The bsrtclse function deletes the execution environment of PowerBSORT that the bsrtopen function constructed.
#include "bsrt.h" int bsrtclse (long int BSRTVL, BSPTR_BSRTFUNC func, BSPTR_BSRTPRIM prim, BSPTR_BSRTREC rec);
Function explanation
The function of the bsrtclse function is shown below.
The execution environment of PowerBSORT constructed by the bsrtopen function is deleted (releasing the work area and close of an I/O file and a temporary file and so on).
Dynamic link library (DLL) of PowerBSORT loaded in the bsrtopen function is deleted from the virtual storage.
When the bsrtclse function is called during the processing of the bsrtget function and bsrtput function, the processing is interrupted.
Parameter detail
In the following, it explains the parameter of the bsrtclse function.
This specifies version levels (BSRTVL) of PowerBSORT.
BSRTVL is defined in header file (bsrt.h).
This specifies func specified in bsrtopen function.
BSPTR_BSRTFUNC is a pointer of BSRTFUNC structure.
This specifies prim specified in bsrtopen function.
BSPTR_BSRTPRIM is a pointer of BSRTPRIM structure.
This specifies rec specified in bsrtopen function.
BSPTR_BSRTREC is a pointer of BSRTREC structure.
Return value
The return values of the bsrtclse function are as follows.
Return value | Meaning |
0 | This shows that the bsrtclse function ended normally. |
1 | This shows that the interruption of processing ended normally when the interruption of processing is directed.
-1 | This shows that an error occurred in the bsrtclse function. |
In the parameter of the bsrtclse function, there is no member that the user application should newly set.