PRIMECLUSTER Global Link Services Configuration and AdministrationGuide 4.3Redundant Line Control Function

C.8.2 Setup example for creating a highly reliable guest domains using GLS on domain-0 (Untagged VLAN and multiple network configuration)

This section describes a configuration setup example in which communications for administration, public use, and backup are established on different networks for the virtual machine function.

[Setting up domain-0 (host OS)]

The GLS for the host is the same as the one described in "C.8.1 Setup example for creating a highly reliable network of guest domains using GLS on domain-0 (Untagged VLAN and single network configuration)". Set up the virtual bridge (xenbrX) for each virtual interface (shaX).

[Setting up each guest OS]

Set up an IP address. Edit the "/etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-ethX" file as you would for the host OS.