ServerView Resource Orchestrator Cloud Edition V3.1.1 Setup Guide

C.9.4 Manual Network Configuration

ROR provides the function for connection with virtual NICs, for the network created on XenServer.

Manually perform network settings on XenServer. Use a different VLAN ID for each network on XenServer to connect the network created on XenServer with virtual NICs. Additionally, the following settings must be performed in advance.

  1. Create a XenServer Network

    The network must be created on the VM host, in order to connect the L-Server to the network.

    Create a network with the same name (the name is case-sensitive) for all VM hosts comprising the cluster. This enables migration of VM guests between VM hosts.

    When configuring the XenServer network, if using a server virtualization software other than Citrix XenServer with the same manager, set a different name from the name used for a virtual switch, a virtual network, or a virtual bridge on the other server virtualization software.

    For details on how to create a network on XenServer, refer to the Citrix XenServer manual.

  2. Configure Network Communication on XenServer

    Right-click the LAN switch in the server resource tree, and select [Modify]-[Network Settings] from the popup menu.

    Configure LAN switches to enable communication using the tagged VLAN between networks created on XenServer using the same name.

    The ROR console can be used for VLAN configuration of LAN switch blade external ports.

    For details, refer to "5.4.4 Configuring VLANs on LAN Switch Blades" in the "User's Guide for Infrastructure Administrators (Resource Management) CE".

  3. Define the Supported Network Created on XenServer and the VLAN ID

    Define the supported network created on XenServer and VLAN IDs in the virtual network definition file for Resource Orchestrator.

    For details on definition file format, refer to "File Format for Virtual Network Definitions".

  4. Create Network Resources

    • From the GUI:

      Create network resources using the VLAN IDs specified in steps 2 to 3. In the [Create a network resource] dialog, check the [Use configured virtual switches.] checkbox.

    • From the Command-line:

      1. Create the XML file that defines network resources. Define the VLAN ID specified in steps 2 and 3 in the XML file. In this case, specify auto="false" in the Network element.

      2. To create the network resource, execute the rcxadm network create command specifying the XML file created in step a.

      For details on the rcxadm network command, refer to "3.9 rcxadm network" in the "Reference Guide (Command/XML) CE".

      For details on the Network element, refer to "15.5 Network Resources" in the "Reference Guide (Command/XML) CE".

File Format for Virtual Network Definitions

Location of the Definition File

[Windows Manager]

[Linux Manager]

Definition File Name


Definition File Format

Describe the virtual network definition file in one line as below:

"Network Name Created on XenServer"=VLAN ID

For the VLAN ID, a value from 1 to 4094 can be specified.



  • Blank spaces before and after equal signs ("=") are ignored.

  • Describe the network correctly, as the entry is case-sensitive.

  • Save files using the UTF-8 character code.

  • When there are multiple lines with the same network name, all specified lines are valid.

  • When the same VLAN ID is included in a line with a different network name, the first occurrence in the file is used and the lines after it are ignored.

  • An error occurs during L-Server creation if the definition of the VLAN ID of the specified network resource cannot be found.