Error messages are messages that notify regarding an abnormality that PowerBSORT has detected. After the abnormality is detected, processing is ended.
When E, W or I is specified for the following specification, the error message is output.
Environment variable BSORT_MSGLEVEL
-l option in bsort command
msglevel operand of -option option in bsortex command
msglevel of BSRTPRIM structure in BSORT function
The explanation form of the error messages is shown as follows.
Message text
Embedded variable
Embedded variable in the error message is shown as follows.
%s: Meaning of character string shown at position of %s
%d: Meaning of numerical value shown at position of %d
When embedded variable of two or more same types exists, the serial number is added to %s or %d.
Example) %s1, %s2, %d1, %d2
Cause of error
The cause of error is shown.
The operation of PowerBSORT is shown.
Action required by user
The user's action is shown.
The error messages are shown as follows.
Option (%s) is not specified.
Embedded variable
%s: Required option
Cause of error
This message is output in the following cases.
Although there is no Standard output option (-w), Output file option (-o) is not specified.
When COBOL file are specified, it is necessary to specify the record format (recform operand or Record format option (-Z)).
Processing is aborted.
Action required by user
Specify necessary option and try the operation again.
Exclusive options (%s1), (%s2) are specified.
Embedded variable
%s1: Option 1 that is mutually exclusive
%s2: Option 2 that is mutually exclusive
Cause of error
This message is output in the following cases.
You are specifying the sort option (-s), the merge option (-m), or the copy option (-c) at the same time.
You are specifying the suppression option (suppress operand or -u) and the record summation option (field operand of -summary or -g) at the same time.
You are specifying the copy option (-copy or -c) and other options (-summary, overwrite operand of -input, -u, -g, -r or -v) at the same time.
You are specifying the merge option (-merge or -m) and overwrite option (overwrite operand or -v) at the same time.
Processing is aborted.
Action required by user
Correct the specification of the option in an exclusive relation, and try the operation again.
Duplicate options (%s) are specified.
Embedded variable
%s: Option that duplicates
Cause of error
Duplicate options are specified besides those for fields.
Processing is aborted.
Action required by user
Correct the duplicate option and try the operation again.
Invalid option (%s) is specified.
Embedded variable
%s: Invalid option
Cause of error
This message is output in the following cases.
Processing is aborted.
Action required by user
Correct the wrong option and try the operation again.
Invalid value (%s) is specified.
Embedded variable
%s: Invalid option
Cause of error
This message is output in the following cases.
Specified record length (-z) is not a numerical value.
The value specified are those that are not permitted for this option.
Processing is aborted.
Action required by user
Correct the wrong option and try the operation again.
Syntax error (%s).
Embedded variable
%s: Character string that detected grammatical mistake
Cause of error
This message is output in the following cases.
Even though argument is required, none is specified.
You are specifying no argument option (e.g. -s, -m, -f, -u, -v) and option with an argument (e.g. -y, -z, -o) consecutively.
Processing is aborted.
Action required by user
Correct the format of specified option or operand and try the operation again.
The mistake is found in the key-field(%d) specification.
Embedded variable
%d: Incorrect field number
Cause of error
This message is output in the following cases.
Format is invalid.
You have incorrectly specified the key field (key_entry[%d] of BSRTKEY structure).
It exceeds the field length that is permitted in data format. Or the value is incorrect.
The field length specified exceeds the record length. Or no record length is specified.
Operation of the key field is incorrectly specified.
The data form that cannot be specified at the text file is specified.
Processing is aborted.
Action required by user
Correct the mistake and try the operation again.
The mistake is found in the summation-field(%d) specification.
Embedded variable
%d: Incorrect field number
Cause of error
This message is output in the following cases.
Format is invalid.
You have incorrectly specified the summation field (sum_entry[%d] of BSRTSUM structure).
Although BS_SUM is specified in optionfunc of BSRTPRIM structure, BSRTSUM structure is not specified.
It exceeds the field length that is permitted in data format. Or the value is incorrect.
The specified field length exceeds the record length. Or the record length is not specified.
The data form that cannot be specified at the binary file is specified.
The data form that cannot be specified at the text file is specified.
Processing is aborted.
Action required by user
Correct the mistake and try the operation again.
The mistake is found in the reconstruction-field(%d) specification.
Embedded variable
%d: Incorrect field number
Cause of error
This message is output in the following cases.
Format is invalid.
Although BS_RECON is specified in optionfunc of BSRTPRIM structure, BSRTRCON structure is not specified.
Unable to recognize construction information (rcon_consinf) specified. Or it is not specified.
You have specified a literal value (self) that is longer than the literal value (len) of bsort command argument (-e self.len typ).
You have specified a literal value (self-def) that is longer than the literal value (len) of bsortex command argument (-input reconst=self-def.len typ).
The data form that cannot be specified at the text file is specified for a literal value.
Processing is aborted.
Action required by user
Correct the mistake and try the operation again.
The mistake is found in the selection-field(%d) specification.
Embedded variable
%d: Incorrect field number
Cause of error
This message is output in the following cases.
Format is invalid.
You have incorrectly specified the selection field (sele_entry[%d] of BSRTSELE structure).
Although BS_RECON is specified in optionfunc of BSRTPRIM structure, BSRTSELE structure is not specified.
It exceeds the field length that is permitted in data format. Or the value is incorrect.
The specified field length exceeds the record length. Or the record length is not specified.
The true operation or the false operation or the link destination is incorrect.
Operation of the compared field is incorrectly specified.
The data form that cannot be specified at the text file is specified.
Processing is aborted.
Action required by user
Correct the mistake and try the operation again.
Invalid environment variable is specified.
Embedded variable
Cause of error
Invalid environment variable is specified.
Processing is aborted.
Action required by user
Correct the mistake and try the operation again.
The mistake is found in BSRTPRIM(%s) specified by the bsrtopen function.
Embedded variable
%s: Field name where error was detected
Cause of error
This message is output in the following cases.
Unable to recognize main option (function). Or it is not specified.
Unable to recognize record format (recform). Or it is not specified.
Unable to recognize option function (optionfunc).
Unable to recognize input output information (fileoprat).
Unable to recognize method of handing over record (recoprat).
Unable to recognize level of the message (msglevel).
Unable to recognize code system of the input file (cdmode).
Unable to recognize check mechanism (chklevel).
Unable to recognize operation of the key field (keyoption or keyoption2).
The numbers of files or strings are not specified for merge option.
When merge option, it is specified that the record is input from a standard input.
Processing is aborted.
Action required by user
Correct the mistake and try the operation again.
The mistake is found in BSRTFILE(%s) specified by the bsrtopen function.
Embedded variable
%s: Field name where error was detected
Cause of error
This message is output in the following cases.
The entry in input file (inpfile_tbl) is invalid.
The entry in output file (outfile_tbl) is invalid.
The entry in temporary file (tmpfile_tbl) is invalid.
The entry in message file (msgfile_addr) is invalid.
Processing is aborted.
Action required by user
Correct the mistake and try the operation again.
Key field and summation field positions, or summation fields positions are identical.
Embedded variable
Cause of error
This message is output in the following cases.
Key field and summation field are overlapping.
Summation fields are overlapping.
Processing is aborted.
Action required by user
Correct the mistake and try the operation again.
Invalid use for bsrtput function.
Embedded variable
Cause of error
This message is output in the following cases.
Although you specified to input from file, bsrtput function is issued.
After specifying BS_ENDDATA (end passing record) with bsrtput function, bsrtput function is issued.
Although the merge option is specified in bsrtopen function, bsrtput function only for the sort option is issued.
Processing is aborted.
Action required by user
Correct the mistake and try the operation again.
Invalid use for bsrtget function.
Embedded variable
Cause of error
This message is output in the following cases.
Although you specified the output to file, bsrtget function is issued.
Although BS_ENDDATA (end passing record) is not specified in bsrtput function (while passing record), bsrtget function is issued.
After PowerBSORT notifies the end of the record, bsrtget function is issued.
Although the merge function is specified in bsrtopen function, bsrtget function only for the sort option is issued.
Processing is aborted.
Action required by user
Correct the mistake and try the operation again.
Invalid use for bsrtmrge function.
Embedded variable
Cause of error
This message is output in the following cases.
Although bsrtopen function is specifying input and output file, bsrtmrge function is issued.
After PowerBSORT notifies the end of the record, bsrtmrge function is issued.
Although the sort function is specified in bsrtopen function, bsrtmrge function only for the merge option is issued.
A string number that is larger than the value specified in bsrtopen function is set for that of bsrtmrge function.
Processing is aborted.
Action required by user
Correct the mistake and try the operation again.
Record address is not specified in %s function.
Embedded variable
%s: bsrtput or bsrtmrge
Cause of error
This message is output in the following cases.
Record pointer is not specified in bsrtput function.
Although bsrtmrge function has not completed passing records, record pointer is not specified.
Processing is aborted.
Action required by user
Correct user application so that the record pointer is set. If all records are passed, revise user application so that BS_ENDDATA is specified.
Invalid record length is specified in %s function.
Embedded variable
%s: bsrtopen, bsrtput or bsrtmrge
Cause of error
This message is output in the following cases.
When fixed length record format, a record length that is different from the length specified by bsrtopen function is specified.
When variable length record format, a record length longer than maximum record length specified by bsrtopen function is specified.
Record length is not specified in bsrtopen function.
Record length for a fixed length records group was not integral multiples of the record length specified by bsrtopen function.
Processing is aborted.
Action required by user
Do one of the following.
Correct the user application so that the record length would be correct.
Confirm the maximum record length specified by the bsrtopen function is more than an actual maximum record length. If incorrect, correct the user application.
When detected by bsrtopen function, correct the user application to specify record length.
A necessary PowerBSORT working area cannot be secured.
Embedded variable
Cause of error
A necessary memory cannot be secured.
Processing is aborted.
Action required by user
Do one of the following.
Increase a specified value when you specify the memory size. If the amount of physical memory is small, you have to decrease the amount specified.
Confirm if there is enough available memory for PowerBSORT if calling from user application.
At least 32KB of memory is necessary for PowerBSORT.
Refer to the following for the specification of the memory size.
Not enough temporary file space.
Embedded variable
Cause of error
Disk space is detected to be insufficient while outputting data to temporary file.
Processing is aborted.
Message number 0175 or message number 0176 is output following this message.
Action required by user
Do one of the following.
If there is free disk space, define folder with free space as temporary folder.
If there is free disk space and temporary file path name is specified by bsrtopen function, increase the number of specified temporary file.
If there is no free space on disk, create free space by deleting unnecessary files.
Refer to the following for the specification of the temporary file.
Environment variable BSORT_TMPDIR
tmpdir operand of -option option in bsortex command
tmpfile_tbl of BSRTFILE structure in bsrtopen function
The temporary file cannot be created.
Embedded variable
Cause of error
This message is output in the following cases.
The mistake is found in the specification of the temporary file.
Virtual storage space or disk space needed to create temporary file is insufficient to automatically procure temporary file space.
Processing is aborted.
Action required by user
Do one of the following.
Confirm the specification of the temporary file.
Decrease the amount of virtual storage space used by PowerBSORT or user application.
Try the operation again when the load against the system is low.
Delete unnecessary files and create free disk space.
File(%s) does not exist.
Embedded variable
%s: Input file path name or output file path name
Cause of error
File path name for input or output file does not exist.
Processing is aborted.
Action required by user
Confirm the input or output file name.
Same file(%s) is specified.
Embedded variable
%s: File path name
Cause of error
This message is output in the following cases.
Although the same file is specified for input and output file, overwrite permission (overwrite operand of -input option in bsortex command, -v option in bsort command or BS_OVERWRITE of fileoprat in bsrtopen function) is not specified.
Same file is specified for input and output in the merge option and the copy option.
Same file is specified for input file and message file.
Same file is specified for output file and message file.
Processing is aborted.
Action required by user
Note that same file path name should not be specified.
Specify the overwrite permission (overwrite operand of -input option in bsortex command, -v option in bsort command or BS_OVERWRITE of fileoprat in bsrtopen function) when you specify the same file as input and output in the sort option. If you specify same file for input and output and encounter error during operation, you may not be able to restore file.
Invalid format of file (%s).
Embedded variable
%s: File path name with error
Cause of error
This message is output in the following cases.
The specified input file is not a usual file.
The specified output file is not a usual file.
The specified message file is not a usual file.
Variable length record format is specified but file system is omitted or standard file system of system is specified.
Processing is aborted.
Action required by user
Confirm file format and try the operation again.
Invalid attribute of file (%s).
Embedded variable
%s: File path name with error
Cause of error
This message is output in the following cases.
Both the variable length format and fixed length format are specified for input file in mixture.
The file specified for output has different format from input records.
The specified record format is different from the record format of the file.
The specified record length is different from the record length of the file.
The input file is making or updating it.
Processing is aborted.
Action required by user
Confirm file attribute and try the operation again.
Record length is not specified.
Embedded variable
Cause of error
This message is output in the following cases.
Record length is not specified.
The rec_len of BSRTPRIM structure is not specified.
Processing is aborted.
Action required by user
Do one of the following.
Specify the record length.
Specify the record length in rec_len of BSRTPRIM structure.
Error occurred during file (%s1) open.(%s2)
Embedded variable
%s1: File path name
%s2: Error code (Note) or error detail
To investigate the cause of the error, the following values might be set to the error code.
Refer to the manual of the file system for details of the error code.
file system | error code |
Standard file system of system | Extended error information that the CreateFile function sets |
NetCOBOL file system | Error code that the NetCOBOL file system sets |
Cause of error
This message is output in the following cases.
Ran out of memory when attempting to process open file in system.
Unable to extend space for parent folder.
Component for file path name is not a folder.
Unable to secure space for file.
File is in use by other process.
Data corruption occurred due to media or software failure.
Disk which file resides is not available.
If it is an indexed file, error exists in specifying index.
Processing is aborted.
Action required by user
Do one of the following.
If it is due to insufficient memory, reduce the amount of virtual storage space used by PowerBSORT or user application and try the operation again.
If it is due to insufficient disk space, create free space and try the operation again.
If the component of file path is not a folder, specify a correct file path name.
If the file is used in another process, try the operation again when the file is not used.
If the path name or the component exceeds the limit, specify a correct name and try the operation again.
There are too many files open in the system or in the process.
Embedded variable
Cause of error
This message is output in the following cases.
Too many files are open within process or system so necessary files cannot be opened.
The number of temporary files needed for sort option is too many.
Processing is aborted.
Action required by user
Do one of the following.
Reduce the number of input file if bsort command or bsortex command is in use.
If using BSORT function, close open files before issuing BSORT function.
If the number of files opened is too many, try the operation again when system load is low.
If the number of temporary file required for sort option is too many, expand the disk space specified for temporary file. If you are specifying temporary file using environment variable BSORT_TMPDIR, shorten the length of each folder path name.
Error occurred during file (%s1) close.(%s2)
Embedded variable
%s1: File path name
%s2: Error code (Note) or error detail
To investigate the cause of the error, the following values might be set to the error code.
Refer to the manual of the file system for details of the error code.
file system | error code |
Standard file system of system | Extended error information that the CloseHandle function sets |
NetCOBOL file system | Error code that the NetCOBOL file system sets |
Cause of error
This message is output in the following cases.
Memory is insufficient.
Data corruption occurred due to media or software failure.
Disk which file resides is not available.
Processing is aborted.
Action required by user
Reduce the amount of virtual storage space for PowerBSORT or user application and try the operation again.
Error occurred during the file (%s1) reading.(%s2)
Embedded variable
%s1: File path name
%s2: Error code (Note) or error detail
To investigate the cause of the error, the following values might be set to the error code.
Refer to the manual of the file system for details of the error code.
file system | error code |
Standard file system of system | Extended error information that the ReadFile function sets |
NetCOBOL file system | Error code that the NetCOBOL file system sets |
Cause of error
This message is output in the following cases.
Ran out of memory while inputting record from file.
Data corruption occurred due to media or software failure.
Disk which file resides is not available.
Processing is aborted.
Action required by user
Reduce the amount of virtual storage space for PowerBSORT or user application and try the operation again.
Error occurred during the file (%s1) writing.(%s2)
Embedded variable
%s1: File path name
%s2: Error code (Note) or error detail
To investigate the cause of the error, the following values might be set to the error code.
Refer to the manual of the file system for details of the error code.
file system | error code |
Standard file system of system | Extended error information that the WriteFile function sets |
NetCOBOL file system | Error code that the NetCOBOL file system sets |
Cause of error
This message is output in the following cases.
Ran out of memory while outputting record to file.
Unable to expand file space.
Data corruption occurred due to media or software failure.
Disk which file resides is not available.
Processing is aborted.
Action required by user
Do one of the following.
If it is due to insufficient memory, reduce the amount of virtual storage space used by PowerBSORT or user application and try the operation again.
If it cannot expand disk space for output file, create free disk space and try the operation again.
There is no reference permission in file(%s).
Embedded variable
%s: File path name
Cause of error
File without permission to read is specified.
Processing is aborted.
Action required by user
Do one of the following.
If file path name is incorrect, try the operation again after specifying the correct path name.
If no error exits in what you have specified, inquire administrator for permission to read.
There is no writing permission in the file(%s).
Embedded variable
%s: File path name
Cause of error
File without permission to write is specified.
Processing is aborted.
Action required by user
Do one of the following.
If file path name is incorrect, try the operation again after specifying the correct path name.
If no error exits in what you have specified, inquire administrator for permission to write.
The string was not sorted.
Embedded variable
Cause of error
The file or the string specified for the input of the merge option is not sorted in order of the specified key field.
Processing is aborted.
Action required by user
In the merge option, specify sorted file or sorted string.
Logical error occurred at PowerBSORT.(%s-%d)
Embedded variable
%s: Detected module name
%d: Error identification number
Cause of error
Logical error was detected.
Processing is aborted.
Action required by user
Contact technical support staff (SE) along with the error identification number.
If the detection module is "qha7tmpp" and the error identification number is "162", there is a possibility that the input file has been updated in other processes. Confirm whether other processes had updated the input file while processing PowerBSORT.
Selection field did not exist on the input record.
Embedded variable
Cause of error
This message is output in the following cases.
When entering variable length record, short record that does not include selection field was entered.
When entering text record, a record that does not include selection field was entered.
Processing is aborted.
Action required by user
Confirm the specification of the selection field.
Reconstruction field did not exist on the input record.
Embedded variable
Cause of error
This message is output in the following cases.
When entering variable length record, short record that does not include reconstruction field was entered.
When entering text record, a record that does not include reconstruction field was entered.
Processing is aborted.
Action required by user
Confirm the specification of the reconstruction field.
Unreasonable code is found in the key field.
Embedded variable
Cause of error
Undefined code is detected in the key field.
Processing is aborted.
Action required by user
Confirm the specification of the key field.
Error occurred in file system(%s).
Embedded variable
%s: Specified file system
Cause of error
The specified file system is not installed.
Processing is aborted.
Action required by user
Install the necessary file system.
The mistake is found in argument file.
Embedded variable
Cause of error
Quotation mark (') or double quotation mark (") is not used in pairs.
Processing is aborted.
Action required by user
Correct the mistake and try the operation again.
File path name(%s) is too long.
Embedded variable
%s: File path name
Cause of error
The length of the path name of the input file, the output file, and the argument file exceeds the value of PATH_MAX defined by the system.
Processing is aborted.
Action required by user
Correct the length of the file path name to PATH_MAX or less, and execute it again.
A path prefix component of %s is not a folder.
Embedded variable
%s: File path name
Cause of error
The path prefixes for input file, output file or argument file contain those that are not a folder.
Processing is aborted.
Action required by user
Correct the specified of file path name and try the operation again.
Specified %s is a folder.
Embedded variable
%s: path name
Cause of error
Folder is specified for output file.
Processing is aborted.
Action required by user
Correct the specified of output file and try the operation again.
No space left on the output device.
Embedded variable
Cause of error
The free space on the device was insufficient while writing to the output file or the temporary file.
Processing is aborted.
Action required by user
Allocate device that has sufficient free disk space and try the operation again.
File(%s) size exceeds the process's file size limit or the maximum file size.
Embedded variable
%s: File name
Cause of error
The file size of output file or temporary file exceeded the limit of file size specified for process in system or exceeded the maximum file size set by user.
Processing is aborted.
Action required by user
Decrease the size of the output file by using the record selection option.
Error occurred during system call or library function (%s)(%d).
Embedded variable
%s: System call or library function name
%d: Error number
Cause of error
Error occurred during system call or library function.
Processing is aborted.
Action required by user
When you can find out the cause by function name or error number, resolve the cause and try the operation again. If you cannot find out the cause, notify your technical support staff (SE) the function name and error number.
Error occurred during system call or library function (%s1)(%d) (path name:%s2).
Embedded variable
%s1: System call or library function name
%d : Error number
%s2: Path name
Cause of error
Error occurred during system call or calling library function.
Processing is aborted.
Action required by user
When you can find out the cause by function name, error number or path name, resolve the cause and try the operation again. If you cannot find out the cause, notify your technical support staff (SE) the function name, error number and path name.
Error occurred during PowerBSORT loading.
Embedded variable
Cause of error
Library for PowerBSORT may be moved since installation. Alternatively, file may be corrupted.
Processing is aborted.
Action required by user
Reinstall PowerBSORT.
Line feed did not exist on the record specified in %s function.
Embedded variable
%s: bsrtput or bsrtmrge
Cause of error
Line feed does not exist on the specified text record.
Processing is aborted.
Action required by user
Do one of the following.
Confirm the input record is a text form.
Confirm the record length specified by bsrtput function or bsrtmrge function.
Invalid record length is specified.
Embedded variable
Cause of error
This message is output in the following cases.
When entering variable length record, a record that exceeds the specified record length has been entered.
When entering text record, a record that exceeds the specified record length has been entered.
Processing is aborted.
Action required by user
Confirm the specification of the record length.
Invalid environment variable (%s) is specified.
Embedded variable
%s: Invalid environment variable
Cause of error
Invalid environment variable is specified.
Processing is aborted.
Action required by user
Correct the mistake and try the operation again.
The mistake is found in BSRTOPT(%s) specified by the bsrtopen function.
Embedded variable
%s: Field name where error was detected
Cause of error
This message is output in the following cases.
The option function (optfunc) cannot be recognized.
The output record position (outrecpos) cannot be recognized.
Processing is aborted.
Action required by user
Correct the mistake and try the operation again.
The mistake is found in record length after the input process.
Embedded variable
Cause of error
This message is output in the following cases.
When input reconstruction is not specified, the record length specified by input file groups is different.
When input reconstruction is specified, the record length after input reconstruction specified by the input file groups is different.
Processing is aborted.
Action required by user
Do one of the following.
If using input reconstruction option, try the operation again after specifying input file groups to use same record length after input reconstruction.
If not using input reconstruction option, try the operation again after specifying input file groups to use same record length.
License checkout of %s failed (%d).
Embedded variable
%s: Feature name
%d: Error number
Cause of error
License checkout failed.
Processing is aborted.
Action required by user
Confirm the license and try the operation again.
Synchronous option (%s1), (%s2) are not specified.
Embedded variable
%s1: Required option 1
%s2: Required option 2
Cause of error
Either of the two options required is missing.
Processing is aborted.
Action required by user
Correct the mistake and try the operation again.
Invalid conversion method between ASCII code and EBCDIC code is specified.
Embedded variable
Cause of error
Error exists in the specification of conversion method between ASCII code and EBCDIC code.
iconv operand of -option option in bsortex command
Character code system conversion option (-Q) in bsort command
altmode of BSRTPRIM structure in BSORT function
Processing is aborted.
Action required by user
Correct the mistake and try the operation again.
Invalid index creation method is specified.
Embedded variable
Cause of error
This message is output in the following cases.
Neither main nor sub key is specified.
Invalid index creation method is specified.
Processing is aborted.
Action required by user
Correct the mistake and try the operation again.
Index data type is not specified.
Embedded variable
Cause of error
Index data format is not specified.
Processing is aborted.
Action required by user
Correct the mistake and try the operation again.
Index creation method is not specified.
Embedded variable
Cause of error
Index creation method is not specified.
Processing is aborted.
Action required by user
Correct the mistake and try the operation again.
Invalid index length is specified.
Embedded variable
Cause of error
This message is output in the following cases.
The length of the index is 0 byte.
The length of the index exceeds the length that can be specified by the specified data format.
Processing is aborted.
Action required by user
Correct the mistake and try the operation again.
Invalid index order is specified.
Embedded variable
Cause of error
This message is output in the following cases.
In NetCOBOL or Micro Focus COBOL indexed file, descending order is specified.
Invalid index order is specified.
Processing is aborted.
Action required by user
Correct the mistake and try the operation again.
The mistake is found in the operation of the key field when the key field is omitted.
Embedded variable
Cause of error
When the entire record is assumed to be a key field, the operation of the key field in an exclusive relation is specified at the same time.
Processing is aborted.
Action required by user
Correct the mistake and try the operation again.
Invalid key type is specified.
Embedded variable
Cause of error
Invalid data format of the key field is specified.
Processing is aborted.
Action required by user
Correct the mistake and try the operation again.
Exclusive options, copy and summation/suppress/reverse are specified.
Embedded variable
Cause of error
This message is output in the following cases.
Record summation option is specified in copy option.
Suppression option is specified in copy option.
Descending order option is specified in copy option.
Processing is aborted.
Action required by user
Correct the mistake and try the operation again.
Invalid string number is specified.
Embedded variable
Cause of error
This message is output in the following cases.
The number of input files or strings is different in merge option.
Zero is specified for number of string in merge option.
Processing is aborted.
Action required by user
Correct the mistake and try the operation again.
Invalid check level is specified.
Embedded variable
Cause of error
Invalid check level is specified.
Processing is aborted.
Action required by user
Correct the mistake and try the operation again.
Invalid field separating character-string in the text file is specified.
Embedded variable
Cause of error
Record delimiter character is included in field separating character string.
Processing is aborted.
Action required by user
Correct the mistake and try the operation again.
Text field format is not specified.
Embedded variable
Cause of error
The method of specifying the field is not specified for the text file.
Processing is aborted.
Action required by user
Correct the mistake and try the operation again.
Invalid file system is specified.
Embedded variable
Cause of error
Invalid file system is specified.
Processing is aborted.
Action required by user
Correct the mistake and try the operation again.
Invalid message level is specified.
Embedded variable
Cause of error
Invalid message level is specified.
Processing is aborted.
Action required by user
Correct the mistake and try the operation again.
Invalid output line delimiter is specified.
Embedded variable
Cause of error
Invalid output line delimiter is specified.
Processing is aborted.
Action required by user
Correct the mistake and try the operation again.
Invalid record format is specified.
Embedded variable
Cause of error
Invalid record format is specified.
Processing is aborted.
Action required by user
Correct the mistake and try the operation again.
Record format is not specified.
Embedded variable
Cause of error
Record format is not specified.
Processing is aborted.
Action required by user
Correct the mistake and try the operation again.
Record format or text field format is not specified.
Embedded variable
Cause of error
Record format or text field format is not specified.
Processing is aborted.
Action required by user
Correct the mistake and try the operation again.
Invalid method of passing and receiving records is specified.
Embedded variable
Cause of error
Invalid method of passing and receiving records is specified.
Processing is aborted.
Action required by user
Correct the mistake and try the operation again.
Exclusive options, max output file size/max output record number and indexed file are specified.
Embedded variable
Cause of error
The max output file size or the max output record number is specified in indexed file.
Processing is aborted.
Action required by user
Correct the mistake and try the operation again.
Exclusive options, summation and suppress are specified.
Embedded variable
Cause of error
The record summation option and the suppression option cannot be specified at the same time.
Processing is aborted.
Action required by user
Correct the mistake and try the operation again.
First/last option is specified without summation/suppress function.
Embedded variable
Cause of error
The output of first or last record is specified without specifying record summation option or suppression option.
Processing is aborted.
Action required by user
Correct the mistake and try the operation again.
Same file(%s) is specified for output file and message file.
Embedded variable
%s: File path name
Cause of error
Same file is specified for output file and message file.
Processing is aborted.
Action required by user
Correct the mistake and try the operation again.
Same file(%s) is specified for output files.
Embedded variable
%s: File path name
Cause of error
Same file is specified for output files.
Processing is aborted.
Action required by user
Correct the mistake and try the operation again.
Invalid output file system is specified.
Embedded variable
Cause of error
This message is output in the following cases.
When the output file is text file, file systems other than the standard file system of the system are specified.
When the output file is standard output, file systems other than the standard file system of the system are specified.
Invalid output file system is specified.
Processing is aborted.
Action required by user
Correct the mistake and try the operation again.
Invalid input line delimiter is specified.
Embedded variable
Cause of error
Invalid input line delimiter is specified.
Processing is aborted.
Action required by user
Correct the mistake and try the operation again.
Invalid output file path name(%s) is specified.
Embedded variable
%s: File path name
Cause of error
Invalid output file path name is specified.
Processing is aborted.
Action required by user
Correct the mistake and try the operation again.
Invalid max output file size is specified.
Embedded variable
Cause of error
This message is output in the following cases.
The maximum file size specified is smaller that output record length (length after reconstruction).
Invalid max output file size is specified.
Processing is aborted.
Action required by user
Correct the mistake and try the operation again.
Invalid max output file size or max output record number is specified.
Embedded variable
Cause of error
The max output file size or the max output record number is specified in standard output.
Processing is aborted.
Action required by user
Correct the mistake and try the operation again.
Exclusive options, merge/copy and overwrite are specified.
Embedded variable
Cause of error
This message is output in the following cases.
I/O overwrite option is specified in merge option.
I/O overwrite option is specified in copy option.
Processing is aborted.
Action required by user
Correct the mistake and try the operation again.
Invalid input data code is specified.
Embedded variable
Cause of error
Invalid input data code is specified.
icode operand of -option option in bsortex command
Input code system option (-q) in bsort command
cdmode of BSRTPRIM structure in BSORT function
Processing is aborted.
Action required by user
Correct the mistake and try the operation again.
Same file(%s) is specified for input file and message file.
Embedded variable
%s: File path name
Cause of error
Same file is specified for input file and message file.
Processing is aborted.
Action required by user
Correct the mistake and try the operation again.
Same file(%s) is specified for input file and output file.
Embedded variable
%s: File path name
Cause of error
Same file is specified for input file and output file.
Processing is aborted.
Action required by user
Correct the mistake and try the operation again.
Invalid input file system is specified.
Embedded variable
Cause of error
This message is output in the following cases.
When the input file is text file, file systems other than the standard file system of the system are specified.
When the input file is standard input, file systems other than the standard file system of the system are specified.
Invalid input file system is specified.
Processing is aborted.
Action required by user
Correct the mistake and try the operation again.
Invalid input file path name(%s) is specified.
Embedded variable
%s: File path name
Cause of error
Invalid input file path name is specified.
Processing is aborted.
Action required by user
Correct the mistake and try the operation again.
Exclusive options, standard input and overwrite are specified.
Embedded variable
Cause of error
Standard input and I/O overwrite option are specified at the same time.
Processing is aborted.
Action required by user
Correct the mistake and try the operation again.
Input file path name is not specified.
Embedded variable
Cause of error
Input file path name is not specified.
Processing is aborted.
Action required by user
Correct the mistake and try the operation again.
Output file path name is not specified.
Embedded variable
Cause of error
Output file path name is not specified.
Processing is aborted.
Action required by user
Correct the mistake and try the operation again.
The mistake is found in input file system specification.
Embedded variable
Cause of error
The mistake is found in input file system specification.
Processing is aborted.
Action required by user
Correct the mistake and try the operation again.
The mistake is found in output file system specification.
Embedded variable
Cause of error
The mistake is found in output file system specification.
Processing is aborted.
Action required by user
Correct the mistake and try the operation again.
Invalid index data type is specified.
Embedded variable
Cause of error
This message is output in the following cases.
In NetCOBOL or Micro Focus COBOL indexed file, data format besides ASCII code and Unicode are specified.
Invalid index data type is specified.
Processing is aborted.
Action required by user
Correct the mistake and try the operation again.
Exclusive options, standard file system and variable-length record format are specified.
Embedded variable
Cause of error
Variable length record format is specified in standard file system of system.
Processing is aborted.
Action required by user
Correct the mistake and try the operation again.
Exclusive options, output record passing and indexed file are specified.
Embedded variable
Cause of error
Output record passing and indexed file are specified.
Processing is aborted.
Action required by user
Correct the mistake and try the operation again.
BSRTPRIM is not specified by the bsrtopen function.
Embedded variable
Cause of error
BSRTPRIM structure is not specified in bsrtopen function.
Processing is aborted.
Action required by user
Correct the mistake and try the operation again.
Key option is specified for binary file.
Embedded variable
Cause of error
The operation of key field for the text file is specified at the binary file.
Processing is aborted.
Action required by user
Correct the mistake and try the operation again.
Exclusive options, text file and EBCDIC input data code are specified.
Embedded variable
Cause of error
EBCDIC code system is specified for the code system of the input file at the text file.
Processing is aborted.
Action required by user
Correct the mistake and try the operation again.
The mistake is found in %s1(%s2) specified by the bsrtopen function.
Embedded variable
%s1: Structure name of which error was detected
%s2: Field name of which error was detected
Cause of error
Mistake is found in idx_flag of BSFILE_IDX structure.
Processing is aborted.
Action required by user
Correct the mistake and try the operation again.
Division of output file cannot be specified for one output file.
Embedded variable
Cause of error
When the division output of the output file by size of the maximum file or number of maximum records is specified, only one output file is specified.
Processing is aborted.
Action required by user
Do one of the following.
Specify multiple output files and try the operation again.
Delete the specification of the division output of the output file, and try the operation again
Exclusive options, -sort, -merge or -copy are specified.
Embedded variable
Cause of error
Either the sort option, the merge option or the copy option are specified at the same time.
Processing is aborted.
Action required by user
Correct the mistake and try the operation again.
Invalid operand (%s) is specified.
Embedded variable
%s: Invalid operand
Cause of error
This message is output in the following cases.
Strings that cannot be recognized as operand is specified.
Invalid operation of the key field is specified in key=ALL of bsortex command.
Processing is aborted.
Action required by user
Correct the mistake and try the operation again.
Not enough output file after %s specified for the output division.
Embedded variable
%s: Last file path name specified in output division
Cause of error
There is a record that cannot be output because the output file specified by the division output is few.
Processing is aborted.
Action required by user
Increase the number of files for output division and try the operation again.
Max output file size is specified with the file system which does not support it.
Embedded variable
Cause of error
The max output file size is specified in files other than standard file system.
Processing is aborted.
Action required by user
Correct the mistake and try the operation again.
Operand (%s) is not specified.
Embedded variable
%s: Necessary operand
Cause of error
Record length is not specified in reclen operand.
Processing is aborted.
Action required by user
Specify the necessary operand and try the operation again.
The mistake is found in the index-field(%d) specification.
Embedded variable
%d: Incorrect field number
Cause of error
This message is output in the following cases.
Error in position or length of the index field.
Error in data format of the index field.
Error in operation of the index field.
Processing is aborted.
Action required by user
Correct the mistake and try the operation again.
Attribute acquisition error of file(%s1). (%s2)
Embedded variable
%s1: File path name
%s2: Error number
Cause of error
This message is output in the following cases.
Error occurred by the attribute acquisition processing of the file.
The file that has opened NetCOBOL application program in a sharing mode is specified for an input file of PowerBSORT, and the standard file system of the system is specified for the input file system.
Processing is aborted.
Action required by user
Correct the mistake and try the operation again.
PowerBSORT is not correctly installed.
Embedded variable
Cause of error
PowerBSORT is not correctly installed.
Processing is aborted.
Action required by user
Reinstall PowerBSORT.
Temporary folder (%s) was used.
Embedded variable
%s: Temporary folder name
Cause of error
Disk space is detected to be insufficient while outputting data to temporary file.
Processing is aborted.
This message is output as addition information on message number 0025 following message number 0025.
Action required by user
Do one of the following.
If there is free disk space, define folder with free space as temporary folder.
If there is no free space on disk, create free space by deleting unnecessary files.
Temporary file (%s) was used.
Embedded variable
%s: Temporary file name
Cause of error
Disk space is detected to be insufficient while outputting data to temporary file.
Processing is aborted.
This message is output as addition information on message number 0025 following message number 0025.
Action required by user
Do one of the following.
If there is free disk space, increase the number of temporary files specified by the bsrtopen function.
If there is no free space on disk, create free space by deleting unnecessary files.
Key field is not specified.
Embedded variable
Cause of error
The specification of the key field is not omissible for text file CSV format or text file TSV format.
Processing is aborted.
Action required by user
Specify the key field and try the operation again.