Systemwalker Operation Manager Troubleshooting Guide
FUJITSU Software

5.2.7 The Job Ends Abnormally with Code 250 (1)

Error message

Unable to find the job file specified.

Applicable versions and levels

Action 1

Points to check

Is there a spelling mistake in the file name for the specified job file?


The file name for the specified job file is incorrect.

Action method

Specify the correct file name, and then submit the job again.

Action 2

Points to check

Has the job file been stored in the specified directory?


The job file does not exist in the specified directory.

Action method

Store the job file in the specified directory, and then submit the job again.

Action 3

Points to check


The directory in which the job file is stored has not been registered in the PATH environment variable.

The following directories are not searched when Systemwalker Operation Manager starts the job file:

Action method

Specify the full path of the job file in the Command field.

Specify the full path of the name of the directory in which the job file is stored in the Directory field.

Register the directory in which the job file is stored in the PATH system environment variable, reboot the operating system, and then submit the job again. [Windows versions]

Action 4 [Windows versions]

Points to check

Was a file name that contains an extension specified?


An extension (for example, ".exe" or ".bat") must be specified in the file name of the job file.

Action method

Correct the file name so that it includes the extension, and then submit the job again.

Action 5

Points to check

Did you try to execute a JCL file stored on another server?


JCL files stored on another server cannot be executed as network jobs.

Action method

Execute the batch file or script file as a network job, not as a JCL file.


The JCL file must be executed on the job submitter server. The JCL file cannot be executed on the execution server specified in Request host. Even if Transmission of execution command is selected, it will be ignored.

Action 6

Points to check

Has Transmission of execution command in the Standard information tab of the Add/Change - Job window (V10.0L10/10.0 or earlier) or the Detail information tab of the Add/Change - Job window (V10.0L20/10.1 or later) been selected?


For a network job, there is no need to select Transmission of execution command to execute the job file stored on the execution server.

Action method

Clear Transmission of execution command.

Action 7

Points to check

Does the specified path contain space characters?

Action method

Take action using one of the following methods: