Systemwalker Operation Manager Troubleshooting Guide
FUJITSU Software

4.16.11 The Message " Run-time error '35602':key not unique in collection." is Displayed when Jobscheduler is Opened

Error message

Run-time error '35602':key not unique in collection.

Applicable versions and levels


Points to check

Was the policy distributed between servers with different language types? [UNIX versions]

If the error occurred during a normal operation in which policies are not applied, was the schedule information file (<project name>.dbx file (*1)) corrupted?

*1: In V13.3.0 or later, the schedule information file is "<project name>.dbz ".


The schedule information file is corrupt, or the policy was distributed between servers with different language types [UNIX versions].

Action method

If the error occurred because the policy was applied, extract/distribute/apply the policy again.

If the policy was distributed between servers with different language types, execute the jobschconvert command to perform the code conversion [UNIX versions].

If the error occurred during a normal operation, restore from the backed up information.