PRIMECLUSTER  Installation and Administration Guide 4.4
FUJITSU Software

L.3.4 Restoring the GDS Configuration Information

Restore the GDS configuration information to the copy destination cluster system.


When using the mirroring among servers, this procedure is unnecessary.

  1. Deletion of shared disk resources

    If shared classes are used in the copy source, delete the class and disk resources.

    Perform this setting on any node configuring a cluster system.

    1. Delete all class resources

      Example: Deleting class resource Class1

      #/etc/opt/FJSVsdx/bin/sdxdcrsc -R -c Class1
    2. Confirm the resource IDs of the registered disk resources.

      The resource IDs of the disk resources are the underlined portions of the entries for "SHD_DISK" and "DISK" in the following command output results.

      # /etc/opt/FJSVcluster/bin/clgettree
           SHD_DISK 35 SHD_Disk35 UNKNOWN
             DISK 37 sdag UNKNOWN fuji4
             DISK 153 sdw UNKNOWN fuji5
    3. Delete all the disk resources that were checked in Step 2.

      Example: The resource IDs of the registered disk resources are "35", "37", and "153".

      # /etc/opt/FJSVcluster/bin/cldelrsc -r 35
      # /etc/opt/FJSVcluster/bin/cldelrsc -r 37
      # /etc/opt/FJSVcluster/bin/cldelrsc -r 153
  2. Deletion of the GDS management information

    On all the nodes configuring a cluster, delete all lines that are described in the /etc/opt/FJSVsdx/sdx.udev file.

    # cat /dev/null > /etc/opt/FJSVsdx/sdx.udev
  3. Restart OS on all the nodes.

  4. Re-registration of shared disk resources

    If shared classes are used in the copy source, re-register the shared disks in the resource database.

    For details, see "2. Registering a shared disk" in the " Registering Hardware Devices."

  5. Change the physical disk name in GDS configuration files.

    If the physical disk names registered in the GDS class are different in the copy source and destination systems, use the "sdxconfig Convert" command to change the physical disk names in the configuration file to the physical disk names in the copy destination system.

    Example: Changing the physical disk described in the "/var/tmp/Class1.conf" configuration file from "sdb" to "sdc"

    # sdxconfig Convert -e replace -c Class1 -p sdb=sdc -i /var/tmp/Class1.conf -o /var/tmp/Class1.conf -e update
  6. Change of physical disk names in the Excluded List of GDS

    In environments using the Excluded List, if the physical disk names entered in the Excluded List are different in the copy source and destination systems, change the physical disk names to those entered in the Excluded List for the copy destination system. Perform this task on all the nodes.

    For details on the Excluded List, see "PRIMECLUSTER Global Disk Services Configuration and Administration Guide."

  7. Restoring the object configuration information of local and shared classes

    • If private slice data were copied

      # sdxconfig Restore -c Class1 -i /var/tmp/Class1.conf -e chkps
    • If private slice data were not copied

      # sdxconfig Restore -c Class1 -i /var/tmp/Class1.conf


    After restoring with the "sdxconfig Restore" command, shared classes become local classes.
    If the following message is displayed, take corrective measures with reference to "PRIMECLUSTER Global Disk Services Configuration and Administration Guide."

    ERROR: device: disk label is not matched with class class

  8. Restart OS on all the nodes.

  9. Change of the class attribute

    If the Class is a shared class, change the restored class from local class to shared class.

    Perform the following operation on the nodes on which you restored the class object configuration in Step 7.

    1. Stop the GDS volume.

      # sdxvolume -F -c Class1
    2. Change class attribute to shared class.

      # sdxattr -C -c Class1 -a type=shared,scope=fuji4:fuji5
  10. Preliminary setup for Gds resources used in RMS

    Perform the following operation on any node.

    # /opt/SMAW/SMAWRrms/bin/hvgdsetup -a Class1
  11. Start the GDS volume.

    If the GDS volume stopped in Step 9. includes any GDS shared class volumes which are not registered to RMS (e.g. classes used by GFS), restart the volume manually, since it will not start automatically at the time of starting the RMS.

    Example: Starting classes used by GFS (gsf and gfs01)

    # sdxvolume -N -c gfs
    # sdxvolume -N -c gfs01