NetCOBOL V11.0 NetCOBOL Studio User's Guide
FUJITSU Software

5.7 Vertical Ruler

Icons that represent set breakpoints, errors that have occurred during build, and other items are displayed on the vertical ruler in the left part of the COBOL editor window.

The COBOL editor supports the following display items:

Changing the display settings

To change the display settings of the vertical ruler:

  1. Select "Window" > "Preferences" from the menu bar. The "Preferences" dialog box appears.

  2. Select "General" > "Editor" > "Text Editors" > "Annotations" in the left pane. The" Annotations" page is displayed.

  3. Select a setting item from "Annotation types". The setting indicating whether to display the selected item on the vertical ruler can be changed, as well as the color used to display it.


Setting information is shared among editors; therefore, changing the settings in the NetCOBOL Studio Editor changes those settings in the other editors also.