Systemwalker Operation Manager Troubleshooting Guide
FUJITSU Software

4.14.3 The Error Message "iconv() ..." is Displayed, as in "iconv() Illegal byte sequence", and "iconv() Invalid Argument" [UNIX Versions]

Error message

MpJobsch:ERROR: iconv() XXXXX

XXXXX: Optional string Typical strings are shown below:
 - Incorrect byte sequence
 - Incorrect argument
 - Invalid byte string

Applicable versions and levels


Points to check

At the applicable message output time, check the following output results for the job that you tried to display:

Action method

Ensure that the job does not output the results as described above.

If the above output absolutely must be performed, refer to the following files to reference the output result:

<jobscheduler database directory>/<project name>_<job net name>.log (*1)
*1: In V13.3.0 or later, the file name is <project name>_<job name>_<nn>.log (nn is any number)

From the beginning of the string to the halfwidth space (maximum 4 bytes) in the above file is used as the Jobscheduler internal information. Thereafter is output as the output result of the job.