Systemwalker Operation Manager Troubleshooting Guide
FUJITSU Software

8.3.2 Remotely Powering Down the Client Using the poffcli Command Fails

Error message

0xB007: The Task Link Engine process startup request was not accepted.

Applicable versions and levels


Points to check


Action method

If the client Task Link engine was not started

The following methods can be used to start the client Task Link engine:

If the user that logged in to the client does not have power off privileges

Select Control Panel >> Administrative Tools >> Local Security Policy to display the Local Security Policy window. Select Local Policies >> User Rights Assignment, and add the user logged in to Shut down the system.

If the client specified in the parameter of the poffcli command is incorrect


Adding the host name and IP address to the hosts file

The method varies depending on the operating system, so use the appropriate one. The following example is for Windows(R) 2000.

[Windows(R) 2000]

Edit the hosts file in systemDirectory\system32\drivers\etc.

Add the host name and IP address to the hosts file from the line following the one on which " localhost" is written, in the following format:

ipAddress hostName (domainName)