ETERNUS SF AdvancedCopy Manager V15.0 Operation Guide

6.4.7 Creating groups Conditions for the replication volumes that make up the group

The replication volumes that make up the group (the source volume and the destination volume pairs) must meet the following conditions: How to create groups

Groups are created using swsrpsetvol (Replication volume information configuration command).
Information for created groups can be displayed using swsrpvolinfo (Replication volume information display command).


Two groups (called GRP1) consisting of a source volume and a replica volume are created.

# /opt/FJSVswsrp/bin/swsrpsetvol -Xgroup GRP1 /dev/hdisk10@SRC /dev/hdisk20@TARG-1
swsrpsetvol completed
# /opt/FJSVswsrp/bin/swsrpsetvol -Xgroup GRP1 /dev/hdisk11@SRC /dev/hdisk21@TARG-1
swsrpsetvol completed
# /opt/FJSVswsrp/bin/swsrpvolinfo -L
Server Original-Volume  Size        Replica-Volume      Size        Copy         Op-Server Group
SRC    /dev/hdisk10@SRC   4.0 Gbyte /dev/hdisk20@TARG-1   4.0 Gbyte bi-direction both      GRP1
SRC    /dev/hdisk11@SRC   4.0 Gbyte /dev/hdisk21@TARG-1   4.0 Gbyte bi-direction both      GRP1