Cloud Storage Gateway V1.3.0 User's Guide
FUJITSU Software

4.5.1 Cache I/O Performance

Cache I/O performance is displayed on the Cache I/O performance panel of the CSG Web GUI dashboard.
You can check the cache I/O performance to determine if the cache performance is creating a bottleneck when transferring to the cloud provider.

Figure 4.7 Example of Information Displayed on the Cache I/O Performance Panel

Cache I/O performance is displayed as a line graph in five minutes increments. The display range covers two days (fixed).
The light blue line graph indicates Cache I/O performance(Read), and the dark blue line graph indicates Cache I/O performance(Write).

If you focus any area on the graph, the date, time, and performance information is displayed for that tooltip on the graph.

Table 4.6 Displayed Items



Vertical axis

Displays the performance value.
The default range is 0 to 10 MB/s. If part of the performance data exceeds the default range, the range is automatically adjusted so that the entire performance data can be displayed.

Horizontal axis

Displays the date and time.
The time zone of the virtual machine where this product is running is used to display the time. The display period is fixed to two days.

Light blue line graph

Displays the Read throughput to cache when reading from shared folders.
The average value per five minutes is displayed by the graph.

Dark blue line graph

Displays the Write throughput to cache when writing to shared folders.
The average value per five minutes is displayed by the graph.