When BSORT function detect errors during execution, error detail codes are notified in errdetail of BSRTREC structure. The following section explains the detailed codes and its meaning set in errdetail.
Error detail Code | Definition value of error detail code | Meaning |
1 | BSERR_VL | |
2 | BSERR_LOAD | Error when loading PowerBSORT. |
3 | BSERR_DELETE | Error in an attempt to delete PowerBSORT from virtual storage. |
4 | BSERR_LMFAIL | License checkout failed. |
5 | BSERR_PRODUCT | PowerBSORT is not correctly installed. |
50 | BSERR_MEMSIZE | The specified memory size by bsrtopen function is too small. |
51 | BSERR_PASSMEM | Memory address range specified by bsrtopen function is not cleared by bsrtclse function. |
52 | BSERR_ALCMEM | Not enough PowerBSORT virtual storage working area is secured. |
53 | BSERR_MEMZERO | Bsrtopen function is not specifying the amount of virtual storage while specifying the address. |
54 | BSERR_MANYFILE | Too many input file paths specified by bsrtopen function. |
55 | BSERR_INFILETAB | Input file name table specified by bsrtopen function is invalid. |
56 | BSERR_BSRTPRIM | Error in BSRTPRIM information specified by bsrtopen function.
57 | BSERR_EXCLUSIVE | Functions mutually exclusive are specified.
59 | BSERR_KEYTAB | Error in key field.
60 | BSERR_SUMTAB | Error in summation field
61 | BSERR_DUPKEY | Key and summation field or the two summation fields are identical. |
62 | BSERR_UNSUPPORT | Unsupported option specified. |
63 | BSERR_SELTAB | Error in the selection field. |
64 | BSERR_RECONTAB | Error in the reconstruction field. |
65 | BSERR_FILESYS | The file system specified is not valid. Or, unable to load PowerBSORT file access library. |
66 | BSERR_SELSHRTREC | The selection field specified is not valid.
67 | BSERR_RCONSHRTREC | The reconstruction field specified is not valid.
68 | BSERR_OUTFILETAB | Error in output file table. |
69 | BSERR_BSRTOPT | BSRTOPT structure specified by bsrtopen function is incorrect. |
100 | BSERR_NOOPEN | Bsrtput, bsrtget or bsrtmrge function is in use before calling bsrtopen function. |
101 | BSERR_BSRTPUT | Bad usage in bsrtput function.
102 | BSERR_BSRTGET | Bad usage in bsrtget function.
103 | BSERR_BSRTMRGE | Bad usage in bsrtmrge function.
104 | BSERR_BSRTCLSE | Bsrtclse function is called in the middle of output process. |
110 | BSERR_NORECADR | There are no record address settings. |
111 | BSERR_RECLEN | Bad record length. |
114 | BSERR_NOTORDER | Input string for the merge option is not in line. |
115 | BSERR_OVERFLOW | The summation operation aborted due to overflow. |
116 | BSERR_SUMSHRTREC | The summation field specified is invalid.
117 | BSERR_NONLF | Line feed is missing at the end of record in text file. |
118 | BSERR_EXTSHRTREC | Record without key field is entered during inputting text record. |
119 | BSERR_SUMFIELD | Summation process will abort because invalid code was detected in field during text record summation. |
200 | BSERR_READFILE | Error occurred while reading record from file. |
201 | BSERR_WRITEFILE | Error occurred while writing record to file. |
202 | BSERR_FILEATTR | Bad file attribute. Failed to get file attribute. |
203 | BSERR_TEMPATTR | Temporary file attribute is invalid. Failed to get file attribute. |
204 | BSERR_FILEFORMAT | Bad file format.
205 | BSERR_SAMEFILE | Duplicate file path name.
206 | BSERR_RECFORM | Invalid record format.
207 | BSERR_FILERECLEN | Bad record length.
208 | BSERR_FILEOPEN | Error occurred when opening file. |
209 | BSERR_OPENMAX | Too many files are opened within process or system. Or the number of required temporary file exceeds the maximum. |
210 | BSERR_FILECLOSE | Error occurred when closing file. |
211 | BSERR_FILEIO | Data corruption due to media or software failure. |
212 | BSERR_TEMPSPACE | Not enough temporary file space. |
213 | BSERR_INCORE | Unable to perform in-core sort. |
214 | BSERR_TEMPCREAT | Unable to create temporary file. |
215 | BSERR_FILENONE | File specified for input or output does not exist. |
216 | BSERR_PERMIFILE | No permission to read the specified file for input. |
217 | BSERR_PERMOFILE | No permission to write to the specified file for output. |
218 | BSERR_PERMMFILE | No permission to write to the specified message file. |
219 | BSERR_PERMTFILE | No permission to write or read the specified temporary file. |
220 | BSERR_MSGSPACE | The message file size is insufficient. Output to the message file will interrupt. |
221 | BSERR_EXTRECLEN | Record length specified in bsrtopen function is invalid. |
222 | BSERR_STRFILEREC | When you specify ordinary file for input, record length cannot be omitted. |
223 | BSERR_CLSEARG | Bad bsrtclse function argument. |
224 | BSERR_WRITETEMP | Error occurred when writing to temporary file. |
225 | BSERR_READTEMP | Error occurred when reading temporary file. |
226 | BSERR_ENVAR | Environment variable setting is wrong. |
230 | BSERR_EUC | Unreasonable code is found in the key field. |
231 | BSERR_COBOL85 | File system error occurred. No library exists for specified file system. |
232 | BSERR_SYMLINK | The number of symbolic link found while checking path name exceeds MAXSYMLINKS. |
233 | BSERR_NAMELONG | File path name is too long. |
234 | BSERR_NOTDIR | A path prefix component is not a folder. |
235 | BSERR_ISDIR | The specified path is a folder. |
236 | BSERR_OUTNOSPC | Running out of space left on the output device. |
237 | BSERR_FILEBIG | The file size exceeded the limit of process or the maximum file size. |
238 | BSERR_LIBC | System call or library function error. |
250 | BSERR_LOGICAL | Error occurred in PowerBSORT operation. |
251 | BSERR_ALREADY_EXISTS | You attempted to create a file that already exists. |
252 | BSERR_BAD_DEVICE | The specified device name is invalid. |
253 | BSERR_IN_BAD_DEVICE | Device name for the specified input file is invalid. |
254 | BSERR_OUT_BAD_DEVICE | Device name for the specified output file is invalid. |
255 | BSERR_BAD_PATHNAME | The specified path is invalid. |
256 | BSERR_IN_BAD_PATHNAME | Path name for the specified input file is invalid. |
257 | BSERR_OUT_BAD_PATHNAME | Path name for the specified output file is invalid. |
258 | BSERR_BAD_UNIT | Unable to find specified device. |
259 | BSERR_IN_BAD_UNIT | Unable to find specified device for the input file. |
260 | BSERR_OUT_BAD_UNIT | Unable to find specified device for the output file. |
261 | BSERR_BUFFER_OVERFLOW | The file name is too long. |
262 | BSERR_IN_BUFFER_OVERFLOW | The input file name is too long. |
263 | BSERR_OUT_BUFFER_OVERFLOW | The output file name is too long. |
264 | BSERR_CANNOT_MAKE | Folder or file cannot be created. |
265 | BSERR_IN_CANNOT_MAKE | Folder or file for input file cannot be created. |
266 | BSERR_OUT_CANNOT_MAKE | Folder or file for output file cannot be created. |
267 | BSERR_CONNECTION_UNAVAIL | The device is not currently connected but it is a remembered connection. |
268 | BSERR_IN_CONNECTION_UNAVAIL | Device for the input file is not currently connected but it is a remembered connection. |
269 | BSERR_OUT_CONNECTION_UNAVAIL | Device for the output file is not currently connected but it is a remembered connection. |
270 | BSERR_DIR_NOT_ROOT | The folder specified is not a valid folder. |
271 | BSERR_IN_DIR_NOT_ROOT | The folder specified as an input file is not a valid folder. |
272 | BSERR_OUT_DIR_NOT_ROOT | The folder specified as an output file is not a valid folder. |
273 | BSERR_DIRECTORY | Invalid folder name. |
274 | BSERR_IN_DIRECTORY | The folder name specified as an input file is invalid. |
275 | BSERR_OUT_DIRECTORY | The folder name specified as an output file is invalid. |
276 | BSERR_DISK_CORRUPT | The disk device is damaged and unreadable. |
277 | BSERR_DISK_FULL | Not enough space on disk. |
278 | BSERR_DISK_OPERATION_FAILED | Disk operation failed while accessing hard disk even after retries. |
279 | BSERR_DISK_RECALIBRATE_FAILED | Reconfiguration operation failed while accessing hard disk even after retries. |
280 | BSERR_DISK_RESET_FAILED | While accessing the hard disk, a disk controller reset was needed, but even that failed. |
281 | BSERR_DRIVE_LOCKED | The disk is in use or locked by another process. |
282 | BSERR_IN_DRIVE_LOCKED | The disk specified as an input file is in use or locked by another process. |
283 | BSERR_OUT_DRIVE_LOCKED | The disk specified as an output files in use or locked by another process. |
284 | BSERR_EXTENDED_ERROR | Extended error occurred. |
285 | BSERR_FILE_CORRUPT | File or folder is corrupted and is unable to read. |
286 | BSERR_FILE_INVALID | The file opened is not valid at present because file volume is externally changed. |
287 | BSERR_IN_FILE_INVALID | The file opened is not valid at present because input file volume is externally changed. |
288 | BSERR_OUT_FILE_INVALID | The file opened is not valid at present because output file volume is externally changed. |
289 | BSERR_FILE_NOT_FOUND | Unable to find specified file. |
290 | BSERR_IN_FILE_NOT_FOUND | Unable to find specified input file. |
291 | BSERR_OUT_FILE_NOT_FOUND | Unable to find specified output file. |
292 | BSERR_FILENAME_EXCED_RANGE | File path name or extension is too long. |
293 | BSERR_IN_FILENAME_EXCED_RANGE | Input file name or extension is too long. |
294 | BSERR_OUT_FILENAME_EXCED_RANGE | Output file name or extension is too long. |
295 | BSERR_HANDLE_DISK_FULL | Disk is full. |
296 | BSERR_INVALID_DRIVE | Unable to find specified drive. |
297 | BSERR_IN_INVALID_DRIVE | Unable to find drive for specified input file. |
298 | BSERR_OUT_INVALID_DRIVE | Unable to find drive for specified output file. |
299 | BSERR_INVALID_NAME | Syntax error occurred in file name, folder name or volume label. |
300 | BSERR_IN_INVALID_NAME | Syntax error occurred in input file name, folder name or volume label. |
301 | BSERR_OUT_INVALID_NAME | Syntax error occurred in output file name, folder name or volume label. |
302 | BSERR_IO_DEVICE | Unable to process the request due to I/O device error. |
303 | BSERR_LOCK_VIOLATION | Process cannot access the file because a portion of it has been locked by another process. |
304 | BSERR_IN_LOCK_VIOLATION | Process cannot access the input file because a portion of it has been locked by another process. |
305 | BSERR_OUT_LOCK_VIOLATION | The process cannot access the output file because a portion of it has been locked by another process. |
306 | BSERR_NEGATIVE_SEEK | An attempt was made to move the file pointer before the beginning of the file. |
307 | BSERR_NET_WRITE_FAULT | Write violation over network. |
308 | BSERR_NETWORK_ACCESS_DENIED | Network access has been denied. |
309 | BSERR_IN_NETWORK_ACCESS_DENIED | Input file network access has been denied. |
310 | BSERR_OUT_NETWORK_ACCESS_DENIED | Output file network access has been denied. |
311 | BSERR_NETWORK_BUSY | The network is busy. |
312 | BSERR_NO_MORE_FILE | No more files exist. |
313 | BSERR_NO_NETWORK | The network is not present or not started. |
314 | BSERR_IN_NO_NETWORK | The network for the specified input file is not present or not started. |
315 | BSERR_OUT_NO_NETWORK | The network for the specified output file is not present or not started. |
316 | BSERR_NO_SUCH_ALIAS | The specified alias does not exist. |
317 | BSERR_IN_NO_SUCH_ALIAS | Alias for the specified input file does not exist. |
318 | BSERR_OUT_NO_SUCH_ALIAS | Alias for the specified output file does not exist. |
319 | BSERR_NO_VOLUME_LABEL | Volume in disk has no label. |
320 | BSERR_IN_NO_VOLUME_LABEL | Volume in input file disk has no label. |
321 | BSERR_OUT_NO_VOLUME_LABEL | Volume in output file disk has no label. |
322 | BSERR_NOT_CONNECTED | The network connection for the specified file could not be found. |
323 | BSERR_IN_NOT_CONNECTED | The network connection for the file specified as input file could not be found. |
324 | BSERR_OUT_NOT_CONNECTED | The network connection for the file specified as output file could not be found. |
325 | BSERR_NOT_DOS_DISK | Unable to access to the disk specified. |
326 | BSERR_IN_NOT_DOS_DISK | Unable to access disk for specified input file. |
327 | BSERR_OUT_NOT_DOS_DISK | Unable to access disk for specified output file. |
328 | BSERR_NOT_READY | Drive not ready. |
329 | BSERR_IN_NOT_READY | Drive specified for input file not ready. |
330 | BSERR_OUT_NOT_READY | Drive specified for output file not ready. |
331 | BSERR_NOT_SUPPORTED | The network request is not supported. |
332 | BSERR_IN_NOT_SUPPORTED | The network request for the specified input file is not supported. |
333 | BSERR_OUT_NOT_SUPPORTED | The network request for the specified output file is not supported. |
334 | BSERR_OPEN_FAILED | Cannot open specified device or file. |
335 | BSERR_IN_OPEN_FAILED | Unable to open device or file specified as input file. |
336 | BSERR_OUT_OPEN_FAILED | Unable to open device or file specified as output file. |
337 | BSERR_PATH_BUSY | The specified path is unavailable at this point of time. |
338 | BSERR_IN_PATH_BUSY | The path for the specified input file is unavailable at this point of time. |
339 | BSERR_OUT_PATH_BUSY | The path for the specified output file is unavailable at this point of time. |
340 | BSERR_PATH_NOT_FOUND | Unable to find the path specified. |
341 | BSERR_IN_PATH_NOT_FOUND | Unable to find path for the specified input file. |
342 | BSERR_OUT_PATH_NOT_FOUND | Unable to find path for the specified output file. |
343 | BSERR_PRIVILEGE_NOT_HELD | Client does not have sufficient privilege. |
344 | BSERR_IN_PRIVILEGE_NOT_HELD | Client does not have privilege against the file specified in input file. |
345 | BSERR_OUT_PRIVILEGE_NOT_HELD | Client does not have privilege against the file specified in output file. |
346 | BSERR_READ_FAULT | The system cannot read the device specified. |
347 | BSERR_REM_NET_LIST | Remote computer is unavailable. |
348 | BSERR_REQ_NOT_ACCEP | Network request was not accepted. |
349 | BSERR_SECTOR_NOT_FOUND | Drive cannot find the sector requested. |
350 | BSERR_RD_SECTOR_NOT_FOUND | Drive cannot find the sector requested to read. |
351 | BSERR_WT_SECTOR_NOT_FOUND | Drive cannot find the sector requested to write. |
352 | BSERR_SEEK | The drive cannot determine specified disk area or track location. |
353 | BSERR_RD_SEEK | Specified disk area or track location could not be determined while reading. |
354 | BSERR_WT_SEEK | Specified disk area or track location could not be determined while writing. |
355 | BSERR_SEEK_ON_DEVICE | Unable to set file pointer in the specified device or file. |
356 | BSERR_RD_SEEK_ON_DEVICE | Unable to set the file pointer in specified input file device or file. |
357 | BSERR_WT_SEEK_ON_DEVICE | Unable to set the file pointer in specified output file device or file. |
358 | BSERR_SHARING_PAUSED | Remote servers are paused or in start state. |
359 | BSERR_SHARING_VIOLATION | Unable to access because the file is in use by another process. |
360 | BSERR_IN_SHARING_VIOLATION | Unable to access because the input file is in use by another process. |
361 | BSERR_OUT_SHARING_VIOLATION | Unable to access because the output file is in use by another process. |
362 | BSERR_IN_TOO_MANY_OPEN_FILES | Unable to open input file. |
363 | BSERR_OUT_TOO_MANY_OPEN_FILES | Unable to open output file. |
364 | BSERR_UNRECOGNIZED_MEDIA | The disk media is not recognized. It may not be formatted. |
365 | BSERR_IN_UNRECOGNIZED_MEDIA | The disk media specified as input file is not recognized. It may not be formatted. |
366 | BSERR_OUT_UNRECOGNIZED_MEDIA | The disk media specified as output file is not recognized. It may not be formatted. |
367 | BSERR_UNRECOGNIZED_VOLUME | The volume does not contain a recognized file system. Please make sure that all required file system drivers are loaded and that the volume is not corrupt. |
368 | BSERR_WRITE_FAULT | Unable to write to specified device. |
369 | BSERR_WRITE_PROTECT | The media is write-protected. |
370 | BSERR_ACCESS_DENIED | Access denied. |
371 | BSERR_IN_ACCESS_DENIED | Input file access denied. |
372 | BSERR_OUT_ACCESS_DENIED | Output file access denied. |