This section explains the messages written by the WINCOB and compile commands, the action taken by the system, and appropriate programmer responses. Variable character strings are expressed as $s in the messages below.
WINCOB is a peculiar function for [Win32].
System action
Compilation terminated.
Specify the correct file name, then re-execute.
System action
Compilation terminated.
Specify the correct sub-option, then re-execute.
System action
Compilation terminated.
Specify the name of the file to be compiled, then re-execute.
System action
Compilation terminated.
Specify the correct option, then re-execute.
System action
Compilation terminated.
Specify the argument for the option ($s) correctly, then re-execute.
System action
Compilation terminated.
Specify the correct file name, then re-execute. The file name is written for $s.
System action
Terminates compilation abnormally.
Check and eliminate the cause of the error. System error code errno=0xXXX (expressed in hexadecimal) is written for $s1. The name of the processing in which the system error occurred is written for $s2.
System action
Terminates compilation abnormally.
Confirm that the compiler is installed correctly.
System action
Compilation terminated.
Option file is invalid. Correct the option file and re-execute. Refer to "-i (Specify an option file)" in "Compiling Programs" of the "NetCOBOL User's Guide".
System action
Compilation terminated.
There is not enough memory to compile. When multiple applications are run at the same time, shut them down and re-compile them. Or, increase virtual memory. Or, Install more memory.