Hot spare
When configuring ZFS storage pool using multiple GDS volumes, GDS hot spare function can be used by registering a GDS spare disk to a class where GDS volumes exist and the ZFS storage pool consists of the volumes.
ZFS hot spare function cannot be used. Do not add ZFS hot spare to a ZFS storage pool which is configured with GDS volume.
Snapshots (Snapshots by Slice Detachment and PRIMECLUSTER GDS Snapshot)
For the shared class and local class, snapshots of a volume to configure the ZFS storage pool can be created with the following conditions.
When backing up and restoring by using snapshots, it is applied to all volumes to configure the ZFS storage pool.
Create snapshots after exporting the ZFS storage pool and stopping the volume.
The volume of snapshots cannot be imported as the ZFS storage pool and also cannot be mounted and used as the ZFS file system.
Snapshots of a volume to configure the ZFS storage pool cannot be created in the root class. For details, see "A.2.10 System Disk Mirroring in a ZFS Boot Environment."
Importing the ZFS Storage Pool
If executing the zpool import command for the ZFS storage pool comprised of GDS volume, specify the path for the GDS volume block device special file using the -d option.
Example) Import the ZFS storage pool.
# zpool import -R / -d /dev/sfdsk/class_name/dsk storage_pool_name |
Example) Output a table of the ZFS storage pools comprised of GDS volume for which import is possible.
# zpool import -d /dev/sfdsk/class_name/dsk |
If using ZFS with the root class
Refer to "A.2.10 System Disk Mirroring in a ZFS Boot Environment."
If using ZFS with a shared class
It is possible to configure the ZFS storage pool using the shared class volume and use the ZFS file system as a PRIMECLUSTER switch file system. For details, refer to the "PRIMECLUSTER Installation and Administration Guide."
If using ZFS with a local class
After creating the local class volume and the ZFS storage pool, perform the following setup procedures before restarting the system.
Perform a setup such that the ZFS storage pool is automatically imported during system startup.
Create SMF service or the startup script by which the following command is to be executed.
zpool import -N -R / -d /dev/sfdsk/class_name/dsk storage_pool_name |
SMF service
Set up the dependency with other SMF service as follows:
dependency : svc:/milestone/fjsvsdx
dependent : svc:/system/filesystem/local
For details, see "How to create the SMF service" explained below.
Startup script
Place it to the /etc/rcS.d directory
If the iSCSI disk is being registered to the class where the volume which configures the ZFS storage pool belongs, create not SMF service but the startup script which is to be executed after /etc/rc2.d/S06sfdsk2.
Perform a setup such that the ZFS storage pool is automatically exported during system stop.
Create SMF service or the stop script by which the following command is to be executed.
zpool export storage_pool_name |
SMF service
Set up the dependency with other SMF service as follows:
dependency : svc:/milestone/fjsvsdx
dependent : svc:/system/filesystem/local
For details, see "How to create the SMF service" explained below.
Stop script
Place it to the /etc/rc0.d directory
If the iSCSI disk is being registered to a class where the volume which configures the ZFS storage pool belongs, create not SMF service but the stop script which is to be executed before /etc/rc0.d/K89sfdsk2.
If the setup detailed in steps 1 and 2 above are not performed, upon startup the ZFS storage pool will be under an UNAVAIL status, and it will become impossible to use the ZFS file system. For the troubleshooting method for when this phenomenon occurs, refer to the section "(1) After the system has been restarted, the ZFS storage pool status in a local class has become UNAVAIL." of "F.1.10 File System Related Errors."
How to describe the manifest file
How to describe dependency
<dependency name='XXXXX' grouping='require_all' restart_on='none' type='service'> <service_fmri value='svc:/milestone/fjsvsdx'/> </dependency> |
Set a unique name for name 'XXXXX' in the system.
Set 'require_all' for grouping.
How to describe dependent
<service_fmri value='svc:/system/filesystem/local'/>
</dependent> |
Set a unique name for name 'YYYYY' in the system.
Set 'optional_all' for grouping.
For not starting filesystem/local after the SMF service start failure, set 'require_all' for grouping.
How to describe a start processing
<exec_method type='method' name='start' exec='start_script_to_import_ZFS' timeout_seconds='nn'/> |
Set a path of the method script which imports a ZFS storage pool for exec.
Set timeout_seconds according to the system requirements.
How to describe a stop processing
<exec_method type='method' name='stop' exec='stop_script_to_export_ZFS' timeout_seconds='nn'/> |
Set a path of the method script which imports a ZFS storage pool for exec.
Set timeout_seconds according to the system requirements.
Samples of the manifest file and the method script
The following are the samples of the manifest file and the method script:
manifest file
/etc/opt/FJSVsdx/sample/svc/sdxzfs_local. xml
method script
When you copy the samples for use, modify the method script as shown below.
Change the GDS class name and the ZFS storage pool name described in the method script to the actual names.
Specify -N option when executing the zpool import command.
Place the manifest file and the method script, and then set the permission.
Examples when the path of the manifest file is /var/svc/manifest/milestone/sdxzfs_local.xml and the path of the method script is /lib/svc/method/sdxzfs_local
# chmod 0444 /var/svc/manifest/milestone/sdxzfs_local.xml |
Register the service.
# svccfg import manifest_file_name |
Update the service status.
# svcadm refresh service_name |
Export a ZFS storage pool.
# zpool export storage_pool_name |
Enable the service.
# svcadm enable service_name |
Check the status and dependency of the service.
# svcs service_name |
For details on how to create the SMF service and the start or stop script, see the Solaris manual.