PRIMECLUSTER Global File Services Configuration and Administration Guide 4.6
FUJITSU Software

B.2.5 sfcgetconf(8) Make a backup of the management partition


sfcgetconf backupfile

sfcgetconf -a backupfile

sfcgetconf -i fsid [-i fsid]... backupfile

sfcgetconf -d device [-d device]... backupfile


The sfcgetconf command outputs next items to backupfile:

The contents of the sfcfsrm.conf file when the -a option is specified.

The output backup file contains the procedure for executing the sfcadm(8) command in the sh(1) shell script format.

Management partition recovery can be done using the script output by sfcgetconf after it is initialized with sfcsetup(8).


The following options can be specified:


Outputs the contents of sfcfsrm.conf to the first part of the backup file in the form of comments. (The output for no -a option will follow.)

-i fsid

Outputs only information about the file system corresponding to a specified fsid value and the procedure for executing the sfcadm(8) command that re-creates information on the management partition for that file system when this option is specified (not for all the file systems).

-d device

Specifies a path name of the block special file on the partition configuring the file system. When this option is specified (not for all the file systems), only information about the file system corresponding to a specified device, and the procedure for executing the sfcadm(8) command that re-creates information on the management partition for that file system, are output.


The following operands can be specified:


Specifies the name of the output destination file. When the output destination file already exists, backup is not performed.


When a backup of the entire file system is to be output to file sfccfg.bkup.1.

# sfcgetconf sfccfg.bkup.1 <Enter>

When the contents of the sfcfsrm.conf file are to be recorded at the head of the backup file, and the backup for the entire file system is to be output to sfccfg.bkup.2.

# sfcgetconf -a sfccfg.bkup.2 <Enter>

When backups of the file systems corresponding to fsid values 1 and 2 are to be output to sfccfg.bkup.3

# sfcgetconf -i 1 -i 2  sfccfg.bkup.3 <Enter>

When backups of the file system corresponding to /dev/sfdsk/gfs/dsk/volume1 are to be output to sfccfg.bkup.4.

# sfcgetconf -d /dev/sfdsk/gfs01/dsk/volume01 sfccfg.bkup.4 <Enter>



Environment file of sfcfrmd daemon


sfcadm(8), sfcsetup(8)


To enable the use of this command, the local node must be multi user mode.