Determine the source and replica volumes to be used in the replication.
The source volume is the volume on which the data to be copied is stored.
The replica volume is the volume on which a copy of the data is stored.
Determine the following attributes to be assigned to source and replica volumes:
Copy direction
Determine the direction of copying. Specify one of the following directions:
Data can be copied in either direction between source volume and replica volume.
Data can only be copied from the source volume to the replica volume. During this operation, copying from the replica to the original volume is disabled.
Operational servers (used only for server-to-server replication)
In the case of replication between servers, you can specify whether to allow replication to be performed on either the source server or destination server, or on both servers.
Sets the Managed Server with the source volume that was connected as the operational server.
Sets the Managed Server with the replica volume that was connected as the operational server.
Sets both the source and destination servers as operational servers.
It is possible to create a group by arranging multiple source volumes and destination volumes.
In addition, the operation for multiple source volumes and destination volumes can be performed in a group. For details, refer to "6.4.7 Creating groups".
Figure 6.11 Servers used in performing replication
In this manual, a Managed Server used to perform replication is called the operational server. An original server or replica server is specified as the operational server.
An operational server can perform all of the replication functions. In contrast, any other type of server can use only the information display function and operational release function.
Replication is not supported for the system disk or the disk where AdvancedCopy Manager is installed.
In order to set up a volume as a source volume, there are some points which should be taken into consideration. For details, please refer to "9.1.1 General notes", for notes on determining a replication target.
There are points to be careful of for the different combinations of source volume and replica volume that can be used for replication.
The disk size of a source volume and a replica volume
When the size of the physical disk (or one which constitutes a logical disk when this has been specified) of a source volume differs from that of a replica volume, ensure that the replica volume is at least as large as the source volume, otherwise some data will be lost in the replication.
Using a volume group for a source volume or a replica volume
When the source volume is a volume group, then when using the replica volume after replication, the replica volume needs to be a volume group of the same logical volume configuration as the source volume, and with the same physical disk size.
In addition, when the configuration of the volume group cannot be supported by AdvancedCopy Manager, it cannot be registered with a replication management function. For details about logical disk configurations which cannot be supported, refer to "1.5 Managing a Device on AdvancedCopy Manager".
Figure 6.12 Source volume and replica volume for two or more logical disks