This manual explains messages written by the WINCOB and compile commands, the COBOL compiler, and the COBOL runtime system. The messages listed are:
Messages Output by WINCOB and Compile Commands (*1)
Messages Produced by the COBOL Compiler
Messages Produced by the COBOL Runtime System
Messages Produced by the COBOL Error Report (*2)
System Error Codes
SCODE Format Error Codes
File System Error Codes (when used by other products)
For Messages with prefix "JMWnnnnI" that are written by the COBOL Error Report, refer to the "NetCOBOL Debugging Guide".
*1: WINCOB is a function that is specific to [Win32].
*2: COBOL Error Report is a function that is specific to [Win32] and [Winx64]
How this Manual is Organized
This manual consists of the following chapters and appendices:
Chapter | Contents |
Details of the WINCOB messages and Compile Commands messages. | |
Details of the COBOL Compiler messages. | |
Details of the COBOL Runtime System. | |
Details of the COBOL Error Report. | |
Details of the System Error Codes. | |
Details of the SCODE Format Error Codes. | |
Details of the File System Error Codes. | |
Notes. |
Conventions Used in this Manual
This manual uses the following typographic conventions.
Example of Convention | Description |
setup | Characters you enter appear in bold. |
Program-name | Underlined text indicates a placeholder for information you supply. |
ENTER | Small capital letters are used for the name of keys and key sequences such as ENTER and CTRL+R. A plus sign (+) indicates a combination of keys. |
... | Ellipses indicate the item immediately preceding can be specified repeatedly. |
Edit, Literal | Names of pull down menus and options appear with the initial letter capitalized. |
[def] | Indicates that the enclosed item may be omitted. |
{ABC|DEF} | Indicates that one of the enclosed items (delimited by |) is to be selected. If items are omitted, the underlined item is assumed. |
CHECK WITH PASCAL LINKAGE ALL PARAGRAPH-ID COBOL ALL | Commands, statements, clauses, and options you enter or select appear in uppercase. Program section names and some proper names also appear in uppercase. Defaults are underlined. |
The sheet acts as an application creation window. | Italics are occasionally used for emphasis. |
"COBOL Language Reference" Refer to "Compile Options" in Chapter 5. | References to other publications or sections within publications are in quotation marks. |
We have tried to make all of our examples position-sensitive. However, given the restrictions of the size of the page, in some examples we have not been able to accomplish this. You should be aware that NetCOBOL is a position-sensitive language, unless you specify that your source is free format by using the SRF compiler option.
The term national language or national in this manual indicates double byte character languages, such as Japanese, Korean, or Chinese. Functions that are only available in the national language version of this system are indicated by [*XXXXXX*].
Product Names
Product names are abbreviated in this manual as follows:
Product Name | Abbreviation |
Microsoft(R) Windows Server(R) 2012 R2 Datacenter Microsoft(R) Windows Server(R) 2012 R2 Standard Microsoft(R) Windows Server(R) 2012 R2 Essentials Microsoft(R) Windows Server(R) 2012 R2 Foundation | Windows Server 2012 R2 |
Microsoft(R) Windows Server(R) 2012 Datacenter Microsoft(R) Windows Server(R) 2012 Standard Microsoft(R) Windows Server(R) 2012 Essentials Microsoft(R) Windows Server(R) 2012 Foundation | Windows Server 2012 |
Microsoft(R) Windows Server(R) 2008 R2 Standard Microsoft(R) Windows Server(R) 2008 R2 Enterprise Microsoft(R) Windows Server(R) 2008 R2 Foundation Microsoft(R) Windows Server(R) 2008 R2 Datacenter | Windows Server 2008 R2 |
Microsoft(R) Windows Server(R) 2008 Foundation Microsoft(R) Windows Server(R) 2008 Standard Microsoft(R) Windows Server(R) 2008 Standard without Hyper-V(TM) Microsoft(R) Windows Server(R) 2008 Enterprise Microsoft(R) Windows Server(R) 2008 Enterprise without Hyper-V(TM) Microsoft(R) Windows Server(R) 2008 Datacenter Microsoft(R) Windows Server(R) 2008 Datacenter without Hyper-V(TM) Microsoft(R) Windows Server(R) 2008 R2 Foundation Microsoft(R) Windows Server(R) 2008 R2 Standard Microsoft(R) Windows Server(R) 2008 R2 Enterprise Microsoft(R) Windows Server(R) 2008 R2 Datacenter | Windows Server 2008 or Windows Server 2008(x64) |
Microsoft(R) Windows Server(R) 2003, Standard x64 Edition Microsoft(R) Windows Server(R) 2003, Enterprise x64 Edition Microsoft(R) Windows Server(R) 2003 R2, Standard x64 Edition Microsoft(R) Windows Server(R) 2003 R2, Enterprise x64 Edition | Windows Server 2003 or Windows Server 2003(x64) |
Microsoft(R) Windows Server(R) 2003, Standard Edition Microsoft(R) Windows Server(R) 2003 R2, Standard Edition Microsoft(R) Windows Server(R) 2003, Enterprise Edition Microsoft(R) Windows Server(R) 2003 R2, Enterprise Edition | Windows Server 2003 |
Windows(R) 8.1 Windows(R) 8.1 Pro Windows(R) 8.1 Enterprise | Windows 8.1(x64) |
Windows(R) 8 Windows(R) 8 Pro Windows(R) 8 Enterprise | Windows 8(x64) |
Windows(R) 7 Home Premium Windows(R) 7 Professional Windows(R) 7 Enterprise Windows(R) 7 Ultimate | Windows 7 or Windows 7(x64) |
Windows Vista(R) Home Basic Windows Vista(R) Home Premium Windows Vista(R) Business Windows Vista(R) Enterprise Windows Vista(R) Ultimate | Windows Vista |
Microsoft(R) Windows(R) XP Home Edition Operating System Microsoft(R) Windows(R) XP Professional Operating System | Windows XP |
Microsoft(R) Visual C++(R) development system | Visual C++ |
The Microsoft Windows products listed below are referred to in this manual as "Windows(32)".
Windows Server 2008
Windows Server 2003
Windows 7
Windows Vista
Windows XP
The Microsoft Windows products listed below are referred to in this manual as "Windows(x64)".
Windows Server 2012 R2
Windows Server 2012
Windows Server 2008 R2
Windows 8.1(x64)
Windows 8(x64)
Windows 7(x64)
System-specific Functions
Some parts of the articles described in this manual differ among systems. Such parts are indicated by Win32 and Winx64 and correspond to the following systems:
Indication | Corresponding system |
[Win32] | Windows Server 2008 NetCOBOL V10 Windows Server 2003 NetCOBOL V10 Windows 7 NetCOBOL V10 Windows Vista NetCOBOL V10 Windows XP NetCOBOL V10 |
[Winx64] | Windows Server 2012 R2 NetCOBOL V11 Windows Server 2012 NetCOBOL V11 Windows Server 2008 R2 NetCOBOL V11 Windows 8.1(x64) NetCOBOL V11 Windows 8(x64) NetCOBOL V11 Windows 7(x64) NetCOBOL V11 |
Product Differences
The following products are not supported in the US English-language version or other English-language versions of this product, but may be mentioned in this manual:
MeFt/NET, MeFt/NET-SV, MeFt/Web
RDB/7000 Server for Windows NT
Print Walker/OVL option
Systemwalker/List Works
NetCOBOL is a trademark or registered trademark of Fujitsu Limited or its subsidiaries in the United States or other countries or in both.
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MicroKernel Database Architecture, MicroKernel Database Engine, Navigational Client/Server and Scalable SQL are trademarks and Btrieve is a registered trademark of Pervasive Software Inc.
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Oracle and Java are registered trademarks of Oracle and/or its affiliates. Other names may be trademarks of their respective owners. Oracle Solaris might be described as Solaris, Solaris Operating System, or Solaris OS.
Other product names are trademarks or registered trademarks of each company. Trademark indications are omitted for some system and product names described in this manual.
The permission of the Microsoft Corporation has been obtained for the use of the screen shots.
The language specifications of COBOL are based on the original specifications developed by the work of the Conference on Data Systems Languages (CODASYL). The specifications described in this manual are also derived from the original. The following passages are quoted at the request of CODASYL.
COBOL is an industry language and is not the property of any company or group of companies, or of any organization or group of organizations. No warranty, expressed or implied, is made by the COBOL Committee as to the accuracy and functioning of the programming system and language. Moreover, no responsibility is assumed by the committee, in connection therewith.
The authors of the following copyrighted material have authorized the use of this material in part in the COBOL specifications. Such authorization extends to the use of the original specifications in other COBOL specifications:
FLOW-MATIC (Trademark of Sperry Rand Corporation), Processing for the UNIVAC I and II, Data Automation Systems, copyrighted 1958, 1959, by Sperry Rand Corporation.
IBM Commercial Translator, Form No. F28-8013, copyrighted 1959 by International Business Machines Corporation.
FACT, DSI 27A5260-2760, copyrighted 1960 by Minneapolis-Honeywell
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Exportation/release of this document may require necessary procedures in accordance with the regulations of the Foreign Exchange and Foreign Trade Control Law of Japan and/or US export control laws.
The contents of this manual may be revised without prior notice. No part of this document may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, for any purpose, without the express written permission of Fujitsu Limited.
March 2014
Copyright 1992-2014 FUJITSU LIMITED