ETERNUS SF AdvancedCopy Manager V15.0 Operation Guide

8.4.1 Environment definition commands

This section describes environment definition commands for replication management. swsrpsetvol (Replication volume information setting command)


swsrpsetvol - sets the replication source volumes and replication destination volumes


To be executed on the Managed Server
For replication on a server
/opt/FJSVswsrp/bin/swsrpsetvol [-n] [-u] [-Xgroup Group-Name]
Original-Volume-Name Replica-Volume-Name
For replication between servers
/opt/FJSVswsrp/bin/swsrpsetvol [-n] [-u]  -o (ORG|REP|BOTH) [-Xgroup Group-Name] Original-Volume-Name Replica-Volume-Name
To be executed on the Management Server
For replication on a server
/opt/FJSVswsrp/bin/swsrpsetvol -h Server-Name [-n] [-u] [-Xgroup Group-Name] Original-Volume-Name Replica-Volume-Name
For replication between servers
/opt/FJSVswsrp/bin/swsrpsetvol -h Server-Name [-n] [-u] -o (ORG|REP|BOTH) [-Xgroup Group-Name] Original-Volume-Name Replica-Volume-Name


This command sets the replication source volumes and replication destination volumes that will be used in a replication operation. Execute this command to declare that the replication operation will performed using the specified replication volumes.


-h Server-Name

Specifies the name of a Managed Server that is subject to the replication operation.
This option can be specified only on a Management Server.
If this option is omitted, the Managed Server on which the command is entered will be the target of the processing.


Specifies the direction of copying.
If this option is specified, copying is performed only in the direction from replication source volume to a replication destination volume. Copying from a replication destination volume to a replication source volume is prohibited.
If this option is omitted, copying between the replication source and replication destination volumes is bidirectional.


Specifies the operation server.
Specify one of the following for this operand:

ORG : Sets the replication source server as the operation server.
REP : Sets the replication destination server as the operation server.
BOTH : Sets both the copy-source server and copy-destination server as operation servers.

On the server that is not specified as the operation server, only the following commands can be executed for a replication volume:

Specifying BOTH in the operand enables the execution of all commands on both the copy-source server and copy-destination server. Note that the BOTH option is usable when the versions of both servers are Version 11.0 (V11.0L10) or later.
This option is valid only for replication between servers.


If this option is omitted, replication volume information cannot be set when the sizes of the replication source volume and replication destination volume are different.
When this option is specified, the sizes of the replication source volume and replication destination volume are not checked. Use this option when volume sizes are different (for example, for replication between different OSs).
When the volume sizes of the replication source volume and replication destination volume are different, copying is performed as follows:
The address at which copying starts is the first sector of the replication destination volume.
The copy data size is the size of the smaller volume.
Therefore, ensure that the size of the copy destination volume is the same size or larger than the size of the copy source volume.

-Xgroup Group-Name

Specifies that the copy source and copy destination volumes will be registered in a group.
If the specified group does not exist, a new group is created. Otherwise, the specified copy source and copy destination volumes are added to an existing group.
The characters that can be used for the group name are single-byte alphanumeric characters, the minus sign (-), underscore (_), number sign (#) and period (.). The first character must be a single-byte alphanumeric character. Up to 64 characters can be used.



Specifies a replication source volume name.
For the volume names of other servers, use the format "Volume-Name@Managed-Server-Name".
Specifies the AdvancedCopy Manager device name for the Volume-Name.


Specifies a replication destination volume name.
For the volume names of other servers, use the format "Volume-Name@Managed-Server-Name".
Specifies the AdvancedCopy Manager device name for the Volume-Name.


=0: Completed successfully
>0: Terminated abnormally


NOTES swsrpvolinfo (Replication volume information display command)


swsrpvolinfo - displays the replication volume information


To be executed on the Managed Server
/opt/FJSVswsrp/bin/swsrpvolinfo [-L] [Original-Volume-Name]
To be executed on the Management Server
/opt/FJSVswsrp/bin/swsrpvolinfo -h Server-Name [-L] [Original-Volume-Name]


This command displays the replication volume information registered by swsrpsetvol (Replication volume information setting command).
The following information will be displayed:




Displays a Managed Server name.


Displays a replication source volume name.


Displays the volume size.

Additionally, in the case of a volume group, displays the size of the physical disk on which the logical disk exists.


Displays a replication destination volume name.


Displays the copying direction.

uni-direction : One-way copying from a replication source volume to a replication destination volume is allowed.
bi-direction : Bidirectional copying is allowed.


Displays the operation server of a pair of replication volumes.

original : The replication source server is the operation server.
replica : The replication destination server is the operation server.
both : Sets both the copy-source server and copy-destination server as operation servers.


(Only when the -L option is specified)

Displays the group name.

"----"is displayed if the copy source and destination volumes are not registered in a group.


-h Server-Name

Specifies a Managed Server name.
This option can be specified only on a Management Server.


Specifies that information will be displayed using the extended format.
Refer to the table in the example following for information about the items that are displayed when this option is specified.
The items that are displayed may be expanded to support new functions provided by future versions.



Specifies a replication source volume name.
For the volume names of other servers, use the format "Volume-Name@Managed-Server-Name."
Specifies the AdvancedCopy Manager device name for the volume name.
Displays all the replication volume information for the specified replication source volume. If this operand is omitted, all the replication volume information existing on the Managed Server on which this command is executed is displayed.


=0: Completed successfully
>0: Terminated abnormally


NOTES swsrpdelvol (Replication volume information deletion command)


swsrpdelvol - deletes the replication volume


To be executed on the Managed Server
/opt/FJSVswsrp/bin/swsrpdelvol [-e] [-d] Original-Volume-Name Replica-Volume-Name
To be executed on the Management Server
/opt/FJSVswsrp/bin/swsrpdelvol -h Server-Name [-e] [-d] Original-Volume-Name Replica-Volume-Name


This command deletes the replication volume information that has been set.
If copy processing is being performed on a replication volume that is to be deleted, execute the command after the copy processing has stopped.


-h Server-Name

Specifies a Managed Server name.
This option can be specified only on a Management Server.


Emergency mode is available for operations.
Specifies deleting replica volume information without checking the execution state of an Advanced Copy. Use this option only when it is clear that the Advanced Copy has not executed.


Specifies that no communication should take place between the linked servers in replication between servers. When this option is specified, replication volume information is deleted without communication taking place between the linked servers.
Use the option only when recovery of one of the linked servers cannot be expected.
The option is valid only for replication between servers.
The option can be used on the server not specified as the operation server.



Specifies a replication source volume name.
For the volume names of other servers, use the format "Volume-Name@Managed-Server-Name".
Specifies the AdvancedCopy Manager device name for the Volume-Name.


Specifies a replication destination volume name.
For the volume names of other servers, use the format "Volume-Name@Managed-Server-Name".
Specifies the AdvancedCopy Manager device name for the Volume-Name.


=0: Completed successfully
>0: Terminated abnormally


NOTES swsrprecbuffstat (REC buffer information display command)


swsrprecbuffstat - displays information for the REC buffer


To be executed on the Managed Server
/opt/FJSVswsrp/bin/swsrprecbuffstat [-L] Volume-Name
To be executed on the Management Server
/opt/FJSVswsrp/bin/swsrprecbuffstat -h Server-Name [-L] Volume-Name


This command displays information for the REC buffer used by ETERNUS Disk storage system when REC is performed in Consistency mode.
The following information will be displayed:




The box identifier for the box connected to the server where the command was executed.


The ID for the REC buffer.


The attribute (usage) for the REC buffer.

SEND : REC buffer for sending data
RECV : REC buffer for receiving data


The usage rate of the REC buffer as a percentage.

If the usage is SEND

Displays the usage rate of the REC buffer as a percentage. This will never be 0%, even if REC is not being performed in Consistency mode.

If the usage is RECV

"0%" will always be displayed.

"----" will be displayed if the REC buffer cannot be used.


The box identifier for the box performing a remote copy.


Displays the REC Disk buffer status only when -L option is specified:

  • --- : REC buffer is used for receiving

  • active : REC Disk buffer is available for use

  • invalid : REC Disk buffer is not set

  • warning(code=xx) : REC Disk buffer is available for use but there is a disk fault

  • inactive(code=xx) : REC Disk buffer cannot be used

  • not_support : REC Disk buffer is not supported

The following codes are displayed at code=xx in the case of warning or inactive:

  • 04 : Rebuild or other recovery operation is in progress (REC Disk buffer is available for use)

  • 05 : RAID that comprises the REC Disk buffer has a fault

  • 06 : The REC Disk buffer RAID group is being formatted

  • 07 : Copy destination does not support REC Disk buffer

  • 08 : A RAID that comprises the REC Disk buffer has no redundancy


Displays the busy rate as a percentage if the REC Disk buffer state is "active" or "warning" only when -L option is specified. If the REC Disk buffer is not being used, 0% is displayed.
In cases other than the above, "---" is displayed.


-h Server-Name

Specifies the name of a Managed Server.
This option can be specified only on a Management Server.


This option specifies to display in extended format.
Refer to the execution example table for the items that are displayed when this option is specified.
Note that additional items corresponding to new functions in future versions might be displayed in future when this option is specified.



Specifies the name of a volume that has been registered as a replication volume.
You can only specify volumes that are connected to the Managed Server where the command is executed.

Specifies the AdvancedCopy Manager device name as the volume name.


=0: Completed successfully
>0: Terminated abnormally


NOTES swsrprecbuffset (REC buffer settings change command)


swsrprecbuffset - changes the settings of the REC buffer


To be executed on the Managed Server
/opt/FJSVswsrp/bin/swsrprecbuffset -Xbuffid buffer-id -Xbuffuse {SEND|RECV} Volume-Name
To be executed on the Management Server
/opt/FJSVswsrp/bin/swsrprecbuffset -h Server-Name -Xbuffid buffer-id -Xbuffuse {SEND|RECV} Volume-Name


This command changes the settings of the REC buffer used by ETERNUS Disk storage system when REC is performed in Consistency mode.
For information about the setting method of REC buffer, refer to "User's Guide Setup / Maintenance" of ETERNUS Web GUI.


-h Server-Name

Specifies the name of a Managed Server.
This option can be specified only on a Management Server.

-Xbuffid buffer-id

Specifies the ID for the REC buffer.

-Xbuffuse {SEND|RECV}

Specifies the usage for the REC buffer.

SEND : REC buffer for sending data
RECV : REC buffer for receiving data



Specifies the name of a volume that has been registered as a replication volume.
You can only specify volumes that are connected to the Managed Server where the command is executed.

Specifies the AdvancedCopy Manager device name as the volume name.


=0: Completed successfully
>0: Terminated abnormally