ServerView Resource Orchestrator Cloud Edition V3.0.0 Installation Guide

2.1.1 Preparations

This section explains the preparations and checks required before commencing installation. Software Preparation and Checks

Software preparation and checks are explained in the following sections.

This section explains the preparations and checks required before commencing the installation of Resource Orchestrator.

Host Name Checks

It is necessary to set the host name (FQDN) for the admin server to operate normally. Describe the host name in the hosts file, using 256 characters or less. In the hosts file, for the IP address of the admin server, configure the host name (FQDN) and then the computer name.

hosts File






For the admin client, either configure the hosts file so access to the admin server is possible using the host name (FQDN), or name resolution using a DNS server.

When registering local hosts in the hosts file, take either one of the following actions.

  • When setting the local host name to "", ensure that an IP address accessible from remote hosts is described first.

  • Do not set the local host name to "".


When configuring the admin server with the IP address "", the host name (FQDN) "", and the computer name "remote1" remote1 localhost. localdomain localhost

SMTP Server Checks

Resource Orchestrator uses e-mail. Configure the SMTP server settings to create an environment where e-mail is available.

System Time Checks

Set the same system time for the admin server and managed servers.

If the system time differs, correct values will not be displayed in the [Usage Condition] tab on the ROR console.

Exclusive Software Checks

Before installing Resource Orchestrator, check that the software listed in " Exclusive Software" of the "Setup Guide CE" and the manager of Resource Orchestrator have not been installed on the system.
Use the following procedure to check that exclusive software has not been installed.


  1. Open "Add or Remove Programs" on the Windows Control Panel.

    The [Add or Remove Programs] window will be displayed.

  2. Check that none of the software listed in " Exclusive Software" of the "Setup Guide CE" or the following software are displayed.

    • "ServerView Resource Orchestrator Manager"

  3. If the names of exclusive software have been displayed, uninstall them according to the procedure described in the relevant manual before proceeding.

    If managers of an earlier version of Resource Orchestrator have been installed, they can be upgraded. Refer to "4.2 Manager".
    When reinstalling a manager on a system on which the same version of Resource Orchestrator has been installed, perform uninstallation referring to "3.1 Manager Uninstallation" and then perform the reinstallation.


    For Windows Server 2008, select "Programs and Features" from the Windows Control Panel.


  1. Check that none of the software listed in " Exclusive Software" in the "Setup Guide CE" or the following software are displayed.

    Execute the following command and check if Resource Orchestrator Manager has been installed.

    # rpm -q FJSVrcvmr <RETURN>

  2. If the names of exclusive software have been displayed, uninstall them according to the procedure described in the relevant manual before proceeding.

    If managers of an earlier version of Resource Orchestrator have been installed, they can be upgraded. Refer to "4.2 Manager".
    When reinstalling a manager on a system on which the same version of Resource Orchestrator has been installed, perform uninstallation referring to "3.1 Manager Uninstallation" and then perform the reinstallation.


  • When uninstalling exclusive software, there are cases where other system administrators might have installed the software, so check that deleting the software causes no problems before actually doing so.

  • With the standard settings of Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5 or later, when DVD-ROMs are mounted automatically, execution of programs on the DVD-ROM cannot be performed. Release the automatic mount settings and perform mounting manually, or start installation after copying the contents of the DVD-ROM to the hard disk.
    When copying the contents of the DVD-ROM, replace "DVD-ROM_mount_point" with the used directory in the procedures in this manual.

Required Software Preparation and Checks

Before installing Resource Orchestrator, check that the required software given in " Required Software" of the "Setup Guide CE" has been installed. If it has not been installed, install it before continuing.

When operating managers in cluster environments, refer to "Appendix B Manager Cluster Operation Settings and Deletion" and "B.2.1 Preparations", and perform preparations and checks in advance.



  • Microsoft LAN Manager Module

    Before installing Resource Orchestrator, obtain the Microsoft LAN Manager module from the following FTP site.
    The Microsoft LAN Manager module can be used regardless of the CPU architecture type (x86, x64).

    URL: (As of February 2012)

    When installing Resource Orchestrator to an environment that already has ServerView Deployment Manager installed, it is not necessary to obtain the Microsoft LAN Manager module.

    Prepare for the following depending on the architecture of the installation target.

    • When installing a manager on Windows 32bit(x86)

      The Microsoft LAN Manager module can be installed without extracting it in advance.
      After obtaining the module, extract it to a work folder (such as C:\temp) on the system for installation.

    • When installing a manager on Windows 64bit(x64)

      The obtained module must be extracted using the Expand command on a computer with x86 CPU architecture.
      The obtained module is for x86 CPU architecture, and cannot be extracted on computers with x64 CPU architecture.

      For details on how to extract the module, refer to the following examples:


      When dsk3-1.exe was deployed on c:\temp

      >cd /d c:\temp <RETURN>
      >dsk3-1.exe <RETURN>
      >Expand c:\temp\protman.do_ /r <RETURN>
      >Expand c:\temp\protman.ex_ /r <RETURN>

      Use the Windows 8.3 format (*1) for the folder name or the file name.
      After manager installation is complete, the extracted Microsoft LAN Manager module is no longer necessary.

      *1: File names are limited to 8 characters and extensions limited to 3 characters.

      After extracting the following modules, deploy them to the folder that has been set for environment_variable%SystemBoot%.




  • Settings for ServerView Operations Manager 4.X for Windows

    In order for Resource Orchestrator to operate correctly, ensure that when installing ServerView Operations Manager for Windows you do not select "IIS (MS Internet Information Server)" for Select Web Server.

    For the settings, refer to the ServerView Operations Manager 4.X for Windows manual.

  • SNMP Trap Service Settings

    In order for Resource Orchestrator to operate correctly, the following settings for the standard Windows SNMP trap service are required.

    • Open "Services" from "Administrative Tools" on the Windows Control Panel, and then configure the startup type of SNMP Trap service as "Manual" or "Automatic" on the [Services] window.

  • Settings for ServerView Virtual-IO Manager

    When using VIOM, in order for Resource Orchestrator to operate correctly, ensure that the following settings are made when installing ServerView Virtual-IO Manager for Windows.

    • When using the I/O Virtualization Option

      Clear the "Select address ranges for IO Virtualization" checkbox on the virtual I/O address range selection window.

    • When not using the I/O Virtualization Option

      Check the "Select address ranges for IO Virtualization" checkbox on the virtual I/O address range selection window, and then select address ranges for the MAC address and the WWN address.
      When there is another manager, select address ranges which do not conflict those of the other manager.

    For details, refer to the ServerView Virtual-IO Manager for Windows manual.

  • DHCP server installation

    Installation of the Windows standard DHCP Server is necessary when managed servers belonging to different subnets from the admin server are to be managed.

    Depending on the functions used, it may necessary to configure the router settings. For details, refer to " Settings for Unmanaged Network Devices" in the "Setup Guide CE".

    When registering managed servers that belong to a different subnet from the admin server, they must be registered on the admin LAN subnet in advance.
    For details, refer to "2.10 Registering Admin LAN Subnets" in the "User's Guide for Infrastructure Administrators (Resource Management) CE".

    Install the DHCP Server following the procedure below:

    1. Add DHCP Server to the server roles.
      Perform binding of the network connections for the NIC to use as the admin LAN.
      For the details on adding and binding, refer to the manual for Windows.

    2. Open "Services" from "Administrative Tools" on the Windows Control Panel, and then configure the startup type of DHCP Server service as "Manual" on the [Services] window.

    3. From the [Services] window, stop the DHCP Server service.

      When an admin server is a member of a domain, perform 4.

    4. Authorize DHCP servers.

      1. Open "DHCP" from "Administrative Tools" on the Windows Control Panel, and select [Action]-[Managed authorized servers] on the [DHCP] window.

        The [Manage Authorized Servers] window will be displayed.

      2. Click <Authorize>.

        The [Authorize DHCP Server] window will be displayed.

      3. Enter the admin IP address of the admin server in "Name or IP address".

      4. Click <OK>.

        The [Confirm Authorization] window will be displayed.

      5. Check the "Name" and "IP Address".

      6. Click <OK>.

        The server will be displayed in the "Authorized DHCP servers" of the [Manage Authorized Servers] window.

  • ETERNUS SF Storage Cruiser

    When using ESC, configure the Fibre Channel switch settings in advance.


  • Microsoft LAN Manager Module

    Before installing Resource Orchestrator, obtain the Microsoft LAN Manager module from the following FTP site.

    The Microsoft LAN Manager module can be used regardless of the CPU architecture type (x86, x64).

    URL: (As of February 2012)

    When installing Resource Orchestrator to an environment that already has ServerView Deployment Manager installed, it is not necessary to obtain the Microsoft LAN Manager module.

    The obtained module must be extracted using the Expand command on a computer with x86 CPU Windows architecture. For details on how to extract the module, refer to the following examples:


    When dsk3-1.exe was deployed on c:\temp

    >cd /d c:\temp <RETURN>
    >dsk3-1.exe <RETURN>
    >Expand c:\temp\protman.do_ /r <RETURN>
    >Expand c:\temp\protman.ex_ /r <RETURN>

    Use the Windows 8.3 format (*1) for the folder name or the file name.

    After manager installation is complete, the extracted Microsoft LAN Manager module is no longer necessary.

    *1: File names are limited to 8 characters and extensions limited to 3 characters.

    After extracting the following modules, deploy them to a work folder (/tmp) on the system for installation.




  • SNMP Trap Daemon

    In order for Resource Orchestrator to operate correctly to operate correctly, ensure that the following settings are made for the "/etc/snmp/snmptrapd.conf" file, when installing the net-snmp package. When there is no file, add the following setting after creating the file.

    disableAuthorization yes

  • DHCP server installation

    Installation of the Linux standard DHCP server is necessary when managed servers belonging to different subnets from the admin server are to be managed.

    Depending on the functions used, it may necessary to configure the router settings. For details, refer to " Settings for Unmanaged Network Devices" in the "Setup Guide CE".

    When registering managed servers that belong to a different subnet from the admin server, they must be registered on the admin LAN subnet in advance.
    For details, refer to "2.10 Registering Admin LAN Subnets" in the "User's Guide for Infrastructure Administrators (Resource Management) CE".

    Install the DHCP server following the procedure below:

    1. Install the dhcp package.

    2. Execute the following command to modify the setting for automatic startup of the DHCP server service (dhcpd):

      # chkconfig dhcpd off <RETURN>

    3. Execute the following command to stop the DHCP server service (dhcpd):

      # /etc/init.d/dhcpd stop <RETURN>

  • ETERNUS SF Storage Cruiser

    When using ESC, configure the Fibre Channel switch settings in advance.

User Account Checks

The OS user account name used for the database connection for Resource Orchestrator is fixed as "rcxdb". When applications using the OS user account "rcxdb" exist, delete them after confirming there is no effect on them.

Single Sign-On Preparation and Checks

Before installing Resource Orchestrator, certificate preparation and user registration with the registration service are required.
For details, refer to "4.5 Installing and Configuring Single Sign-On" of the "Setup Guide CE".

For setting up Resource Orchestrator, it is necessary to establish communication beforehand, since communication between the manager and the directory service requires LDAP (Lightweight Directory Access Protocol) of the TCP/IP protocol protected by SSL.
Use tools or commands to check communications.

Language Settings

As Resource Orchestrator installs programs that correspond to the supported language, language settings (locale) cannot be changed after installation.

Therefore, set the language (locale) to Japanese or English according to your operational requirements.

The example of language settings (locale) confirmation methods is given below:


  • For Windows

    From the Control Panel, open "Date, Time, Language, and Regional Options" and select [Regional and Language Options].

  • For Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5

    From the desktop screen, select [System]-[Administration]-[Language].

Tuning System Parameters (Admin Server) [Linux Manager]

Before installation, it is necessary to tune up system parameters for the admin server. See the table below for the system parameters that need to be tuned and their values.


Set the values according to the "type" of each parameter as follows:

  • When the type is "setup value"

    Modification is not necessary if already set value (default or previous value) is equal to or larger than the value in the table. If it is smaller than the value in the table, change the value to the one in the table.

  • When the type is "additional value"

    Add the value in the table to already set value. Before adding the value, check the upper limit for the system, and set either the resulting value or the upper limit for the system, whichever is smaller.

For details, refer to the Linux manual.

[Tuning Procedure]

Use the following procedure to perform tuning:

  1. Use the following command to check the values of the corresponding parameters currently configured for the system.

    # /sbin/sysctl -a


    # /sbin/sysctl -a
    kernel.sem = 250 32000 32 128
    kernel.msgmnb = 65536
    kernel.msgmni = 16
    kernel.msgmax = 65536
    kernel.shmmni = 4096
    kernel.shmall = 4294967296
    kernel.shmmax = 68719476736
  2. For each parameter, compare the current value to that in the above table, and then calculate the appropriate value, based on its value type (setup or additional value).

  3. Edit /etc/sysctl.conf. Edit the content as in the following example:


    kernel.sem = 512 13325 50 1358
    kernel.msgmnb = 114432
    kernel.msgmni = 1041
    kernel.shmmni = 4154
  4. Confirm that edited content is reflected in /etc/sysctl.conf, using the following command:

    # /bin/cat /etc/sysctl.conf
  5. Enable the configuration on 4. using one of the following methods:

    • Reboot the system to reflect the settings

      # /sbin/shutdown -r now
    • Use /sbin/sysctl -p to reflect the settings

      # /sbin/sysctl -p /etc/sysctl.conf (*)

      * Note: When using this command, reboot is not necessary.

  6. Confirm that configured parameters are reflected, using the following command:

    # /sbin/sysctl -a


    # /sbin/sysctl -a 
    kernel.sem = 512 13325 50 1358
    kernel.msgmnb = 114432
    kernel.msgmni = 1041
    kernel.msgmax = 65536
    kernel.shmmni = 4154
    kernel.shmall = 4294967296
    kernel.shmmax = 68719476736
    ... Collecting and Checking Required Information

Before installing Resource Orchestrator, collect required information and check the system status, then determine the information to be specified on the installation window. The information that needs to be prepared is given below.

Parameters Used for Installation

The following table contains the parameters used for installation.







Installation Folder Selection

Installation Folder

This is the folder where Resource Orchestrator is installed. (*1)

Default value: C:\Fujitsu\ROR

The installation folder can contain 14 characters or less including the drive letter and "\".

A path starting with "\\" or a relative path cannot be specified.
It can contain alphanumeric characters, including hyphens ("-") and underscores ("_").


Administrative User Creation

User Account

This is the user account name to be used for logging into Resource Orchestrator as an administrative user.

Specifying the administrator account, "administrator", of ServerView Operations Manager enables Single Sign-On coordination with ServerView Operations Manager when the OpenDS that is included with ServerView Operations Manager is used.

The name must start with an alphabetic character and can be up to 16 alphanumeric characters long, including underscores ("_"), hyphens ("-"), and periods, ("."). Input is case-sensitive.


The password of the administrative user.
The string must be composed of alphanumeric characters and symbols, and can be up to 16 characters long.

Retype password


Admin LAN Selection

Network to use for the admin LAN

This is the network to be used as the admin LAN. Select it from the list.
The maximum value for the subnet mask is mask). The minimum value is mask). However, cannot be specified.


Directory Server Information 1/2

IP Address

This is the IP address of the directory server to be connected to.

Port number

This is the port number of the directory server to be connected to. Check the settings of the directory server to be used. Specify a port number for SSL. "1474" is set as the initial port number for SSL when the OpenDS that is included with ServerView Operations Manager is used.

Use of SSL for connecting to the Directory Server

Select "SSL Authentication".

Directory Server Certificates

Specify the folder storing directory server CA certificates.

Only server CA certificates are stored in this folder.


Directory Server Information 2/2

Base (DN)

This is the base name (DN) of the directory server to be connected to. Check the settings of the directory server to be used. "dc=fujitsu,dc=com" is set as the initial value when the OpenDS that is included with ServerView Operations Manager is used.

Administrator (DN)

This is the administrator name (DN) of the directory server to be connected to. Check the settings of the directory server to be used. "cn=Directory Manager" is set when the OpenDS that is included with ServerView Operations Manager is used.


This is the password of the administrator of the directory server to be connected to. Check the settings of the directory server to be used. Refer to the following manual when the OpenDS that is included with ServerView Operations Manager is used.

"ServerView user management with OpenDS" in the "ServerView Suite User Management in ServerView" manual of ServerView Operations Manager


Port Number Settings

Interstage Management Console

This is the port number of the Interstage management console.

Default value: 12000

Web Server (Interstage HTTP Server)

This is the port number of the Web server.

Default value: 80

CORBA Service

The port number of the CORBA service used by Resource Orchestrator.

Default value: 8002


CMDB Destination Folder Selection

CMDB Manager's database installation folder

This is the folder to install the CMDB of Resource Orchestrator.

The installation folder can contain 64 characters or less including the drive letter and "\".

A path starting with "\\" or a relative path cannot be specified.
It can contain alphanumeric characters, including hyphens ("-") and underscores ("_").


Admin Server Settings

FQDN for the Admin Server

The FQDN of the authentication server used by Resource Orchestrator. The FQDN of the authentication server must be the FQDN of the admin server.
The FQDN can be up to 249 characters long and must be supported for name resolution.

*1: Specify an NTFS disk.







Administrative User Creation

User Account

This is the user account name to be used for logging into Resource Orchestrator as an administrative user.

Specifying the administrator account, "administrator", of ServerView Operations Manager enables Single Sign-On coordination with ServerView Operations Manager when the OpenDS that is included with ServerView Operations Manager is used.

The name must start with an alphabetic character and can be up to 16 alphanumeric characters long, including underscores ("_"), hyphens ("-"), and periods, ("."). Input is case-sensitive.


The password of the administrative user.

The string must be composed of alphanumeric characters and symbols, and can be up to 16 characters long.

Retype password


Admin LAN Selection

Network to use for the admin LAN

This is the network to be used as the admin LAN. Select it from the list.
The maximum value for the subnet mask is mask). The minimum value is mask). However, cannot be specified.


Directory Server Information

IP Address

This is the IP address of the directory server to be connected to.

Port number

This is the port number of the directory server to be connected to. Check the settings of the directory server to be used. Specify a port number for SSL. "1474" is set as the initial port number for SSL when the OpenDS that is included with ServerView Operations Manager is used.

Use of SSL for connecting to the Directory Server

Select "SSL Authentication".

Directory Server Certificates

Specify the directory used to store directory server CA certificates.

Only server CA certificates are stored in this directory.

Base (DN)

This is the base name (DN) of the directory server to be connected to. Check the settings of the directory server to be used. "dc=fujitsu,dc=com" is set as the initial value when the OpenDS that is included with ServerView Operations Manager is used.

Administrator (DN)

This is the administrator name (DN) of the directory server to be connected to. Check the settings of the directory server to be used. "cn=Directory Manager" is set when the OpenDS that is included with ServerView Operations Manager is used.


This is the password of the administrator of the directory server to be connected to. Check the settings of the directory server to be used. Refer to the following manual when the OpenDS that is included with ServerView Operations Manager is used.

"ServerView user management with OpenDS" in the "ServerView Suite User Management in ServerView" manual of ServerView Operations Manager


Port Number Settings

Interstage Management Console

This is the port number of the Interstage management console.

Default value: 12000

Web Server (Interstage HTTP Server)

This is the port number of the Web server.

Default value: 80

CORBA Service

The port number of the CORBA service used by Resource Orchestrator.

Default value: 8002


CMDB Destination Folder Selection

CMDB Manager's database installation folder

This is the folder to install the CMDB of Resource Orchestrator.

Enter a directory that already exists on the OS, using a maximum of 63 characters.


Admin Server Settings

FQDN for the Admin Server

The FQDN of the authentication server used by Resource Orchestrator. The FQDN of the authentication server must be the FQDN of the admin server.
The FQDN can be up to 106 characters long and must be supported for name resolution. Configuration Parameter Checks

Check configuration parameters following the procedure below:


  1. Log in as the administrator.

  2. Start the installer.

    The installer is automatically displayed when the first DVD-ROM is set in the DVD drive. If it is not displayed, execute "RcSetup.exe" to start the installer.

  3. Select "Tool" on the window displayed, and then click "Environment setup conditions check tool". Configuration parameter checking will start.

  4. When configuration parameter checking is completed, the check results will be saved in the following location.


    Refer to the check results, and check that no error is contained. If any error is contained, remove the causes of the error.


  1. Log in to the system as the OS administrator (root).

    Boot the admin server in multi-user mode to check that the server meets requirements for installation, and then log in to the system using root.

  2. Set the first Resource Orchestrator DVD-ROM.

  3. Execute the following command to mount the DVD-ROM. If the auto-mounting daemon (autofs) is used for starting the mounted DVD-ROM, the installer will fail to start due to its "noexec" mount option.

    # mount /dev/hdc DVD-ROM_mount_point <RETURN>

  4. Execute the agent installation command (the command).

    # cd DVD-ROM_mount_point <RETURN>
    # ./ <RETURN>

  5. Select "Environment setup conditions check tool" from the menu to execute the tool.

  6. When the check is completed, the result will be sent to standard output.