Systemwalker Operation Manager Troubleshooting Guide
FUJITSU Software

4.9.7 The Calendar was Changed using the jobschsethol Command, but All Holidays outside the Part that was Changed Disappear

Applicable versions and levels



The jobschsethol command updates all holiday calendars by overwriting them. For this reason, all days for which a holiday is not specified will be working days.

Action method

To reflect the holiday before the update using the jobschsethol command, register the date before the update in the holiday information control statement, or, after executing the jobschsethol command, set the holiday individually in the Systemwalker Operation Manager client.


If the holiday calendar is changed, the job net startup day will be created again (*1), which may cause a problem such as the job net starting on an unintended day, or not starting on the day on which it should start. When updating a holiday calendar, note the effect this may have on the operation.

*1: In versions of V5.0L30/5.2 or later, even if the holiday calendar is changed in the startup parameter settings, an option is provided that can suppress the creation of the startup day.

Refer to the following manual.

  • Use function2 tab in the Define Jobscheduler Startup Parameters window in the Online Help