PRIMECLUSTER Global Link Services Configuration and AdministrationGuide 4.3Redundant Line Control Function

C.8.3 Setup example for creating a highly reliable domains using GLS on domain-0 (Tagged VLAN and multiple network configuration)

The following shows an example of using each LAN (administrative LAN, public LAN, and backup LAN) of a guest OS on one physical network by using the tagged VLAN.

[Setting up domain-0 (host OS)]

For setting up GLS, see "B.7.2 Configuring virtual interfaces with tagged VLAN". Set up the virtual bridge (gextbrX) for each tagged VLAN interface (shaX.Y).

[Setting up each guest OS]

Set up an IP address. Edit the "/etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-ethX" file as you would for the host OS.