PowerBSORT outputs the message corresponding to environment variable BSORT_EVENTLOG specification to the application log. Use and refer to the event viewer of the system attachment for the application log. Refer to the chapter of the environment variable for the message output when 'E', 'W' or 'I' is specified for environment variable BSORT_EVENTLOG. When 'YES' is specified for environment variable BSORT_EVENTLOG, the following messages are output. Refer to the explanation of each message for the cause of the error and the user's action.
Message number | Message |
0015 | The mistake is found in BSRTFILE(%s) specified by the bsrtopen function. |
0023 | A necessary PowerBSORT working area cannot be secured. |
0035 | Error occurred during the file (%s1) reading.(%s2) |
0036 | Error occurred during the file (%s1) writing.(%s2) |
0043 | Logical error occurred at PowerBSORT.(%s-%d) |
0081 | No space left on the output device. |
0085 | Error occurred during PowerBSORT loading. |
0102 | Invalid index creation method is specified. |
0105 | Index creation method is not specified. |
0106 | Invalid index length is specified. |
0107 | Invalid index order is specified. |
0134 | Invalid max output file size or max output record number is specified. |
0147 | Invalid index data type is specified. |
0153 | The mistake is found in %s1(%s2) specified by the bsrtopen function. |
0157 | Not enough output file after %s specified for the output division. |
0158 | Max output file size is specified with the file system which does not support it. |
In the application log that PowerBSORT outputs, "PowerBSORT" is set in the source and the message number is set to event ID. When the message number is 0001-0999, '0' that continues from the head of event ID is omitted.