Systemwalker Runbook Automation Reference Guide

1.4.15 swrba_holimport (Holiday Calendar Information Import Command)


This command registers, changes, and deletes holiday calendar information.


[To register or change information]
swrba_holimport -ent definition file

[To delete information]
swrba_holimport -del holiday calendar name


-ent definition file

Specify the name of the file that stores the holiday information control statement.

Refer to "Holiday Information Control Statement" for details.

-del holiday calendar name

Specify the name of the holiday calendar (other than the system calendar "SYSTEM_CALENDAR") to be deleted.

Return Values


Normal termination

Value other than 0:

Abnormal termination

Command Location


<Systemwalker Runbook Automation Management Server installation directory>\bin
Note: The default location is C:\Fujitsu\Systemwalker\SWRBAM.



Privilege Required/Execution Environment



Holiday Information Control Statement


HOL ---------- (1)
calendarname holiday calendar name --------- (2) (*) (Note)
yearset year setting ---------- (3) (*)
monthset month setting ---------- (4) (*)
dayset day setting ---------- (5) (**)
weekset day of the week setting ---------- (6) (**)
daycancel days for which settings are canceled---------- (7)

Note: Specify the calendarname operand immediately after the HOL keyword.

(*): Ensure these operands are specified.

(**): For operands marked (**), specify either or both operands.

Explanation of This Control Statement

(1) HOL

This is a keyword that indicates the start of the holiday information control statement.

(2) holiday calendar name

Specify the name of the holiday calendar (either the system calendar "SYSTEM_CALENDAR" or another holiday calendar) using no more than 24 bytes.

Spaces, user-defined characters, and the following characters (/ ? * ; , \ " < > | :) cannot be specified: If the name of an already existing holiday calendar is specified then the previous settings will be overwritten.

(3) year setting

Specify the years for which holidays are being set up, using four-digit numbers.

Up to three years' worth of holidays can be specified (for the current year, the next year, and the year after next). To specify holidays with the same pattern every year, specify "EVERY".

Specification example for year settings

If the current year is 2011, the following example shows how to specify this year and next year.

yearset 2011,2012

(4) month setting

Specify the months for which holidays are being set up, using numbers. Specify multiple months using the following format: "3,5,10,...".

To specify holidays with the same pattern every year, specify "EVERY".

(5) day setting

Specify the dates for which holidays are being set up, using numbers. Specify multiple dates using the following format: "1,2,15,...".

(6) day of the week setting

Specify the holiday in terms of "day of the week" units. Specify days of the week using the first three letters of the name of the day of the week. Specify multiple days of the week using the following format: "SUN,MON,TUE,WED,THU,FRI,SAT".

(7) days for which settings are canceled

Specify this operand to cancel the holiday settings for only specific days. Specify dates using the following format: "YYYY,MM,DD(,DD)". "EVERY" cannot be specified to cancel day settings.

Specification example for day settings cancellation

Specification examples are shown below.

To cancel the holiday settings for October 1, 2011

daycancel 2011,10,01

To cancel the holiday settings for October 1 and 15, 2011

daycancel 2011,10,01,15

To cancel the holiday settings for October 1 and November 20, 2011

daycancel 2011,10,01
daycancel 2011,11,20

To cancel the holiday settings for October 8, 2011 and November 25, 2012

daycancel 2011,10,08
daycancel 2012,11,25

Specification example for the holiday information control statement

The following example shows how to set up the following dates as holidays.
