Systemwalker Operation Manager Troubleshooting Guide
FUJITSU Software

4.12.1 When the Job Properties are Referenced in the Monitor Job Net window, "system error" is Displayed [UNIX Versions]

Error message

The following message is output to the SYSLOG:

MpJobsch:ERROR: iconv() XXXXX

XXXXX: Optional string. Typical strings are shown below:
 - Incorrect byte sequence
 - Incorrect argument
 - Invalid byte string

Applicable versions and levels


Points to check

Were illegal characters (such as binary code) mixed with the other characters in the standard output/standard error output (stdout/stderr) of the job itself, so that the character type could not be determined?


Jobscheduler automatically determines the character type (EUC, SJIS) of the character encoding output to the previous job log, and transfers the information in the previous job log after converting the information to a character type (SJIS) that can be displayed in the client. If illegal characters (such as binary code) are mixed with the other characters in the standard output/standard error output (stdout/stderr) of the job itself, so that the character type cannot be determined, an error may occur when the iconv function is executed, and it may not be possible to display the job properties.

Action method

Refer to the content of the previous job log, and ensure that garbled character encoding is not mixed with the other encoding.

The file names to be checked are <project name>_<job net name>.log (in V13.3.0 or later, this is <project name>_<job net name>_<nn>log, where <nn> is a number) in the Jobscheduler database directory.

Ensure not to output unconvertible character codes to the job output results.