Systemwalker Operation Manager  Installation Guide
FUJITSU Software

D.2.3 Changing the IP Address and Host Name of the Server Linked to Systemwalker Operation Manager

If you have changed the IP address and/or host name of a server linked to Systemwalker Operation Manager, you may need to change its definition on Systemwalker Operation Manager.

If you have changed the IP address and/or host name of the linked server, you must change the following items on Systemwalker Operation Manager.

Defining the Automatic Operation Support [Windows version]

If an SNMP trap is issued as an action to an event and if you have changed the IP address and/or host name of the trap destination server, you must change the definition.

To do so, select the event from the Monitored Event Table window. When the Action menu appears, select Define Actions. Then, select Action Definition and change the Host name of Trap Destination on the SNMP Trap sheet.

For details, see the section "Registering Actions" of the Systemwalker Operation Manager User's Guide.

If you are using this function and Systemwalker Centric Manager with together and if an SNMP manager exists on Systemwalker Centric Manager's Operation Management Server, you must change the definition by referring to the Systemwalker Centric Manager Installation Guide.