Systemwalker Operation Manager Troubleshooting Guide
FUJITSU Software

5.2.6 The Job Ends Abnormally with Code 243

Applicable versions and levels

Check all applicable actions below to resolve the issue.

Action 1

(V10.0L10/10.0 or earlier)

Points to check


A job in which the following halfwidth characters were specified in Job name in the Standard information tab of the Add/Change - Job window ended abnormally with code 243.

/ ? * ; , \ " < > | : ( ) ' .

Action method

Spaces, user-defined characters, and the following halfwidth characters cannot be specified in Job name, so take action by deleting these characters or using other characters (for example, fullwidth characters).

/ ? * ; , \ " < > | : ( ) ' .

For network jobs and Distributed Execution jobs, & cannot be specified either.

Action 2

Points to check


If the Systemwalker Operation Manager user restrictions have been set in the Define Operation Manager Shared Parameter window that is displayed by specifying Shared parameter in the Systemwalker Operation Manager Environment Setup window, jobs cannot be executed by unauthorized users.

Action method

The system administrator must allow the user to belong to the swadmin group, if the user should be allowed for operations. Note that the user must belong to the swadmin group as the secondary group, not the primary group.

Action 3 [UNIX versions]

Points to check


When the cluster system is installed and the environment is set up, a symbolic link is created on each node so that the resources that were migrated to the shared disk can be used on both the active and the standby nodes. This symbolic link may not have been created correctly.

Action method

Refer to the following manual, and create the symbolic link correctly.

Action 4

Points to check

*1: Effective user name in the Detail information tab of the Add/Change - Job window (10.1/V10.0L20 or later)


If the project owner or effective user has not been registered in the user information managed by the operating system, the job ends abnormally with code 243.

Action method

Register the project owner or effective user in the user information managed by the operating system.

Action 5

Points to check


If the number of jobs that can be submitted to the queue is incorrect, the job ends abnormally with code 243.

Action method

Refer to the following manual, and set an appropriate number of jobs that can be submitted to the queue.


To submit multiple jobs at the same time, increase the number of jobs that can be submitted to the queue. If the number of jobs that can be submitted to the queue is 1, only one job can be submitted to that queue. To submit multiple jobs at the same time, increase the number of jobs that can be submitted to the queue.

Action 6

Points to check


If there is insufficient available space for the disk on which the Job Execution Control spool directory exists, the job ends abnormally with code 243.

Action method

Increase the available space for the disk on which the Job Execution Control spool directory exists.

The spool directory is located as follows:

Action 7 [Windows versions]

Points to check


When antivirus software is used, the job may end abnormally because of a file conflict.

Action method

The job that ended abnormally was abnormal in the internal processing before it was executed, so take appropriate action by reexecuting the job.

Action 8 [Windows versions]

Points to check


If the domain controller was stopped or restarted while the job was running, user authentication processing to the domain controller error is output, and the job ends abnormally with code 243.

Action method

Do not stop or restart the domain controller while the job is running. Stop or restart the domain controller during a period when the job is not running.

Action 9 [UNIX versions]

Points to check


If the file system of the operating system is faulty, the directory may become a file. If the directory has become a file, the job ends abnormally with code 243, because Job Execution Control creates the file in the following directories:

Action method

Create the following Job Execution Control directories manually as owner: root, group: other, access rights: 777:

Example) Deleting file _inpt, and creating directory _inpt manually:

# cd /var/spool/mjes/mjespool
# rm _inpt
# mkdir _inpt
# chown root _inpt
# chgrp other _inpt
# chmod 777 _inpt

Action 10

Points to check

Is the error message "The job file is empty. Job not queued." output to Output Info in the Previous log tab of the Monitor - Job window?


The job for which an empty job file (file size: 0 bytes) was specified in Command in the Standard information tab of the Add/Change - Job window ends abnormally with code 243.

Action method

An empty file (file size: 0 bytes) cannot be specified in Command, therefore specify a correct job file.