Systemwalker Operation Manager Troubleshooting Guide
FUJITSU Software

4.14.2 A Jobscheduler Error Message is Displayed in the Event Log [Windows Versions]/SYSLOG [UNIX Versions]

Error message

One of the following messages is output:

Applicable versions and levels



An error occurred in communication between the Jobscheduler service/daemon and the Systemwalker Operation Manager client.

The reason for the communication error (the reason for the error in the TCP/IP socket level) is described in the error message that is output after the error.

A typical inherited error message that is output is as follows:

The main cause in each case is that the socket was illegally disconnected, or that the Systemwalker Operation Manager client was not stopped normally.

Action method

As the system action, the socket that was illegally disconnected will be correctly handled, therefore no action is required by the operator for this error message. However, if this message is output frequently, the following is possible, therefore, you should review operation.