distribution procedures vary depending on the command used for changing the settings, and whether the settings were changed in a single system configuration (no cluster is used), or in a cluster configuration.

Distribution Procedure

hanetconfig command



IP address to be assigned for the virtual or physical interface (-i, -e)



Virtual interface (-n)



Physical interface (-t)



Name of the virtual interface monitored by the standby patrol (-t)



hanetmask command



Subnet mask (-m)



hanetparam command



Standby patrol monitoring period (-m)



The number of constant standby monitoring (-p)



Hostname resolution (-h)



hanetpoll command



IP address to monitor HUB (-p)



Setting of HUB-to-HUB monitoring function (-b)



Monitoring period (-s)



The number of monitoring (-c)



Cluster switching (-f)



Link up waiting period (-p)



Link status monitoring (-l)



Network configuration of OS



Connection profile and configuration file of NetworkManager (/etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-ethX, /etc/sysconfig/network), hosts file(/etc/hosts) etc.



Procedure 1

Perform one of the following procedures after changing settings.

Procedure 1-1

Perform one of the following procedures after changing settings.

Procedure 2

Perform one of the following procedures after changing settings.

Procedure 3

Changed settings are immediately reflected in the operations after executing the command to change settings. No distribution procedure is required. However, when the setting is changed by "hanetpoll devparam" command, perform one of the following procedures.

Procedure 4

Changed settings are immediately reflected in the operations after executing the command to change settings. No distribution procedure is required.

Procedure 5

Perform one of the following procedures after changing settings.

Procedure 6

Make sure to reboot the system instead of manually restarting the network service.

Changing Procedure

The procedure to change the configuration information, and the configuration information and the other information at the same time is as follows:

  1. Stop the HUB monitoring function using "hanetpoll off" command. See "7.7 hanetpoll Command" for details.

  2. Deactivate a virtual interface to change using a "stphanet" command. See "7.3 stphanet Command" for details.
    This step is not required if the IP address to monitor HUB is changed by the hanetpoll command.

  3. Change the setup information and common parameter. (For changing monitoring period, the number of monitoring times, cluster switching, link up period, and link status monitoring, apply changes with "hanetpoll on" command.)
    See "7.1 hanetconfig Command," "7.5 hanetmask Command," and "7.7 hanetpoll Command" for details.

  4. Activate the deactivated virtual interface in procedure 2 using a "strhanet" command. See "7.2 strhanet Command" for details.
    This step is not required if the IP address to monitor HUB is changed by the hanetpoll command.

  5. Starts a function to monitor HUB using a "hanetpoll on" command.
    (For changing monitoring period, the number of monitoring times, cluster switching, link up period, and link status monitoring, apply changes with "hanetpoll on" command)
    See "7.7 hanetpoll Command" for details.

When changing only the parameter, change the monitoring period, the number of monitoring times, cluster switching, link up period, and link status monitoring with "hanetpoll on" command. For details, see "7.7 hanetpoll Command."

The following lists the information that can be changed for NIC switching mode. No information can be changed besides the information listed below. Delete the concerned definition and add it again.


  • In the cluster environment other than physical IP takeover II in RHEL7, ensure to specify the same IP address configured in "/etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-ethX" when specifying physical IP address by "hanetconfig" command using '-i' or '-e' option. If you specify different physical IP address, it disturbs communication using physical interface because this IP address will overwrite the physical IP address specified with "hanetconfig" command when activating the virtual interface. Do not set any value to IPADDR (IP address) in ifcfg-ethX in the cluster environment with physical IP takeover II in RHEL7.

  • For NIC sharing and tagged VLAN (synchronous switching), in a configuration in which several virtual interfaces share a single physical line, physical interfaces are also inactivated when the last virtual interface is inactivated using the stphanet command.

[Example 1]

The following shows the procedure for changing the monitoring destination of a virtual interface in single system operation.

  1. Check the setting.

    # /opt/FJSVhanet/usr/sbin/hanetconfig print
    [IPv4,Patrol / Virtual NIC]
     Name        Hostname        Mode Physical ipaddr   Interface List
     sha0   d     eth1,eth2
     sha1   d     eth1,eth2
    # /opt/FJSVhanet/usr/sbin/hanetpoll print
     Polling Status         =  ON
             interval(idle) =   5( 60) sec
             time           =   5 times
             link detection = YES
     FAILOVER Status        = YES
     Name    HUB Poll Hostname
     sha0       OFF,
     sha1       OFF,
  2. Stop HUB monitoring.

    # /opt/FJSVhanet/usr/sbin/hanetpoll off
  3. Deactivate the target interface. To change the monitoring destinations of sha0 and sha1, deactivate the virtual interfaces of sha0 and sha1.

    # /opt/FJSVhanet/usr/sbin/stphanet -n sha0
    # /opt/FJSVhanet/usr/sbin/stphanet -n sha1
  4. Change the monitoring destination.

    # /opt/FJSVhanet/usr/sbin/hanetpoll modify -n sha0 -p,
    # /opt/FJSVhanet/usr/sbin/hanetpoll modify -n sha1 -p,
  5. Distribute the changes. Because the "IP address of the HUB monitoring destination" was changed in a single system configuration, perform the "activate the target virtual interface" procedure or "reboot the system" procedure, or "execute the resethanet -s command" procedure according to Procedure 1. The following is an execution example in which the "activate the target virtual interface" procedure is used.

    # /opt/FJSVhanet/usr/sbin/strhanet -n sha0
    # /opt/FJSVhanet/usr/sbin/strhanet -n sha1
  6. Restart the stopped HUB monitoring. Note that if you performed a reboot or executed the resethanet command, you do not need to perform the following procedure because the monitoring is restarted automatically when GLS reboots.

    # /opt/FJSVhanet/usr/sbin/hanetpoll on


You need to specify the same monitoring destinations for the monitoring destinations of all virtual interfaces sharing the same NIC. Therefore, change all the monitoring destinations at once when changing them.

[Example 2]

The following shows the procedure for changing the virtual IP address of a virtual interface in cluster operation.

  1. Check the setting

    # /opt/FJSVhanet/usr/sbin/hanetconfig print
    [IPv4,Patrol / Virtual NIC]
     Name        Hostname        Mode Physical ipaddr   Interface List
     sha0   d     eth1,eth2
     sha1        -                p   -                 sha0
    # /opt/FJSVhanet/usr/sbin/hanethvrsc print
     ifname     takeover-ipv4    takeover-ipv6     logical ip address list
     sha0:65   -                -
  2. Stop the cluster operation and delete the setting for Gls resources from cluster applications.

  3. Stop HUB monitoring and the standby patrol.

    # /opt/FJSVhanet/usr/sbin/hanetpoll off
    # /opt/FJSVhanet/usr/sbin/stpptl -n sha1
  4. Delete the setting for the takeover virtual interface.

    # /opt/FJSVhanet/usr/sbin/hanethvrsc delete -n sha0:65
  5. Change the virtual IP address.

    # /opt/FJSVhanet/usr/sbin/hanetconfig modify -n sha0 -i
  6. Set the takeover virtual interface.

    # /opt/FJSVhanet/usr/sbin/hanethvrsc create -n sha0
  7. Create the Gls resource setting on cluster applications.

  8. Distribute the changes. Because the "IP address of a virtual/physical interface" was changed in a cluster configuration, perform a "reboot the system" procedure or "execute the resethanet -s command" procedure according to Procedure 2. The following is an execution example in which the system is rebooted.

    # /sbin/shutdown -r now

[Example 3]

The following shows the procedure for changing the monitoring destination of a virtual interface in cluster operation.

  1. Check the setting.

    # /opt/FJSVhanet/usr/sbin/hanetconfig print
    [IPv4,Patrol / Virtual NIC]
     Name        Hostname        Mode Physical ipaddr   Interface List
     sha0   d     eth1,eth2
     sha1        -                p   -                 sha0
    # /opt/FJSVhanet/usr/sbin/hanetpoll print
     Polling Status         =  ON
             interval(idle) =   5( 60) sec
             time           =   5 times
             link detection = YES
     FAILOVER Status        = YES
     Name    HUB Poll Hostname
     sha0       OFF,
  2. Stop the cluster operation.

  3. Stop HUB monitoring and the standby patrol.

    # /opt/FJSVhanet/usr/sbin/hanetpoll off
    # /opt/FJSVhanet/usr/sbin/stpptl -n sha1
  4. Change the monitoring destination.

    # /opt/FJSVhanet/usr/sbin/hanetpoll modify -n sha0 -p,
  5. Distribute the changes. Because the "IP address of the HUB monitoring destination" was changed in a cluster configuration, perform a "reboot the system" procedure, or "execute the resethanet -s command" procedure according to Procedure 2. The following is an execution example in which the system is rebooted.

    # /sbin/shutdown -r now

[Example 4]

The following shows the procedure for changing the HUB monitoring interval during single system or cluster operation.

  1. Check the setting.

    # /opt/FJSVhanet/usr/sbin/hanetpoll print
     Polling Status         =  ON
             interval(idle) =   5( 60) sec
             time           =   5 times
             link detection = YES
     FAILOVER Status        = YES
     Name    HUB Poll Hostname
     sha0       OFF,
  2. Change the monitoring interval.

    # /opt/FJSVhanet/usr/sbin/hanetpoll on -s 3