ServerView Resource Orchestrator Cloud Edition V3.0.0 Installation Guide

2.2.1 Preparations

This section explains the preparations and checks required before commencing installation. Software Preparation and Checks

Software preparation and checks are explained in the following sections.

Exclusive Software Checks

Before installing Resource Orchestrator, check that the software listed in " Exclusive Software" of the "Setup Guide CE" and the agent of Resource Orchestrator have not been installed on the system.
Use the following procedure to check that exclusive software has not been installed.


  1. Open "Add or Remove Programs" on the Windows Control Panel.

    The [Add or Remove Programs] window will be displayed.

  2. Check that none of the software listed in " Exclusive Software" of the "Setup Guide CE" has been installed on the system, and the there is no information which shows a Resource Orchestrator agent has not been installed.

    • "ServerView Resource Orchestrator Agent"

  3. When any of the exclusive software is displayed on the [Add or Remove Programs] window, uninstall it according to the procedure described in the relevant manual before installing Resource Orchestrator.

    If agents of an earlier version of Resource Orchestrator have been installed, they can be upgraded. Refer to "4.3 Agent".
    When reinstalling an agent on a system on which an agent of the same version of Resource Orchestrator has been installed, perform uninstallation referring to "3.2.1 Uninstallation [Windows/Hyper-V]" and then perform installation.


    For Windows Server 2008, select "Programs and Features" from the Windows Control Panel.


  1. Check that none of the software listed in " Exclusive Software" in the "Setup Guide CE" are displayed. Execute the following command and check if Resource Orchestrator Agent has been installed.

    # rpm -q FJSVrcvat <RETURN>

  2. If the names of exclusive software have been displayed, uninstall them according to the procedure described in the relevant manual before proceeding.

    If agents of an earlier version of Resource Orchestrator have been installed, they can be upgraded. Refer to "4.3 Agent".
    When reinstalling an agent on a system on which an agent of the same version of Resource Orchestrator has been installed, perform uninstallation referring to "3.2.2 Uninstallation [Linux/VMware/Xen/KVM/Oracle VM]" and then perform installation.


    • When uninstalling exclusive software, there are cases where other system administrators might have installed the software, so check that deleting the software causes no problems before actually doing so.

    • With the standard settings of Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5 or later, when DVD-ROMs are mounted automatically, execution of programs on the DVD-ROM cannot be performed. Release the automatic mount settings and perform mounting manually, or start installation after copying the contents of the DVD-ROM to the hard disk.
      When copying the contents of the DVD-ROM, replace "DVD-ROM_mount_point" with the used directory in the procedures in this manual.

Required Software Preparation and Checks

Before installing Resource Orchestrator, check that the required software given in " Required Software" of the "Setup Guide CE" has been installed. If it has not been installed, install it before continuing.


  • ServerView Agents Settings

    To operate Resource Orchestrator correctly on PRIMERGY series servers, perform the necessary settings for SNMP services during installation of ServerView Agents.
    For how to perform SNMP service settings, refer to the ServerView Agents manual.

    • For the SNMP community name, specify the same value as the SNMP community name set for the management blade.

    • For the SNMP community name, set Read (reference) or Write (reference and updating) authority.

    • For the host that receives SNMP packets, select "Accept SNMP packets from any host" or "Accept SNMP packets from these hosts" and set the admin LAN IP address of the admin server.

    • For the SNMP trap target, set the IP address of the admin server.
      When an admin server with multiple NICs is set as the SNMP trap target, specify the IP address of the admin LAN used for communication with the managed server.

  • The "setupcl.exe" and "sysprep.exe" Modules

    For Windows OS's other than Windows Server 2008, it is necessary to specify storage locations for the "setupcl.exe" and "sysprep.exe" modules during installation. Obtain the newest modules before starting installation of Resource Orchestrator.

    For the method of obtaining the modules, refer to " Required Software" of the "Setup Guide CE".

    Extract the obtained module using the following method:


    When WindowsServer2003-KB926028-v2-x86-JPN.exe has been placed in c:\temp

    >cd /d c:\temp <RETURN>
    >WindowsServer2003-KB926028-v2-x86-JPN.exe /x <RETURN>

    During installation, specify the cabinet file "" in the extracted folder, or the "setupcl.exe" and "sysprep.exe" modules contained in "".
    After agent installation is complete, the extracted module is no longer necessary.

Language Settings

As Resource Orchestrator installs programs that correspond to the supported language, language settings (locale) cannot be changed after installation.

Therefore, set the language (locale) to Japanese or English according to your operational requirements.

The example of language settings (locale) confirmation methods is given below:


  • For Windows

    From the Control Panel, open "Date, Time, Language, and Regional Options" and select [Regional and Language Options].

  • For Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5

    From the desktop screen, select [System]-[Administration]-[Language].

Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6 Preconfiguration

Only perform this when using Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6 as the basic software of a server.

When using cloning and server switchover, perform the following procedure to modify the configuration file.

  1. Execute the following command.

    # systool -c net <RETURN>


    # systool -c net <RETURN>
    Class = "net"
    Class Device = "eth0"
    Device =
    Class Device = "eth1"
    Device =
    Class Device = "eth2"
    Device =
    "0000:2:00 AM.0"
    Class Device = "eth3"
    Device =
    "0000:2:00 AM.1"
    Class Device = "lo"
    Class Device = "sit0"
  2. Confirm the device name which is displayed after "Class Device =" and the PCI bus number which is displayed after "Device =" in the command output results.

  3. Correct the configuration file.

    After confirming support for device name and MAC address in the following configuration file, change ATTR{address}=="MAC_address" to KERNELS=="PCI_bus_number".

    All corresponding lines should be corrected.

    Configuration File Storage Location



    • Before changing

      SUBSYSTEM=="net", ACTION=="add", DRIVERS=="?*",
      ATTR{address}=="MAC_address", ATTR{type}=="1", KERNEL=="eth*",

    • After changing

      SUBSYSTEM=="net", ACTION=="add", DRIVERS=="?*",
      KERNELS=="PCI_bus_number", ATTR{type}=="1", KERNEL=="eth*",

  4. After restarting the managed servers, check if communication with the entire network is possible.

Configuration File Check Collecting and Checking Required Information

Before installing Resource Orchestrator, collect required information and check the system status, then determine the information to be specified on the installation window. The information that needs to be prepared is given below.