ServerView Resource Orchestrator Cloud Edition V3.1.1 Setup Guide

2.1.2 Manager Installation [Linux Manager]

This section explains installation of Linux managers. Preparations

This section explains the preparations and checks required before commencing installation. Software Preparation and Checks

Software preparation and checks are explained in the following sections.

This section explains the preparations and checks required before commencing the installation of Resource Orchestrator.

Host Name Checks

It is necessary to set the host name (FQDN) for the admin server to operate normally. Describe the host name in the hosts file, using 256 characters or less. In the hosts file, for the IP address of the admin server, configure the host name (FQDN) and then the computer name.

hosts File



When configuring the hosts file, note the following.

  • Do not set the host name (FQDN) and the computer name to "".

  • Confirm that "" (IPv4 format) is set to "localhost".
    Note that IPv6 format must not be set.


When configuring the admin server with the IP address "", the host name (FQDN) "", and the computer name "remote1" remote1 localhost.localdomain localhost

For the admin client, either configure the hosts file so access to the admin server is possible using the host name (FQDN), or name resolution using a DNS server.

System Time Checks

Set the same system time for the admin server and managed servers.

If the system time differs, correct values will not be displayed in the [System Condition] tab on the ROR console.

Exclusive Software Checks

Before installing Resource Orchestrator, check that the software listed in " Exclusive Software" in the "Design Guide CE" and the manager of Resource Orchestrator have not been installed on the system.
Use the following procedure to check that exclusive software has not been installed.

  1. Check that none of the software listed in " Exclusive Software" in the "Design Guide CE" or the following software are displayed.

    Execute the following command and check if Resource Orchestrator Manager has been installed.

    # rpm -q FJSVrcvmr <RETURN>

  2. If the names of exclusive software have been displayed, uninstall them according to the procedure described in the relevant manual before proceeding.

    If managers of an earlier version of Resource Orchestrator have been installed, they can be upgraded. Refer to "F.2 Manager".
    When reinstalling a manager on a system on which the same version of Resource Orchestrator has been installed, perform uninstallation referring to "20.1 Manager Uninstallation", and then perform the reinstallation.


  • When uninstalling exclusive software, there are cases where other system operation administrators might have installed the software, so check that deleting the software causes no problems before actually doing so.

  • With the standard settings of Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5 or later, when DVD-ROMs are mounted automatically, execution of programs on the DVD-ROM cannot be performed. Release the automatic mount settings and perform mounting manually, or start installation after copying the contents of the DVD-ROM to the hard disk.
    When copying the contents of the DVD-ROM, replace "DVD-ROM_mount_point" with the used directory in the procedures in this manual.

Required Software Preparation and Checks

Before installing Resource Orchestrator, check that the required software, such as ServerView Operations Manager, given in " Required Software" in the "Design Guide CE" has been installed. If it has not been installed, install it before continuing.

Required Patch Checks

Before installing Resource Orchestrator, check that the required patches for the manager listed in " Required Patches" in the "Design Guide CE" have been applied.

If they have not been applied, apply them before continuing.

Required Package Checks

Before installing Resource Orchestrator, check that the required packages for the manager [Linux Manager] listed in " Required Packages" in the "Design Guide CE" have been applied.

If they have not been installed, install them before continuing.

User Account Checks

This product automatically creates the user accounts listed below - if an application is using these OS user accounts, ensure there is no impact on the application before deleting them:

Single Sign-On Preparation and Checks

Before installing Resource Orchestrator, install ServerView Operations Manager.
Configure the directory service at that time.
It is also necessary to prepare certificates and perform registration of an administrator (privileged user) with the directory service.
For details, refer to "Chapter 12 Installing and Defining Single Sign-On" in the "Design Guide CE".

For setting up Resource Orchestrator, it is necessary to establish communication beforehand, since communication between the manager and the directory service requires LDAP (Lightweight Directory Access Protocol) of the TCP/IP protocol protected by SSL.
Use tools or commands to check communications.

Language Settings

As Resource Orchestrator installs programs that correspond to the supported language, language settings (locale) cannot be changed after installation.

Therefore, set the language (locale) to Japanese or English according to your operational requirements.

The example of language settings (locale) confirmation methods is given below:


From the desktop screen, select [System]-[Administration]-[Language].

Tuning System Parameters (Admin Server) [Linux Manager]

Before installation, it is necessary to tune up system parameters for the admin server. See the table below for the system parameters that need to be tuned and their values.


Set the values according to the "type" of each parameter as follows:

  • When the type is "setup value"

    Modification is not necessary if already set value (default or previous value) is equal to or larger than the value in the table. If it is smaller than the value in the table, change the value to the one in the table.

  • When the type is "additional value"

    Add the value in the table to already set value. Before adding the value, check the upper limit for the system, and set either the resulting value or the upper limit for the system, whichever is smaller.

For details, refer to the Linux manual.

[Tuning Procedure]

Use the following procedure to perform tuning:

  1. Use the following command to check the values of the corresponding parameters currently configured for the system.

    # /sbin/sysctl -a


    # /sbin/sysctl -a
    kernel.sem = 250 32000 32 128
    kernel.msgmnb = 65536
    kernel.msgmni = 16
    kernel.msgmax = 65536
    kernel.shmmni = 4096
    kernel.shmall = 4294967296
    kernel.shmmax = 68719476736
  2. For each parameter, compare the current value to that in the above table, and then calculate the appropriate value, based on its value type (setup or additional value).

  3. Edit /etc/sysctl.conf. Edit the content as in the following example:


    kernel.sem = 512 13325 50 1358
    kernel.msgmnb = 114432
    kernel.msgmni = 1041
    kernel.shmmni = 4154
  4. Confirm that edited content is reflected in /etc/sysctl.conf, using the following command:

    # /bin/cat /etc/sysctl.conf
  5. Enable the configuration on 4. using one of the following methods:

    • Reboot the system to reflect the settings

      # /sbin/shutdown -r now
    • Use /sbin/sysctl -p to reflect the settings

      # /sbin/sysctl -p /etc/sysctl.conf (*)

      * Note: When using this command, reboot is not necessary.

  6. Confirm that configured parameters are reflected, using the following command:

    # /sbin/sysctl -a


    # /sbin/sysctl -a 
    kernel.sem = 512 13325 50 1358
    kernel.msgmnb = 114432
    kernel.msgmni = 1041
    kernel.msgmax = 65536
    kernel.shmmni = 4154
    kernel.shmall = 4294967296
    kernel.shmmax = 68719476736
    ... Collecting and Checking Required Information

Before installing Resource Orchestrator, collect required information and check the system status, then determine the information to be specified on the installation window. The information that needs to be prepared is given below.

Parameters Used for Installation

The following table contains the parameters used for installation.






Administrative User Creation

User Account

This is the user account name to be used for logging into Resource Orchestrator as an administrative user.

Specify the user registered in the directory service in "Single Sign-On Preparation and Checks" in " Software Preparation and Checks".

Specifying the administrator account, "administrator", of ServerView Operations Manager enables Single Sign-On coordination with ServerView Operations Manager when the OpenDS that is included with ServerView Operations Manager is used.

The name must start with an alphabetic character and can be up to 16 alphanumeric characters long, including underscores ("_"), hyphens ("-"), and periods, ("."). Input is case-sensitive.


Admin LAN Selection

Network to use for the admin LAN

This is the network to be used as the admin LAN. Select it from the list.
The maximum value for the subnet mask is (32-bit mask). The minimum value is (16-bit mask). However, cannot be specified.


Port Number Settings

Interstage Management Console

This is the port number of the Interstage management console.

Default value: 12000

Web Server (Interstage HTTP Server)

This is the port number of the Web server.

Default value: 80

CORBA Service

The port number of the CORBA service used by Resource Orchestrator.

Default value: 8002


Admin Server Settings

FQDN for the Admin Server

The FQDN of the authentication server used by Resource Orchestrator. The FQDN of the authentication server must be the FQDN of the admin server.
The FQDN can be up to 106 characters long and must be supported for name resolution.


The destination directories are fixed as those below and cannot be changed.

  • /opt

  • /etc/opt

  • /var/opt

  • /root/InstallShield Configuration Parameter Checks

Check configuration parameters following the procedure below:

  1. Log in to the system as the OS administrator (root).

    Boot the admin server in multi-user mode to check that the server meets requirements for installation, and then log in to the system using root.

  2. Set the first Resource Orchestrator DVD-ROM.

  3. Execute the following command to mount the DVD-ROM. If the auto-mounting daemon (autofs) is used for starting the mounted DVD-ROM, the installer will fail to start due to its "noexec" mount option.

    # mount -t iso9660 -r /dev/hdc DVD-ROM_mount_point <RETURN>

  4. Execute the agent installation command (the command).

    # cd DVD-ROM_mount_point <RETURN>
    # ./ <RETURN>

  5. Select "Environment setup conditions check tool" from the menu to execute the tool.

    For ports with "is in use" displayed for the result of "Port status", confirm that those ports are used with the purpose of usage for Resource Orchestrator defined in /etc/services.

    For the port information used by Resource Orchestrator, refer to "Appendix A Port List" in the "Design Guide CE".

    When ports being are used for something other than Resource Orchestrator, change the ports to use.

    For details on how to change ports to use, refer to "Appendix A Port List" in the "Design Guide CE".

  6. When the check is completed, the result will be sent to standard output. Checking Used Port Numbers

When Resource Orchestrator is installed, the port numbers used by it will automatically be set in the services file of the system. So usually, there is no need to pay attention to port numbers.

If the port numbers used by Resource Orchestrator are being used for other applications, a message indicating that the numbers are in use is displayed when the installer is started, and installation will stop.
In that case, describe the entries for the following port numbers used by Resource Orchestrator in the services file using numbers not used by other software, and then start the installer.


# service name port number/protocol name
nfdomain      23455/tcp
nfagent       23458/tcp
rcxmgr        23460/tcp
rcxweb        23461/tcp
rcxtask       23462/tcp
rcxmongrel1   23463/tcp
rcxmongrel2   23464/tcp
rcxdb         23465/tcp
rcxmongrel3   23466/tcp
rcxmongrel4   23467/tcp
rcxmongrel5   23468/tcp

For details on how to change the port number of the manager, refer to the following:

Other Ports

Check that the following ports are not used, and they are not included in the range for ephemeral ports.

If the following ports are in use or are included in the range for ephemeral ports, contact Fujitsu technical staff. Installation

Current Directory Setting

Do not set the current directory to the DVD-ROM to allow disk switching.

Settings in Single User Mode

In single user mode, X Windows does not start, and one of the following operations is required.

Nullifying Firewall Settings for Ports to be used by Resource Orchestrator

When installing Resource Orchestrator on systems with active firewalls, in order to enable correct communication between the manager, agents, and clients, disable the firewall settings for the port numbers to be used for communication.

For the port numbers used by Resource Orchestrator and required software, refer to "Appendix A Port List" in the "Design Guide CE".

However, when port numbers have been changed by editing the services file during installation of Resource Orchestrator, replace the default port numbers listed in "Appendix A Port List" in the "Design Guide CE" with the port numbers changed to during installation.


The procedure for manager installation is given below.

Before installation, check if " Preparations" have been performed.

  1. Log in to the system as the OS administrator (root).

    Boot the admin server that Resource Orchestrator is to be installed on in multi-user mode, and then log in to the system using root.

  2. Set the first Resource Orchestrator DVD-ROM and execute the following command to mount the DVD-ROM. If the auto-mounting daemon (autofs) is used for DVD-ROM auto-mounting, the installer fails to start due to its "noexec" mount option.

    Set the same value for the first, second, and third DVD-ROMs in the DVD mount point.

    # mount -t iso9660 -r /dev/hdc DVD-ROM_mount_point <RETURN>

  3. Execute the manager installation command (the command).

    # DVD-ROM_mount_point/ <RETURN>

  4. Select "2. Manager(Cloud Edition) installation".

  5. Perform installation according to the installer's interactive instructions.

    Enter the parameters prepared and confirmed in "Parameters Used for Installation" in " Collecting and Checking Required Information".

  6. A message for disk switching will be output.

  7. Start a different terminal (such as a GNOME terminal), and then eject the DVD-ROM using the following command.

    # eject DVD-ROM_mount_point <RETURN>

  8. Set the second DVD-ROM and wait for the completion of auto-mounting.

  9. Mount the DVD-ROM again.

    # umount DVD-ROM_mount_point <RETURN>
    # mount -t iso9660 -r /dev/hdc DVD-ROM_mount_point <RETURN>

  10. Press the [Enter] key to continue the installation.

  11. Repeat steps 8 to 10 with the third DVD-ROM as well to continue the installation.


[Solaris Zones] [OVM for SPARC]
When BMC BladeLogic Server Automation is installed on the admin server and BMC BladeLogic Server Automation is installed after this product was installed, perform the following procedure:

  1. Execute the following command as the OS administrator (root) and stop the Interstage data store service:

    # /opt/FJSVena/Enabler/server/bin/enablerstop <RETURN>

  2. Execute the following command as the OS administrator (root) and disable the Interstage data store service:

    # /sbin/chkconfig --del Enabler <RETURN>

It is necessary to set up the manager after installation. For details, refer to "2.1.3 Setup".


  • Corrective Action for Installation Failure

    In the event of installation failure, restart the OS and then log in as the user that performed the installation, and perform uninstallation following the uninstallation procedure.

    After that, remove the cause of the failure referring to the meaning of the output message and the suggested corrective actions, and then perform installation again.

  • If there are internal inconsistencies detected during installation, the messages "The problem occurred while installing it" or "It failed in the installation" will be displayed and installation will fail. In this case, uninstall the manager and reinstall it. If the problem persists, please contact Fujitsu technical staff.

  • If used ports exist when performing installation, the message "The specified port number Port Number selected for ServerView Resource Orchestrator is already used." will be displayed, and installation will fail. If this happens, please contact Fujitsu technical staff.

  • If installation stopped before the process was complete, perform the following corrective actions.

    1. Forcibly stop the installation.

    2. Perform uninstallation.

      Refer to "20.1 Manager Uninstallation".

      Execute the post-uninstallation procedure.

    3. Perform installation again.

  • The following users are added.

    • swrbadbuser

      swrbadbuser is used as an OS account to start the database service for process management. Do not delete this account when Resource Orchestrator has been installed.

    • swrbajobuser

      swrbajobuser is used as an OS account to start service for job execute control.
      Do not delete this account when Resource Orchestrator has been installed.

    • rcxctdbchg

      rcxctdbchg is used as an OS account to start the database service for metering. Do not delete this account when Resource Orchestrator has been installed.