Systemwalker Software Configuration Manager Operator's Guide
FUJITSU Software

2.9.2 Creating Configuration Modification Templates

This section explains the flow of creating a Configuration Modification Template. Create a Configuration Modification Template based on the information provided by the software vendor described in manuals. Definition of Template Information

Decide the information of a Configuration Modification Template. Specify the following information:




A template name. Specify a character string of up to 85 characters (excluding <, >, &, ", ', |, and ,). Names cannot be omitted.


The scope of the template. For dual-role administrators and infrastructure administrators, global is configured as the default value. Select the desired scope. For tenant administrators and tenant users, the scope is fixed to the tenant belonged to. Scopes cannot be omitted.


A description of a tenant. Specify a character string of up to 256 characters. Descriptions can be omitted. Definition of Process

Define the process to execute. Select the desired process from the following processes, and decide the order for execution. The same type of process can be selected multiple times. After this operation, specify a character string of up to 85 characters (excluding <, >, &, ", ', |, and ,) for the name of selected process. The name of the process type is configured as the default value. Process names cannot be omitted.

Process type


Server operation check

Checks the operational status of the business server. Use this process to check the operational status of a server before installation.

Script execution

Transfers the specified scripts to the business server, and executes them. Use this process for executing the installer.

Refer to "Creating Scripts and Specifying Commands" in the Operation Guide for information on the scripts that can be executed here.

OS restart

Restarts the OS of the business server. Use this process when restarting the OS after installing software on the OS that requires restarting after installation.

Command execution

Executes the commands specified for the business server. Use this process for executing the installer.

Refer to "Creating Scripts and Specifying Commands" in the Operation Guide for information on the commands that can be executed here.

File distribution

Distributes the files specified for the business server. Use this process for distributing the installer.

  • When files with the same names exist in the distribution destination, they are overwritten.

  • When the business server is Linux or Solaris, the access authority of distributed files is 644.

File collection

Collects files from the business server, and stores them in the specified directory of the admin server. For the storage location, specify a directory under the reference directory that is the standard storage location. Use this process when collecting execution results such as installation logs, etc.

  • When there is no directory for the storage location, one will be automatically created.

  • When files with the same names exist in the storage location, they are overwritten.

  • When the admin server is Linux, the access authority for the collected file is 755.

Reference directory for the storage location

The reference directories for the storage location are the following directories of the admin server. For details on how to modify the reference directory for the storage location, refer to "Changing the Reference Directory for the Storage Location" in the Operation Guide.




/var/opt/FJSVcfmgm/storagedir Work Directory

A work directory is the directory created for each job on the business server, when configuration modification is executed. There are the following features:


  • Note that the work directories are not deleted by command execution or by processing of script execution. If the work directories are deleted, configuration modification may not be executed correctly.

  • If the business server is not operating correctly when a job is completed, deletion of the work directory will fail. In this case, manually delete the following directories after a job is completed. Be careful not to delete a work directory for which a job has not been completed by accident.


    [Systemwalker Software Configuration Manager installation directory]\SWCFMGB\var\process\<Job ID>_<yyyyMMddHHmmss>


    /var/opt/FJSVcfmgb/process/<Job ID>_<yyyyMMddHHmmss> Definition of Setting Information

Define the setting information of the process. Define the following setting information values according to the process types. For values, specify the fixed value or a parameter. Definition of Parameters

Defines the parameter. A description using 256 or less characters can be attached to a parameter. Descriptions can be omitted.

For the parameter, specify the values when executing configuration modification from the Configuration Modification Template. The specifiable values differ based on the parameter types.

Parameter type



A server. Specify a server among the business servers for the value.


A file. Specify a file from among the assets for the value. The file can also be uploaded from the management console. In this case, the file size that can be uploaded is up to 2 MB. A file name using a character string of up to 255 printable ASCII characters can be specified.

Character string

A character string. Specify the desired character string. Empty strings can also be specified.

Numeric value

A numeric value. Specify a numeric value from "-2,147,483,648" to "2,147,483,647".

Truth value

A truth value. Specify "true" or "false" for the truth value.


A password. Specify the desired password using a character string. For the value, "****" is displayed. Empty strings can also be specified.

Specifiable parameter types for setting information

The following table shows the types of parameter that can be specified in the setting information. The parameter types that are not character strings can also be handled as character strings. When a server is handled as a character string, the IP address of the server used as the value is evaluated as a character string. When a file is handled as a character string, the name of the file used as the value is evaluated as a character string.

Process type

Setting information

Specifiable parameter type

Server operation check



Monitoring time

Numeric value

Script execution






Character string

Normal return value

Character string

Single-user mode


OS restart



Command execution




Character string


Character string

Normal return value

Character string

Single-user mode


File distribution



Distribution file


Distribution destination

Character string

File collection



Collection file

Character string

Storage location

Character string Advisory Notes when Creating a Configuration Modification Template to Perform Software Installation

This section explains advisory notes about creating a Configuration Modification Template to perform installation. Only software for which silent installation can be performed can be installed for configuration modification. Perform silent installation by executing commands or scripts according to the following advisory notes:

Software requiring restarting during installation

When the server must be restarted during installation, do so by executing commands or scripts after performing silent installation. When installing software that is automatically restarted during installation, use the following installation methods:

Software for which automatic restart during installation can be prevented

Perform silent installation preventing automatic restart by executing commands or scripts, and then restart the server.

Software for which automatic restart during installation cannot be prevented

Perform silent installation by executing commands or scripts. The last process of configuration modification must be command execution or script execution. When executing commands or scripts, perform silent installation asynchronously in order to recover the commands or scripts immediately after silent installation.

When using Windows, the commands can be executed asynchronously using Start-Process of PowerShell. OS standard start commands cannot be used. An example of the command to execute is shown below.


powershell -Command Start-Process -FilePath 'C:\wok\setup.exe'

Software for which the executing user must be specified during installation

When software requires installation using a user with Administrator authority or a domain user, perform silent installation after changing the executing user by executing commands or scripts. Based on the OS type of the business server, the executing user can be changed using the following methods:


Use PsTools provided by Microsoft. Distribute PsTools to the business server in advance, and then specify the command and user to use to execute PsTools. An example of the command to execute is shown below. For details on PsTools, refer to the information provided by Microsoft.


C:\tmp\PsExec.exe /accepteula \\localhost -u "cfmg.local\cfmgadmin" -p "systemwalker#1" "C:\work\setup.exe"


Use the OS standard su command. An example of the command to execute is shown below.


su - cfmgadmin -c /tmp/

Software for which a window opens during installation

When a window of Windows software is opened when performing silent installation, silent installation cannot be performed using commands or scripts. When executing commands or scripts, perform silent installation asynchronously in order to recover the commands or scripts immediately after silent installation.

When using Windows, the commands can be executed asynchronously using Start-Process of PowerShell. OS standard start commands cannot be used. An example of the command to execute is shown below.


powershell -Command Start-Process -FilePath 'C:\wok\setup.exe'