Systemwalker Operation Manager Troubleshooting Guide
FUJITSU Software

4.9.5 The Jobscheduler Command/API Called from the User Application does not Work Normally

Applicable versions and levels

Action 1

Points to check

After the user application closed the standard output or standard error output, was a command or API called?

Action method

After the user application closed the standard output or standard error output, a command or API should not be called. If the Jobscheduler command or API is started in a state where the standard output or standard error output was closed, it may destroy the Jobscheduler database, so the job net definition may be lost.

Action 2

Points to check

Was the user application executed from a multithreaded environment?


The Jobscheduler API is thread-unsafe (that is, it cannot be used by multiple threads at the same time). In a multithreaded environment, if the API is running at the same time, it may destroy the Jobscheduler database, so the job net definition may be lost.

Action method

To start the Jobscheduler API from a user application, it must not be executed from a multithreaded environment.

For example, when using Java, if the API is executed on the same Java VM from an application that runs on multiple instances, it may cause the API to run on multiple threads. In this case, take action by reducing the number of instances running on the VM to one, or create the API execution part as an external command, so that the external command will be called from Java.