ETERNUS SF AdvancedCopy Manager V15.0 Operation Guide

8.4.2 Operation commands

This section describes operation commands for replication management. swsrpstartsync (Synchronous processing start command)


swsrpstartsync - starts synchronous processing


To be executed on the Managed Server
/opt/FJSVswsrp/bin/swsrpstartsync [[-y [-a | -v]| -k | -i] [-g] [-m] [-Xskip | -Xremain] [-t] [-Xda] From-Volume-Name To-Volume-Name
To be executed on the Management Server
/opt/FJSVswsrp/bin/swsrpstartsync -h Server-Name [[-y [-a | -v]| -k | -i] [-g] [-m] [-Xskip | -Xremain] [-t] [-Xda] From-Volume-Name To-Volume-Name
To be executed on the Managed Server: group specification
/opt/FJSVswsrp/bin/swsrpstartsync [-y [-a | -v]| -k | -i] [-g] [-m] [-Xskip | -Xremain] [-t] [-Xda] [-Xreverse] -Xgroup Group-Name
To be executed on the Management Server: group specification
/opt/FJSVswsrp/bin/swsrpstartsync -h Server-Name [-y [-a | -v]| -k | -i] [-g] [-m] [-Xskip | -Xremain] [-t] [-Xda] [-Xreverse] -Xgroup Group-Name


Start the synchronous replication processing (copying between disks by EC and REC).
It will copy all the data from the source volume to the destination volume at the start of the synchronization process, or if run as a restart of the synchronization process it will just copy updated data to the destination volume. Use this command at the start of operation or when you want to reflect updated data (differences) from the equivalency maintenance state.


-h Server-Name

This option is valid only on a Management Server.
This option can be specified only on a Management Server.


Specifies inter-box synchronization in synchronous mode. This option is valid only when total copy is started for inter-box replication.
Specify this option together with the -a option to start the split mode for inter-box synchronization in Automatic Split mode.
Specify this option together with the -v option to start the mode in Manual Split mode.
Specifying the -y option without the -a or -v option starts the mode in Automatic Split mode.
Not specifying the -y, -k, and -i options sets Through mode.
Synchronization in intra-box replication is always handled in synchronous mode.


Specifies the start of split mode for inter-box synchronization in Automatic Split mode. This option is valid only when total copy is started for inter-box replication.
Specify this option together with the -y option.


Specifies the start of split mode for inter-box synchronization in Manual Split mode. This option is valid only when total copy is started for inter-box replication.
Specify this option together with the -y option.
You must specify this option when specifying synchronization mode (the -y option) on a box that does not support Automatic Split mode.


Specifies the setting of transfer mode for inter-box synchronization in Stack mode. This option is valid only when total copy is started for inter-box replication.
Not specifying the -y, -k, or -i option sets Through mode.


Specifies the setting of transfer mode for inter-box synchronization in Consistency mode. This option is valid only when total copy is started for inter-box replication.
Not specifying the -y, -k, or -i option sets Through mode.


Specifies the setting of recovery mode for inter-box synchronization in Manual Recovery mode. This option is valid only when total copy is started for inter-box replication.
Not specifying this option sets Automatic Recovery mode.


For server-to-server replication, this option specifies that communication processing with non-operation servers is not performed. When this option is specified, volume status check processing and the pre-processing for the replication destination volume of a non-operation server are not performed.
This option is valid only during server-to-server replication.


Specifies that pre-processing for the replication destination volume is not performed.
Use this option if any of the following conditions apply:

  • AdvancedCopy Manager does not perform pre-processing or post-processing for the replication destination volume, and independent pre-processes and post-processes are inserted before and after AdvancedCopy Manager commands.

  • Replication destination pre-processing and post-processing are judged to be unnecessary (for example, for databases constructed on RAW devices).

  • Synchronous processing (REC) between boxes is restarted after a forcible suspend.

-Xgroup Group-Name

Specifies that synchronous processing must be started for each group.


Specifies that synchronous processing must be started for each group in the reverse direction (from replica volumes to original volumes).


Specifies that synchronous processing must be suspended using the initial copy skip function. This option is valid only when total copy is started for inter-box replication.


Enables data that has been updated to the copy destination during replication established status when synchronous processing is restarted.
This option is valid only when inter-box replication is restarted.
This option is used to reflect to the copy destination volume only those parts of the copy source volume that have been updated, after synchronous processing has been started using the -Xskip option and backup data has been copied from the tape medium to the copy destination volume.


Disables update (WRITE) and access (READ) to the replication destination volume from the synchronous processing start until the replication has been completed.
This option is valid only when synchronous processing is started.
If the option is omitted, only update (WRITE) to the replication destination volume is disabled.



Specifies a replication source volume name.
Specifies the replication source volume or the replication destination volume set with swsrpsetvol (Replication volume information setting command).
Specifies the AdvancedCopy Manager device name for the volume name.


Specifies a replication destination volume name.
Specifies the replication source volume or the replication destination volume set with swsrpsetvol (Replication volume information setting command).
Specifies the AdvancedCopy Manager device name for the volume name.


=0: Completed successfully
>0: Terminated abnormally


NOTES swsrpmake (Replication creation command)


swsrpmake - creates a replication volume


To be executed on the Managed Server
Synchronized replication
/opt/FJSVswsrp/bin/swsrpmake [-m] [-f] [-t] ([-j | -Xconcur]) From-Volume-Name To-Volume-Name
Snapshot replication
/opt/FJSVswsrp/bin/swsrpmake [-m] [-f] [-t] ([-T | -C | -P]) From-Volume-Name To-Volume-Name
To be executed on the Management Server
Synchronized replication
/opt/FJSVswsrp/bin/swsrpmake -h Server-Name [-m] [-f] [-t] ([-j | -Xconcur]) From-Volume-Name To-Volume-Name
Snapshot replication
/opt/FJSVswsrp/bin/swsrpmake -h Server-Name [-m] [-f] [-t] ([-T | -C | -P]) From-Volume-Name To-Volume-Name
To be executed on the Managed Server: group specification
Synchronized replication
/opt/FJSVswsrp/bin/swsrpmake [-m] [-f] [-t] ([-j | -Xconcur]) [-Xreverse] -Xgroup Group-Name
Snapshot replication
/opt/FJSVswsrp/bin/swsrpmake [-m] [-f] [-t] ([-T | -C | -P]) [-Xconcur-opc] [-Xreverse] -Xgroup Group-Name
To be executed on the Management Server: group specification
Synchronized replication
/opt/FJSVswsrp/bin/swsrpmake -h Server-Name [-m] [-f] [-t] ([-j | -Xconcur]) [-Xreverse] -Xgroup Group-Name
Snapshot replication
/opt/FJSVswsrp/bin/swsrpmake -h Server-Name [-m] [-f] [-t] ([-T | -C | -P]) [-Xconcur-opc] [-Xreverse] -Xgroup Group-Name


When synchronization processing (EC) is not performed, this command will start snapshot processing (OPC/QuickOPC/SnapOPC/SnapOPC+) to create a replication volume.

When synchronization processing is performed, check whether the status of the processing is in the equivalency maintenance state. If so, suspend the synchronization processing and create a replication volume. The status in which synchronization processing is suspended is referred to as the replication established status. After this command is executed, the replication destination volume can be accessed.

This command executes the replication pre-processing and post-processing before a replication is created. For details of these processes, refer to "Appendix C Pre-processing and Post-processing of Replication".


-h Server-Name

Specifies a Managed Server name.
This option can be specified only on a Management Server.


For server-to-server replication, this specifies that communication processing is not performed with the non-operation server. When this option is specified, volume status check processing and pre-processing and post-processing are not performed for the non-operation server volume.
This option cannot be specified if the command is executed from the copy destination server and the -Xconcur option is specified.

This option is valid only during server-to-server replication.


Specifies that the pre-processing and post-processing are not performed for a replication source volume.
Use this option only when AdvancedCopy Manager does not execute pre-processing and post-processing of the copy source volume and unique pre-processing and post-processing scripts are inserted before and after (respectively) the AdvancedCopy Manager command, or when you judge that copy pre-processing and post-processing are unnecessary (e.g., for a database constructed on a raw device).


Specifies that the pre-processing and post-processing are not performed for a replication destination volume.
Use this option only when AdvancedCopy Manager does not execute pre-processing and post-processing of the copy destination volume and unique pre-processing and post-processing scripts are inserted before and after (respectively) the AdvancedCopy Manager command, or when you judge that copy pre-processing and post-processing are unnecessary (e.g., for a database constructed on a raw device).


Specifies that copy processing will be forcibly suspended even if the execution status of copying is "sync: Total copy or incremental copy is being performed" or "halt: Hard suspend status" in synchronization processing of intra-box replication. This option can only be used for intra-box replication; if attempted for intra-box replication, an error will occur.
When this option is specified, the data in the destination volume is not guaranteed.
Additionally, when this option is specified, pre-processing and post-processing for the source and destination volumes are not performed. When restarting synchronous processing (REC) between boxes, execute swsrpstartsync (Replication start command) with the -t option specified.


Specifies that differential snapshot processing will be executed.
This option cannot be specified while synchronous processing is performed.
This option is valid only for a replication within the ETERNUS Disk storage system and when the ETERNUS Disk storage system supports the QuickOPC function.
For a snapshot replication without specifying this option, ordinary snapshot processing (OPC without using the QuickOPC function) is started. This option must be specified to perform the replication operation using differential snapshots.

-Xgroup Group-Name

Specifies that a replication will be created for each group.


Specifies that a replication will be created for each group in the reverse direction (i.e., from replica volumes to original volumes).


Specifies that a replication will be created using the concurrent suspension function.


Specifies that a replication will be created using the concurrent OPC function.


Specifies that SnapOPC will be started.
This option is only valid for intra-box replications and for ETERNUS Disk storage system that supports the SnapOPC function.
In order to execute SnapOPC, the copy destination volume must be a Snap Data Volume.


Specifies to start SnapOPC+.
This option is only valid with intra-box replications and for ETERNUS Disk storage system that supports the SnapOPC+ function.
In order to execute SnapOPC+, the copy destination volume must be a Snap Data Volume.
An error occurs in the following cases:

  • The same SnapOPC+ session exists at the copy source volume and the copy destination volume.



Specifies a replication source volume.
Specifies the replication source volume or the replication destination volume that was set with swsrpsetvol (Replication volume information setting command).
Specifies the AdvancedCopy Manager device name for the volume name.


Specifies a replication destination volume.
Specifies the replication source volume or the replication destination volume that was set with swsrpsetvol (Replication volume information setting command).
Specifies the AdvancedCopy Manager device name for the volume name.


=0: Completed successfully
>0: Terminated abnormally


NOTES swsrpstat (Operation status display command)


swsrpstat - displays the operation status


To be executed on the Managed Server
/opt/FJSVswsrp/bin/swsrpstat [ [-L] [-Xdate] [-Xda] | [-Xall] ] [-E] [-H] [-O] [Original-Volume-Name]
To be executed on the Management Server
/opt/FJSVswsrp/bin/swsrpstat -h Server-Name [ [-L] [-Xdate] [-Xda] | [-Xall] ] [-E] [-H] [-O] [Original-Volume-Name]
To be executed on the Managed Server: group specification
/opt/FJSVswsrp/bin/swsrpstat [ [-L] [-Xdate] [-Xda] | [-Xall] ] [-E] [-H] [-O] -Xgroup Group-Name
To be executed on the Management Server: group specification
/opt/FJSVswsrp/bin/swsrpstat -h Server-Name [ [-L] [-Xdate] [-Xda] | [-Xall] ] [-E] [-H] [-O] -Xgroup Group-Name


This command displays the operation status of the specified volume. If a volume is not specified, the operation status of each replication volume is displayed.
The following information will be displayed:




Displays a Managed Server name.


Displays a replication source volume name.


Displays a replication destination volume name.


Displays the copy direction if a copy session exists.

regular : Copying from the replication source to the replication destination is being performed.
reverse : Copying from the replication destination to the replication source is being performed.
---- : Copying is not being performed.


Displays the execution status.

---- : Copying is not being performed.
readying : The concurrent OPC has been defined.
sync : Total copy or incremental copy is being performed.
equivalent : Equivalency maintained status.
replicated : Replication established status.
copy-on-write : SnapOPC processing is being performed.
copy-on-write(active) : SnapOPC+ processing is being performed (most recent snap generation).
copy-on-write(inactive) : SnapOPC+ processing is being performed (past snap generation).
failed : Error suspend status.
failed(badsector) : There is a bad sector in the copy source.
failed(overflow) : There is insufficient Snap Data Volume or Snap Data Pool capacity.
failed(other) : The error suspend status is neither failed(badsector) or failed(overflow).
halt : Hard suspend status.
halt(sync) : Hard suspend status (hard suspend status has been entered during a REC total copy or differential copy).
halt(equivalent) : Hard suspend status (hard suspend status has been entered during an REC equivalency maintenance state).
halt(use-buffer) : A line fault occurred and the REC buffer is in use. (NOTE)
halt(use-disk-buffer) : A line fault occurred and the REC Disk buffer is in use. (NOTE)
snap : OPC or QuickOPC processing is being performed.
????? : Failed to get copy status.

NOTE: "halt(use-buffer)" and "halt(use-disk-buffer)" are output when the following two conditions are fulfilled:

  • The -H option was specified, and

  • In inter-server replication, this command was executed on the replication source server of REC.


Displays the copy progress rate as a percentage. "----" is displayed during SnapOPC or when no copying is being performed.


Displays whether tracking processing is in progress.

on : Tracking processing is in progress.
off : Tracking processing is not in progress.
---- : Snapshot processing is not being performed.


Displays the percentage of data that has been updated since the last copy was created, in the cases shown below.
For SnapOPC+, this displays the percentage of data that has been updated since the previous snap generation.

  • When the Status column is "----" and the Trk column is "on" (that is, tracking is in progress and the physical copy is not being executed).

  • When the Status column is "copy-on-write" (that is, when SnapOPC processing is in progress)

  • When the Status column is "copy-on-write(active)" (that is, when SnapOPC+ (most recent snap generation) is being performed)

  • When the Status column is "copy-on-write(inactive)" (that is, when SnapOPC+ (past snap generation) is being performed)

Displays "----" during physical copying or when tracking is not in progress.


Indicates the Recovery mode for Inter-ETERNUS synchronization.
auto : Automatic Recovery mode
manual : Manual Recovery mode
---- : Inter-ETERNUS synchronous replication (REC) is not performed.


Indicates the Split mode for Inter-ETERNUS synchronization.

auto : Automatic Split mode
manual : Manual Split mode
---- : Inter-ETERNUS synchronous replication (REC) is not performed using the Synchronous mode.


Indicates the Transfer for Inter-ETERNUS synchronization.

sync : Synchronous mode
async : Through mode
stack : Stack mode
consist : Consistency mode
---- : Inter-ETERNUS synchronous replication (REC) is not performed.


When SnapOPC+ is performed, displays the snap generation number.
When SnapOPC+ is not performed, "----" is displayed.
1 is the oldest snap generation, and the snap generation number increases until the most recent generation is reached.

(Copy Destination Access)

Displays the access permission for the replication destination volume.

on : Access is not being permitted.
off : Access is being permitted.

When an ETERNUS Disk storage system does not support the Destination Access Permission function or the SDX objects is specified with the units of logical volumes, 'off' is displayed.


If a copy session exists, a timestamp in the [yyyy/mm/dd hh:mm:ss] format is displayed for the last status transition of the copy session as described below.
The timestamp is relative to the timezone settings of the specified storage system.

[For the OPC and QuickOPC]

  • Starting the logical copy (Execution the "swsrpmake" or "swsrpmake -T")

  • Changing to error suspend status (The Status is "failed")

[For the SnapOPC and SnapOPC+]

  • Starting the logical copy (Execution the "swsrpmake -C" or "swsrpmake -P")

  • Changing to error suspend status (The Status is "failed")

[For the EC]

  • Suspend (Execution the "swsrpmake")

  • Concurrent suspend (Execution the "swsrpmake -Xconcur")

  • Changing to error suspend status (The Status is "failed")

[For the REC]

  • Starting the REC by initial copy skip function (Execution the "swsrpstartsync -Xskip")

  • Suspend (Execution the "swsrpmake") (Note)

  • Concurrent suspend (Execution the "swsrpmake -Xconcur")

  • Changing to error suspend status (The Status is "failed")

  • Changing to hard suspend status (The Status is "halt")

Note: When a forced suspend is performed on a REC session in hardware suspend condition, the timestamp of the last execution is initialized as "----/--/-- --:--:--". When a forced suspend is performed while copy is executing, its timestamp is not updated.

"----/--/-- --:--:--" is displayed in the following situations:

  • There is no copy session (Status field is "----")

  • Copy status could not be obtained from the storage system (Status field is "?????")

  • Transition between no copy session and start of a synchronous EC/REC initial copy (swsrpstartsync) is started under the condition of no copy session.

  • The REC session is recovered automatically from the hardware suspend status (The Status is "halt")

  • The storage system where last execution timestamp function is not supported

  • The SDX objects being set per logical volume


-h Server-Name

Specifies a Managed Server name.
This option can be specified only on a Management Server.


Specifies that display will be in extension format.
For the items displayed by this option, refer to the table in the example following.


An option which when set will display the operational status in the opposite direction only (from the copy destination to the copy source).
If this option is not set, the operation status will always be displayed in the normal direction (from the copy source to the copy destination) when a bi-directional OPC physical copy is taking place.
In case this option is set, the operational status in the normal direction will not be displayed. Only the operational status in the opposite direction will be displayed.
This option can be used to check the operational status of an OPC session performed in the opposite direction if a QuickOPC/SnapOPC session in the normal direction exists.

-Xgroup Group-Name

Specifies that the operation statuses are displayed by the group.
If this option is set, all the operational statuses relating to the specified group will be displayed.


Changes the Status field display method used when a REC enters a hard-suspend (halt) status.
If this option is specified, then "halt (sync)" will be displayed when hard-suspend status occurs during a total copy or a differential copy. "halt (equivalent)" will be displayed when hard-suspend status occurs during an equivalency maintenance state.
If the transfer mode is Consistency mode and a REC Disk buffer is set, "halt(use-disk-buffer)" will be displayed when issue of a hard suspend causes transfer data to be saved to the REC Disk buffer.
If the transfer mode is Consistency mode and a REC buffer is set, "halt(use-buffer)" will be displayed when issue of a hard suspend causes transfer data to be saved to the REC buffer.


Changes the error suspend(failed) status Status field display method.
If this option is specified, the display will be as follows:
There is a bad sector: "failed(badsector)"
When there is insufficient Snap Data Volume or Snap Data Pool capacity: "failed(overflow)"
All other cases: "failed(other)"


Displays the access permission settings for copy destination volume.


Displays the timestamp of the last copy session status transition.


Displays the all information.
For the items displayed by this option, refer to the example following.
Note that the items displayed by this option may be subject to change in a future release.



Specifies a replication source volume name.
For the volume names of other servers, use the format "Volume-Name@Managed-Server-Name".
Specifies the AdvancedCopy Manager device name for the Volume-Name.
Displays all operation statuses for the specified replication source volume.
If this operand is omitted, all the operation statuses of the Managed Server on which this command is executed are displayed.


=0: Completed successfully
>0: Terminated abnormally


NOTES swsrpcancel (Replication cancellation command)


swsrpcancel - stops snapshot processing and synchronization processing


To be executed on the Managed Server
/opt/FJSVswsrp/bin/swsrpcancel [-c] {([-f] [-t] [-m] [-b])|[-T]|[-Xforce]} From-Volume-Name To-Volume-Name
To be executed on the Management Server
/opt/FJSVswsrp/bin/swsrpcancel -h Server-Name [-c] {([-f] [-t] [-m] [-b])|[-T]|[-Xforce]} From-Volume-Name To-Volume-Name
To be executed on the Managed Server: group specification
/opt/FJSVswsrp/bin/swsrpcancel [-c] {([-f] [-t] [-m] [-b])|[-T]|[-Xforce]} [-Xreverse] -Xgroup Group-Name
To be executed on the Management Server: group specification
/opt/FJSVswsrp/bin/swsrpcancel -h Server-Name [-c] {([-f] [-t] [-m] [-b])|[-T]|[-Xforce]} [-Xreverse] -Xgroup Group-Name


This command stops snapshot processing (OPC/QuickOPC/SnapOPC/SnapOPC+) and synchronization processing (EC) of the specified replication volume. Use this command when an error is detected during the replication operation and when you want to stop replication processing.


-h Server-Name

Specifies a Managed Server name.
This option can be specified only on a Management Server.


Specifies that the copy processing is forcibly stopped from a non-operation server when the operation server cannot be used because of a system failure. If this option is used, the copy processing is stopped without implementing pre-processing and post-processing.

This option cannot be specified on the operation server.


For server-to-server replication, this option specifies that communication processing is not performed with non-operation servers. When this option is specified, volume status check processing and pre-processing and post-processing are not performed for the replication destination volume of a non-operation server.
This option is valid only during server-to-server replication.


When stopping synchronous processing under the equivalency maintained status, specify that pre-processing and post-processing for the copy source volume is not being executed.
Use this option only when AdvancedCopy Manager does not execute pre-processing and post-processing of the copy source volume and unique pre-processing and post-processing scripts are inserted before and after (respectively) the AdvancedCopy Manager command, or when you judge that copy pre-processing and post-processing are unnecessary (e.g., for a database constructed on a raw device).


When stopping the synchronous processing under the equivalency maintained status, this specifies that post-processing for the copy destination volume will not be executed.
Use this option only when AdvancedCopy Manager does not execute pre-processing and post-processing of the copy destination volume and unique pre-processing and post-processing scripts are inserted before and after (respectively) the AdvancedCopy Manager command, or when you judge that copy pre-processing and post-processing are unnecessary (e.g., for a database constructed on a raw device).


Specifies that the inter-box copy operation in the halt status be stopped.
For replication on a single server, the copying is cancelled for both boxes.
For replication between servers, the copying is cancelled only for the box connected to the server on which this command was executed.
Use the option only for a copy operation in the halt status and whose recovery is not expected to be done successfully.
The option is valid only for a copy operation in the HALT status.
The option can be used on the server that is not specified as the operation server.

If this option is specified together with the -Xgroup option, copy processing is only stopped for sessions in the group whose status is halt.


Specifies that differential snapshot processing will be terminated.
This option only terminates tracking processing and does not terminate snapshot processing (OPC physical copying) when it is in progress. This option releases the OPC session if snapshot processing (i.e., OPC physical copying) is complete.
This option can only be used while physical copying or tracking is in progress.

If this option is specified together with the -Xgroup option, only tracking processing within the group is stopped.

-Xgroup Group-Name

Specifies that copy processing will be stopped for each group.


Specifies that copy processing that is being executed in the reverse direction (from replica volumes to original volumes) will be stopped.


Specification of this option forcibly stops a SnapOPC+ session.
Forcibly stopping SnapOPC+ stops the specified snap generation and all earlier snap generations.
This option can be specified even if there is only one snap generation.
This option is a SnapOPC+ fixed option.
If this option is specified at the same time as the -Xgroup option, the SnapOPC+ sessions in that group are stopped, and all the snap generations and snap generations before it in the group are also stopped.



Specifies a copy source volume name.
Specifies the replication source volume or the replication destination volume set with swsrpsetvol (Replication volume information setting command).
Specifies the AdvancedCopy Manager device name for the volume name.


Specifies a copy destination volume name.
Specifies the replication source volume or the replication destination volume set with swsrpsetvol (Replication volume information setting command).
Specifies the AdvancedCopy Manager device name for the volume name.


=0: Completed successfully
>0: Terminated abnormally


NOTES swsrpchsync (Synchronization mode change command)


swsrpchsync - changes the operation mode


To be executed on the Managed Server
/opt/FJSVswsrp/bin/swsrpchsync [-F {Sync|Async|Stack|Consist}] [-R {Auto|Manual}] [-S {Auto|Manual}] From-Volume-Name To-Volume-Name
To be executed on the Management Server
/opt/FJSVswsrp/bin/swsrpchsync -h Server-Name [-F {Sync|Async|Stack|Consist}] [-R{Auto|Manual}] [-S {Auto|Manual}] From-Volume-Name To-Volume-Name
To be executed on the Managed Server: group specification
/opt/FJSVswsrp/bin/swsrpchsync [-F {Sync|Async|Stack|Consist}] [-R {Auto|Manual}] [-S {Auto|Manual}] [-Xreverse] -Xgroup Group-Name
To be executed on the Management Server: group specification
/opt/FJSVswsrp/bin/swsrpchsync -h Server-Name [-F {Sync|Async|Stack|Consist}] [-R {Auto|Manual}] [-S {Auto|Manual}] [-Xreverse] -Xgroup Group-Name


This command changes the operation mode of inter-box synchronization (transfer mode, recovery mode, or split mode).


-h Server-Name

Specifies the name of a Managed Server.
This option can be specified only on a Management Server.

-F {Sync|Async|Stack|Consist}

Changes the transfer mode.
You can specify one of the following parameters in the operand:

Sync : Changes to Synchronous mode.
Async : Changes to Through mode.
Stack : Changes to Stack mode.
Consist : Changes to Consistency mode.

Changing the transfer mode requires this option.
You can only specify the -S option together with the -F Sync option.
Specifying the -F Sync option to change the transfer mode from a non-synchronous mode to the synchronous mode without specifying the -S option sets the automatic split mode.

-R {Auto|Manual}

Changes the recovery mode.
You can specify either of the following parameters in the operand:

Auto : Changes to Automatic Recovery mode.
Manual : Changes to Manual Recovery mode.

Changing the recovery mode requires this option.

-S {Auto|Manual}

Changes the split mode.
You can specify either of the following parameters in the operand:

Auto : Changes to Automatic Split mode.
Manual : Changes to Manual Split mode.

Changing the split mode requires this option.
To specify this option, you must also specify -F Sync, or the transfer mode of the current synchronization must be synchronous mode.

-Xgroup Group-Name

Changes the operation mode of inter-box synchronous processing for each group (transfer mode, recovery mode, or split mode).


Specifies that the operation mode of synchronous processing that is being executed in reverse direction (from replica volumes to original volumes) will be changed.



Specifies a copy source volume name.
Specifies the replication source volume or the replication destination volume set with swsrpsetvol (Replication volume information setting command).
Specifies the AdvancedCopy Manager device name for the volume name.


Specifies a copy destination volume name.
Specifies the replication source volume or the replication destination volume set with swsrpsetvol (Replication volume information setting command).
Specifies the AdvancedCopy Manager device name for the volume name.


=0: Completed successfully
>0: Terminated abnormally


NOTES swsrprevsync (Synchronization reverse command)


swsrprevsync - reverses the copying direction of synchronization


To be executed on the Managed Server
/opt/FJSVswsrp/bin/swsrprevsync From-Volume-Name To-Volume-Name
To be executed on the Management Server
/opt/FJSVswsrp/bin/swsrprevsync -h Server-Name From-Volume-Name To-Volume-Name
To be executed on the Managed Server: group specification
/opt/FJSVswsrp/bin/swsrprevsync [-Xreverse] -Xgroup Group-Name
To be executed on the Management Server: group specification
/opt/FJSVswsrp/bin/swsrprevsync -h Server-Name [-Xreverse] -Xgroup Group-Name


This command reverses the copying direction of synchronization when in suspended status.


-h Server-Name

Specifies the name of a Managed Server.
This option can be specified only on a Management Server.

-Xgroup Group-Name

Changes the direction of synchronous processing for each group.


Specifies that the direction of synchronous processing that is being executed in reverse direction (i.e., from replica volumes to original volumes)will be inverted.



Specifies a copy source volume name. (as the destination in the reverse direction)
Specifies the replication source volume or the replication destination volume set with swsrpsetvol (Replication volume information setting command).
Specifies the AdvancedCopy Manager device name for the volume name.


Specifies a copy destination volume name. (as the source in the reverse direction)
Specifies the replication source volume or the replication destination volume set with swsrpsetvol (Replication volume information setting command).
Specifies the AdvancedCopy Manager device name for the volume name.


=0: Completed successfully
>0: Terminated abnormally