Systemwalker Operation Manager Troubleshooting Guide
FUJITSU Software

5.3.2 Failed to Execute the Network Job (Error Message:MJS881S is Output)

Applicable versions and levels

Check all applicable actions below to resolve the issue.

Action 1

Error message

MJS881S jobname(<job number>) COMMUNICATION ERROR OCCURRED FOR <host name>,CODE(<code1>,<code2>)

<code2> depends on the schedule server operating system type, as follows:
  Windows versions: 274D
  Solaris versions: 0092
  HP-UX versions: 00ef
  AIX versions: 004f
  Linux versions: 006f

Points to check

Does the mjsnet port number match on the schedule server and the execution server?


If the mjsnet port number does not match on the schedule server and the execution server, the network job ends abnormally.

Action method

Ensure that the port number of mjsnet or mjsnetn (n is the subsystem number from 1 to 9) defined in the services file matches on the schedule server and the execution server.

To reflect the changes made to the port number of the execution server, the Job Execution Control service/daemon of the execution server must be restarted.


The port number default values when mjsnet is not defined in the services file are as follows:

  • Windows version V5.0L30 or earlier version levels: 28452

  • Windows version V10.0L10 or later version levels, UNIX versions: 9327

In Windows version V5.0L30 or earlier version levels, to describe the mjsnet definition on the final line of the services file, a line feed must be entered after the line on which mjsnet is defined.

Action 2

Error message

MJS881S jobname(<job number>) COMMUNICATION ERROR OCCURRED FOR <host name>,CODE(<code1>,<code2>)

<code2> depends on the schedule server operating system type, as follows:
Windows versions: 274D
Solaris versions: 0092
HP-UX versions: 00ef
AIX versions: 004f
Linux versions: 006f

Points to check

Has a request to execute a network job been made for a subsystem number for which an operation has not been performed on the execution server?


A request to execute a network job registered as subsystem number n (0 to 9) on the schedule server was made for the same subsystem number on the execution server. The port number used for communication is different for each subsystem number, therefore, if the operation is not performed for the same subsystem number n as the schedule server, a communication error occurs in the network job, and it cannot be executed.

Action method

Unify the subsystem numbers that perform the network job operation on the schedule server and the execution server.

Note that, when the schedule server is V10.0L10/5.2 or later and the execution server is V5.0L30/5.2 or later, the mjsnet port number (default: 9327/tcp) is used in all subsystem numbers, and the execution of network jobs with all subsystem numbers on the schedule server is requested for subsystem number 0 on the execution server according to the procedure shown below.

However, if this action is performed, network jobs with the same subsystem number cannot be executed.

  1. If the mjsnet1 to mjsnet9 port numbers are defined in the services file of the schedule server, delete the mjsnet1 to mjsnet9 port number settings.

  2. Restart the Job Execution Control service/daemon of the schedule server.

Action 3

Error message

MJS881S jobname(<job number>) COMMUNICATION ERROR OCCURRED FOR <host name>,CODE(<code1>,<code2>)

<code1>: 2 or 3
<code2>: Not fixed


This error occurs if software such as NetWorker uses a port number (default: 9327/tcp) also used by Job Execution Control.

Action method

Perform the "Action method" in Error message 5 "MpMjes: ERROR: 10110: mjsnetsv : Failed in the bind of port number <port number>/tcp." of "2.1.3 Systemwalker Operation Manager Error Messages are Displayed in an Environment in Which Networker, etc., Coexist".

Action 4

Error message

MJS881S jobname(<job number>) COMMUNICATION ERROR OCCURRED FOR <host name>,CODE(<code1>,<code2>)

<code1> depends on the execution server operating system type, as follows:
Windows: 3 or 4
<code2> depends on the schedule server operating system type if the execution server is Windows, as follows:
Windows versions: 2746
Solaris versions: 0083
HP-UX versions: 00e8
AIX versions: 0049
Linux versions: 0068
<code2> depends on the schedule server operating system type if the execution server is UNIX, as follows:
Windows versions: 274C
Solaris versions: 0091
HP-UX versions: 00ee
AIX versions: 004e
Linux versions: 006e

Points to check

Have many network jobs been submitted at the same time?


If many network jobs have been submitted at the same time, it may not be able to receive them sequentially on the execution server. The network jobs that could not be processed on the execution server end abnormally.

Note that the number of network jobs that can be processed on the execution server depends on the server performance.

Action method

Spread the timing at which the network jobs are submitted.


In Windows Server 2003 SP1 or later, this problem may occur because of a denial of service (DoS) attack. Refer to Microsoft Knowledge Base Article 324270 for details.

This problem may also be avoided by performing tuning according to the procedure on the following Microsoft website:

Action 5

Error message

MJS881S jobname(<job number>) COMMUNICATION ERROR OCCURRED FOR <host name>,CODE(<code1>,<code2>)

<code1>: Not fixed
<code2>: Not fixed

Points to check

Has a line error occurred between the schedule server and the execution server?


This problem occurs if a line error has occurred between the schedule server and the execution server.

Action method

Refer to the following manuals, and establish the cause of the line error from the meaning of <code1> and <code2> that are output.

Note that, in V13.0.0 or later, the retry behavior can be changed if a line error has occurred in the network job. Refer to "Defining the System Operating Information" in the Installation Guide for information on how to change the details.

Action 6

Error message

MJS881S jobname(<job number>) COMMUNICATION ERROR OCCURRED FOR <host name>,CODE(<code1>,<code2>)

<code1>: Not fixed
<code2>: Not fixed

Points to check

Is there a firewall between the schedule server and the execution server?


This problem occurs if communication in the port used by Systemwalker Operation Manager is not possible because of a firewall between the schedule server and the execution server.

Action method

Operations in environments in which there is a firewall between the schedule server and the execution server are possible by setting the firewall so that communication using the ports shown below is possible. Consider and verify these settings thoroughly before configuring them. Refer to "Listing of Port Numbers" in the Installation Guide for information on port numbers.