ServerView Resource Orchestrator Cloud Edition V3.0.0 Installation Guide

2.2.2 Installation [Windows/Hyper-V]

This section explains the procedure for agent installation.

Before installing Resource Orchestrator, check that the preparations given in "2.2.1 Preparations" have been performed.

  1. Log on to Windows as the administrator.

    Log on to the system on which the agent is to be installed. Log on as a user belonging to the local Administrators group.

  2. Start the installer from the window displayed when the first Resource Orchestrator DVD-ROM is set.

    Click "Agent installation" which is displayed on the window.

  3. The Resource Orchestrator setup window will be displayed.

    Check the contents of the license agreement window etc. and then click <Yes>.

  4. The [Select Installation Folder] window will be displayed.

    Click <Next>> to use the default Installation Folder. To change folders, click <Browse>, change folders, and click <Next>>.


    When changing the folders, be careful about the following points.

    • Do not specify the installation folder of the system (such as C:\).

    • Enter the location using 100 characters or less. Do not use double-byte characters or the following symbols in the folder name.

      """, "|", ":", "*", "?", "/", ".", "<", ">", ",", "%", "&", "^", "=", "!", ";", "#", "'", "+", "[", "]", "{", "}"

    • When installing this product to Windows 2003 x64 Edition or Windows 2008 x64 Edition, the following folder names cannot be specified for the installation folders.

      • "%SystemRoot%\System32\"

    • When using cloning, installation on the OS system drive is advised, because Sysprep initializes the drive letter during deployment of cloning images.

  5. The [Admin Server Registration] window will be displayed.

    Specify the admin LAN IP address of the admin server, the folder containing the "setupcl.exe" and "sysprep.exe" modules, then click <Next>>.

    Admin Server IP Address

    Specify the IP address of the admin server. When the admin server has multiple IP addresses, specify the IP address used for communication with managed servers.

    Folder Containing the setupcl.exe and sysprep.exe Modules

    Click <Refer> and specify "" or "setupcl.exe" and "sysprep.exe" as prepared in " Software Preparation and Checks".


    With Windows Server 2008, "setupcl.exe" and "sysprep.exe" are installed along with the OS so specification is not necessary (<Refer> will be disabled).

  6. The [License Authentication] window will be displayed.

    Enter the license authentication information for the Windows volume license.
    As license authentication information is not necessary if cloning will not be used, click <Next>> without selecting "Using the cloning feature of this product".

    If cloning will be used, depending on the version of Windows being used, specify the following information collected in "Windows Volume License Information [Windows]" of " Collecting and Checking Required Information", and click <Next>>.

    For Windows Server 2003

    Product Key

    Enter the Windows product key for the computer the agent is to be installed on.

    Confirm Product Key

    Enter the Windows product key again to confirm it.

    For Windows Server 2008

    License Authentication Method

    Select the license authentication method from Key Management Service (KMS) and Multiple Activation Key (MAK).

    • When Key Management Service (KMS) is selected

      KMS host

      Enter the host name of the KMS host name, and the computer name or IP address.
      When using Domain Name Service (DNS) to automatically find the KMS host, this is not necessary.

    • When Multiple Activation Key (MAK) is selected

      The MAK key

      Enter the MAK key for the computer the agent is to be installed on.

      Confirm Multiple Activation Key

      Enter the MAK key again to confirm it.

    Proxy server used for activation

    Enter the host name or IP address of the proxy server.
    When the proxy server has a port number, enter the port number.

    Administrator's Password

    Enter the administrator password for the computer the agent is to be installed on.


    If an incorrect value is entered for "Product Key", "Key Management Service host", "The MAK Key", or "Proxy server used for activation" on the [License Authentication Information Entry] window, cloning will be unable to be used.
    Check that the correct values have been entered.

  7. The [Start Copying Files] window will be displayed.

    Check that there are no mistakes in the contents displayed on the window, and then click <Install>>.
    Copying of files will start.
    To change the contents, click <<Back>.

  8. The Resource Orchestrator setup completion window will be displayed.

    When setup is completed, the [Installshield Wizard Complete] window will be displayed.
    Click <Finish> and close the window.

  9. Execute the command below when using Hyper-V. [Hyper-V]

    >Installation_folder\RCXCTMGA\setup\dsbsetup.bat IP_address <RETURN>

    Specify the admin LAN IP address of the managed server for IP address. It takes a few minutes to complete the command.

    Confirm that the message below is displayed after the command is completed.

    Info: Setup completed successfully.


  • Corrective Action for Installation Failure

    When installation is stopped due to errors (system errors, processing errors such as system failure, or errors due to execution conditions) or cancellation by users, remove the causes of any problems, and then take corrective action as follows.

    • Open "Add or Remove Programs" from the Windows Control Panel, and when "ServerView Resource Coordinator VE Agent" is displayed, uninstall it and then install the agent again.
      For uninstallation, refer to "3.2 Agent Uninstallation".


      For Windows Server 2008, select "Programs and Features" from the Windows Control Panel.

    • If "ServerView Resource Coordinator VE Agent" is not displayed, install it again.

  • Nullifying Firewall Settings for Ports to be used by Resource Orchestrator

    When installing Resource Orchestrator on systems with active firewalls, in order to enable the manager to communicate with agents correctly, disable the firewall settings for the port numbers to be used for communication.
    For the port numbers used by Resource Orchestrator and required software, refer to "Appendix A Port List" of the "Setup Guide CE".
    However, when port numbers have been changed by editing the services file during installation of Resource Orchestrator, replace the default port numbers listed in "Appendix A Port List" of the "Setup Guide CE" with the port numbers changed to during installation.

  • Uninstall the Related Services

    When installing ServerView Deployment Manager after Resource Orchestrator has been installed, or using ServerView Deployment Manager in the same subnet, it is necessary to uninstall the related services.

    For the method for uninstalling the related services, please refer to "5.12 deployment_service_uninstall" of the "Command Reference".