ServerView Resource Orchestrator Cloud Edition V3.0.0 Installation Guide

4.2 Manager

This section explains the upgrading of managers.

When operating managers in clusters, transfer using upgrade installation cannot be performed. Perform the upgrade manually.

Transferred Data

The following manager data is transferred:

Also, with transfer using upgrade installation the following data is also transferred:

Data which is transferred during upgrade installation is backed up in the following folder. Ensure that the folder is not deleted until after the upgrade is complete.

Drive_name\Program Files\RCVE-upgradedata



Perform the following preparations and checks before upgrading:

Upgrade using Upgrade Installation

When upgrading to this version from V2.1.1, upgrade can be performed using upgrade installation. Perform the upgrade using the following procedure:


  • Do not change the hardware settings or configurations of managers, agents, or any other devices until upgrading is completed.

  • When there are system images and cloning images, the same amount of disk space as necessary for the system images and cloning images is required on the admin server in order to temporarily copy the images during the upgrade. Before performing the upgrade, check the available disk space.

  • When performing an upgrade installation, please do not access the installation folder of the earlier version or any of the files and folders inside it using the command prompt, Explorer, or an editor.
    While it is being accessed, attempts to perform upgrade installation will fail.
    If upgrade installation fails, stop accessing the files or folders and then perform the upgrade installation again.

  • In the event that upgrade installation fails, please resolve the cause of the failure and perform upgrade installation again. If the problem cannot be resolved and upgrade installation fails again, please contact Fujitsu technical staff.

  • When stopping the upgrade and restoring the earlier version, please do so by restoring the information that was backed up during the preparations.
    When performing restoration and a manager of this version or an earlier version has been installed, please uninstall it.
    After restoration, please delete the folder containing the backed up assets. For how to restore the admin server, refer to the "ServerView Resource Orchestrator User's Guide" or the "ServerView Resource Coordinator VE Operation Guide".

  • Upgrade installation will delete patches that were applied to the earlier version.

    When the PATH variable has not been configured to enable execution of UpdateAdvisor (Middleware) commands from a user-defined location, performing upgrade installation will delete any patches that have been applied to the old version, but it will not delete product information or component information. Refer to the UpdateAdvisor (Middleware) manual and delete software and component information from the applied modification checklist.

  • When operating managers in clusters, transfer using upgrade installation cannot be performed. Perform the upgrade manually.

  1. Upgrade Installation

    Refer to "2.1.2 Installation [Windows]", and execute the Resource Orchestrator installer.
    The Resource Orchestrator setup window will be displayed. Check the contents of the license agreement, etc. and then click <Next>.
    The settings to be inherited from the earlier version will be displayed. Check them and click <Next>. Upgrade installation will begin.

    Refer to "2.1.3 Installation [Linux]", and execute Resource Orchestrator installer.
    Check the contents of the license agreement, etc. and then enter "y".
    The setting information that will be taken over from the earlier version will be displayed. Please check it and then enter "y". Upgrade installation will begin.

  2. Restarting after Upgrade Installation is Finished [Windows]

    After upgrade installation is finished, restart the system in order to complete the upgrade.

  3. Transfer of Resource Data on the Directory Server

    If user management has been conducted by the directory service with ServerView Resource Orchestrator V2.3.0, transfer resource data on the directory server to Resource Orchestrator information.

    Transfer the following data:

    • User group information and group users

      It is necessary that user information be registered both on the directory server and as Resource Orchestrator information with the same name. When Resource Orchestrator is logged in, authentication is performed by the directory service. User password is managed by the directory service.

    • Role definitions

    • Access range and roles

  4. Restore the directory that backed up before upgrading to following directory



  5. When upgrading from ROR V2.2.0 - V2.3.0 Manager, use the following procedure to add parameter to the file.

    If the file is not exists in environment, this step is not necessary.



    It is unnecessary to do procedure e and d when upgrading from ROR V2.3.0.

    1. Stop the manager.

    2. Refer following file and write down the following parameter's value.



      SHUTDOWN_TIMEOUT = value

    3. Refer following file and find the following parameter's value.

      If the parameter's value is not same as wrote down in procedure b, please fix the value.



      SHUTDOWN_TIMEOUT = value

    4. Add following parameter to l_server.rcxprop


    5. When using IBP configuration mode, add following parameter to vnetwork_ibp.rcxprop.

      support_ibp_mode = true

    6. Start the manager.


  • When using backup system images or collecting cloning images without upgrading agents, either reboot managed servers after the manager upgrade is completed, or restart the related services.
    For restarting the related services, refer to "5.2 Agent" in the "ServerView Resource Coordinator VE Setup Guide".

  • Before upgrading, installation and configuration of Single Sign-On are required.
    For details, refer to "4.5 Installing and Configuring Single Sign-On" in the "Setup Guide CE".

Manual Upgrade

Upgrading from older version ROR managers in clustered operation to ROR CE is performed by exporting and importing system configuration files for pre-configuration.

Perform the upgrade using the following procedure:


For pre-configuration, refer to the following manuals:

  • "Systemwalker Resource Coordinator Virtual server Edition Setup Guide"

    • "Chapter 7 Pre-configuration"

    • "Appendix D Format of CSV System Configuration Files"

  • "User's Guide Infrastructure Administrators (Resource Management) CE"

    • "Chapter 6 Pre-configuration"

    • "Appendix A Format of CSV System Configuration Files"


  • When upgrading from V13.2, do not uninstall V13.2 clients until step 2. has been completed.

  • Do not change the hardware settings or configurations of managers, agents, or any other devices until upgrading is completed.

  • When upgrading from manager operating in clusters, replace the parts referring to "Systemwalker Resource Coordinator Virtual server Edition manuals" with the earlier versions of "ServerView Resource Coordinator VE manuals" for the following procedure.

  1. Set Maintenance Mode

    Use the Resource Coordinator console of the earlier version or the ROR console to place all managed servers into maintenance mode.

  2. System Configuration File Export

    Use the pre-configuration function of the earlier version and export the system configuration file in CSV format. During the export, do not perform any other operations with Resource Orchestrator.
    For the export method, refer to the "Systemwalker Resource Coordinator Virtual server Edition Setup Guide".

  3. Back up (copy) Assets to Transfer

    1. Perform backup (copying) of the certificates of the earlier version.

      Back up (copy) the following folders and directories:


      For V13.2 and V13.3
      Installation_folder\Site Manager\etc\opt\FJSVssmgr\current\certificate
      Installation_folder\Domain Manager\etc\opt\FJSVrcxdm\certificate

      For V2.1.0 or later


    2. Back up (copy) the folder containing the physical L-Server system images and cloning images of the earlier version to a location other than the installation folder and the image file storage folder.
      When using the default image file storage folder, back up (copy) the following folder or directory:



      When using a folder or directory other than the default, back up (copy) the "Cloneimg" folder or "CLONEIMG" directory used.


    • When operating managers in clusters, the above folders or directories are stored on the shared disk. Check if files, folders, or directories stored in the above locations are correctly backed up (copied).
      The backup (copy) storage target can be set to be stored in a folder or directory on the shared disk other than "RCoordinator" which is created during setup of the manager cluster service.

    • When operating managers in clusters, the back up (copy) of folders or directories should be executed on the primary node.

    • Before making a backup (copy) of system images and cloning images, check the available disk space. For the disk space necessary for system images and cloning images, refer to the "Systemwalker Resource Coordinator Virtual server Edition Installation Guide". When there is no storage folder for system images and cloning images, this step is not necessary.

    When operating managers in clusters, refer to "B.4 Releasing Configuration" in the "ServerView Resource Coordinator VE Installation Guide" of the earlier version, and uninstall the cluster services and the manager of the earlier versions.


    User account information is deleted when managers are uninstalled. Refer to step 7. and perform reconfiguration from the ROR console.

  4. Uninstallation of earlier version managers

    Refer to the "Systemwalker Resource Coordinator Virtual server Edition Installation Guide" for the method for uninstalling the manager of the earlier version.

    When operating managers in clusters, refer to "B.4 Releasing Configuration" in the "ServerView Resource Coordinator VE Installation Guide" of the earlier version, and uninstall the cluster services and the manager of the earlier versions.


    • Do not perform "Delete servers" as described in Preparations of the "Systemwalker Resource Coordinator Virtual server Edition Installation Guide". When managed servers using HBA address rename have been deleted, it is necessary to reboot managed servers after upgrading of the manager is completed.

    • User account information is deleted when managers are uninstalled. Refer to step 7. and perform reconfiguration from the RC console.

    • In environments where there are V13.2 managers and clients, uninstall V13.2 clients only after uninstalling the manager of the earlier version.

  5. Installation of Managers of This Version

    Install managers of this version.
    For installation, refer to "2.1 Manager Installation".

    When operating managers in cluster environments, refer to "Appendix B Manager Cluster Operation Settings and Deletion", uninstall the manager and then configure the cluster services.


    When installing managers, specify the same admin LAN as used for the earlier version on the [Admin LAN Selection] window.

    After installing managers, use the following procedure to restore the certificates and image file storage folder backed up (copied) in step 3.

    1. Stop the manager.

    2. Return the image file storage folder backup (copy) to the folder specified during installation.

      When using the default image file storage folder, restore to the following folder or directory:



      When using a folder other than the default, restore to the new folder.
      When the image file storage folder was not backed up, this step is not necessary.

    3. Restore the backed up (copied) certificates to the manager installation_folder.
      Restore to the following folder or directory:



    4. Restore the information that was backed up during preparations.

      • Port number settings

        Change the port numbers based on the information that was backed up during preparations.
        For details of how to change port numbers, refer to "3.1.2 Changing Port Numbers" of the "User's Guide for Infrastructure Administrator (Resource Management) CE".
        When the port number has not been changed from the default, this step is not necessary.

      • Batch files and script files for event-related functions

        Restore them by replacing the following file.



    5. Start the manager.

      For the methods for starting and stopping managers, refer to "7.2 Starting and Stopping the Manager" of the "Setup Guide CE".


    Take caution regarding the following when operating managers in clusters.

    • Restoring the image file storage folder and certificates should be performed on shared disks are mounted on the primary node.

    • Restoration of batch files and script files for event-related functions should be performed on both nodes.

  6. User Account Settings

    Using the information recorded during preparations, perform setting of user accounts using the ROR console.
    For details, refer to "Chapter 4 User Accounts" of the "Operation Guide VE".

  7. Edit System Configuration Files

    Based on the environment created for the earlier version, edit the system configuration file (CSV format) exported in step 2.
    Change the operation column of all resources to "new".

    When upgrading from V13.3 or later, do not change the operation column of resources contained in the following sections to "new":

    • ServerAgent

    • ServerVMHost

    • Memo

    For how to edit system configuration files (CVS format), refer to the "Systemwalker Resource Coordinator Virtual server Edition Setup Guide".


    When the spare server information is configured, use the following procedure to delete the spare server information.

    • After upgrade from V13.2

      Set hyphens ("-") for all parameters ("Spare server name", "VLAN switch", and "Automatic switch") of the "Server switch settings" of "(3)Server Blade Information".

    • In cases other than above

      In the "SpareServer" section, set "operation" as a hyphen ("-").

  8. Creating an Environment of This Version

    Import the system configuration file and create an environment of this version.
    Use the following procedure to configure an environment of this version.

    1. Import of the system configuration file

      Import the edited system configuration file.
      For the import method, refer to "6.2 Importing the System Configuration File" of the "User's Guide for Infrastructure Administrators (Resource Management) CE".

    2. Agent Registration

      Using the information recorded during preparations, perform agent registration using the ROR console. Perform agent registration with the OS of the managed server booted.
      For agent registration, refer to "8.3 Software Installation and Agent Registration" of the "Setup Guide CE".
      After completing agent registration, use the ROR console to check that all physical OS's and VM hosts are displayed. When there are VM hosts (with VM guests) registered, check that all VM guests are displayed.

    3. Spare Server Information Settings

      Using the information recorded during preparations, perform registration of spare server information using the ROR console.
      For registration of spare server information, refer to "8.6 Server Switchover Settings" of the "User's Guide VE".

    4. Registration of Labels, Comments, and Contact Information

      When label, comment, and contact information has been registered, change the contents of the operation column of the system configuration file (CSV format) that were changed to "new" in step 6. back to hyphens ("-"), and change the contents of the operation column of resources contained in the [Memo] section to "new".
      For how to edit system configuration files (CVS format), refer to the "Systemwalker Resource Coordinator Virtual server Edition Setup Guide".
      Import the edited system configuration file.
      For the import method, refer to "6.2 Importing the System Configuration File" of the "User's Guide for Infrastructure Administrators (Resource Management) CE".

  9. Set Maintenance Mode

    Using the information recorded during preparation, place the managed servers placed into maintenance mode into maintenance mode again.
    For maintenance mode settings, refer to "Appendix B Maintenance Mode" of the "User's Guide for Infrastructure Administrators (Resource Management) CE".


  • When using backup system images or collecting cloning images without upgrading agents, either reboot managed servers after the manager upgrade is completed, or restart the related services.
    For restarting the related services, refer to "5.2 Agent" in the "ServerView Resource Coordinator VE Setup Guide".

  • Before upgrading, installation and configuration of Single Sign-On are required.
    For details, refer to "4.5 Installing and Configuring Single Sign-On" in the "Setup Guide CE".