PowerBSORT V7.0 User's Guide
FUJITSU Software

7.5.14 BSRTOPT structure

The BSRTOPT structure is a structure to specify the summation field, the selection field, the reconstruction field, and the number of skipping records.

typedef struct {
    BSPTR_BSRTSUM     sum_addr;
    BSPTR_BSRTSELE    sele_addr;
    BSPTR_BSRTRCON    rcon_addr;
    BSPTR_BSRTSKIP    skip_addr;

BSRTOPT structure member

In the following, it explains about the member of the BSRTOPT structure.


This specifies the address of BSRTSUM structure.
BSRTSUM structure defines summation field. When BS_SUM is specified for optionfunc of BSRTPRIM structure, BSRTSUM structure is effective. When BS_SUM is specified for optionfunc of BSRTPRIM structure, and the summation field is omitted, it will make an error.


This specifies the address ofBSRTSELE structure.
BSRTSELE structure defines selection field. When BS_SELECT is specified for optionfunc of BSRTPRIM structure, BSRTSELE structure is effective. When BS_SELECT is specified for optionfunc of BSRTPRIM structure, and the selection field is omitted, it will make an error.


This specifies the address of BSRTRCON structure.
BSRTRCON structure defines reconstruction field. When BS_RECON is specified for optionfunc of BSRTPRIM structure, BSRTRCON structure is effective. When BS_RECON is specified for optionfunc of BSRTPRIM structure, and reconstruction field is omitted, it will make an error.


This specifies the address of BSRTSKIP structure.
BSRTSKIP structure defines the skipped number of records. When the input file name is specified in BSRTFILE structure, BSRTSKIP structure is effective.