ServerView Resource Orchestrator Cloud Edition V3.0.0 Setup Guide

E.3.2 Preparations

Pre-setup preparations are necessary when using a Hyper-V environment to create and manage an L-Server of Resource Orchestrator.

For details on pre-setup preparations for Hyper-V environment, refer to the Hyper-V manual.

Preparations for Servers

In addition to the operations in "4.2.4 Preparations for Resource Orchestrator Network Environments", confirm the following:

All created L-Servers are located on a cluster as high availability VMs.

Storage Preparations

Check the following:

Network Preparations

In addition to the operations in "4.2 Defining and Configuring the Network Environment", confirm the following:


  • For details on the server NIC definitions, refer to "2.11 Server NIC Definition" of the "Reference Guide (Resource Management) CE".

  • For details on the rcxadm nicdefctl command, refer to "1.7.16 rcxadm nicdefctl" of the "Reference Guide (Resource Management) CE".

When Using IBP

When using virtual L-Servers, connect the IBP uplink sets used for the public LAN and admin LAN to the VM host regardless of VIOM, after creating each IBP uplink set.

It is not necessary to use the same name for the uplink set and the name of the network resource.

Pre-setup Preparations in Hyper-V Environments

Use the following procedure for pre-setup preparations for Hyper-V environments.
For details, refer to the MSFC help.

  1. Installation of an Operating System and Configuration of a Domain Controller on the Domain Controller Server

  2. Storage Environment Preparation

    Creation of the volume (LUN) for allocation to the MSFC of the managed server (quorum disk and cluster disk)

  3. Configuration of Managed Servers

    1. BIOS configuration (hardware virtualization and Data Execution Prevention (DEP))

    2. Install an OS

      When installing an OS on a physical server, refer to the server virtualization software manual.

      When installing a VM host in an L-Server, refer to "Appendix F Installation of VM Hosts on Physical L-Servers".

    3. Join a domain

    4. Add SNMP services

    5. Configure SNMP services and SNMP traps

    6. Add Hyper-V roles

    7. Add a failover cluster function

  4. Cluster Configuration of Managed Servers (MSFC)

    1. Create an access point for cluster management on the admin LAN side.

    2. In a quorum configuration, select one of the following:

      • When the number of nodes is even

        Select "Node and Disk Majority", and specify a quorum disk.

      • When the number of nodes is uneven

        Select "Node Majority".

    3. Enable the shared volume of the cluster.

    4. Add a cluster disk to a shared cluster volume.

  5. Configuration After Creation of Clusters for Managed Servers

    1. Enable remote WMI settings.

      1. In each VM host, access the Control Panel and open the [Administrative Tools]-[Computer Management].

        The [Computer Management] window is displayed.

      2. Open [Services and Applications], right-click on [WMI Control] and select [Properties].

        The [WMI Control Properties] dialog is displayed.

      3. Open the [Security] tab, select [Root]-[virtualization] and click <Security>.

        The [Security for ROOT\virtualization] window is displayed.

      4. Select the login user for the VM host, and check "Allow" from "Remote Enable".

      5. Open the [Security] tab, select [Root]-[MSCluster] and click <Security>.

        The [Security for ROOT\MSCluster] window is displayed.

      6. Check if all checkboxes are selected, excluding "Special Permissions" for the local Administrators group for the VM host. When these checkboxes are not selected, check the checkboxes.

        In the default settings, these checkboxes, other than, "Special Permissions" are all selected.

      7. Click <OK>.

      The remote WMI settings are enabled.

    2. Configure the Windows firewall to enable remote WMI management.

      1. On each VM host, run the "GPedit.msc" command.

        The [Local Group Policy Editor] dialog is displayed.

      2. Select the following folder:

        [Computer Configuration]-[Administrative Templates]-[Network]-[Network Connections]-[Windows Firewall]

      3. If the VM host is a member of a domain, double-click [Domain Profile]; otherwise double-click [Standard Profile].

        Either one of the [Domain Profile] or [Standard Profile] screen is displayed.

      4. Right-click [Windows Firewall: Allow remote administration exception properties], and select [Properties].

        The [Windows Firewall: Allow remote administration exception properties] window is displayed.

      5. Select "Enabled".

      6. Click <OK>.

    3. Configure DCOM.

      1. On each VM host, run the "Dcomcnfg.exe" command.

        The [Component Services] window is displayed.

      2. Right-click [Component Services]-[Computers]-[My Computer], and select [Properties].

        The [My Computer Properties] window is displayed.

      3. Select the [COM Security] tab.

      4. Click <Edit Limits> from "Launch and Activation Permissions".

        The [Launch and Activation Permission] window is displayed.

      5. Select the VM host's user name under "Groups or user names:", and select the "Allow" checkbox for "Remote Launch" and "Remote Activation".

      6. Click <OK>.

      7. Click <Edit Limits> under "Access Permissions".

        The [Access Permission] window is displayed.

      8. Select "ANONYMOUS LOGON" under "Group or user names", and check the "Allow" checkbox for "Remote Access".

      9. Click <OK>.

  6. Configuration and Installation of SCVMM

    Use the following procedure to install and configure SCVMM:

    1. Install an OS

    2. Join a domain

    3. Register a VM Host

      Register by the cluster. An SCVMM agent is automatically installed on newly registered VM hosts.

    4. Configure Windows remote management environment

      Configure remote administration on VM management software registered with Resource Orchestrator.

      1. Log in to the server on which VM management software operates, using administrative privileges.

      2. Execute the following command from the command prompt.

        >winrm quickconfig <RETURN>

      3. Enter "y", when requested.

    5. SCVMM Server MaxShellPerUser Settings

  7. Configure the Resource Orchestrator Admin Server

    Configure remote management authentication settings on the machine the Resource Orchestrator admin server will be set up.

    1. Log on to the admin server as the administrator.

    2. Execute the following command from the command prompt to record the configuration details for TrustedHosts.

      >winrm get winrm/config/client <RETURN>

      Record the displayed details in TrustedHosts.


      When multiple SCVMMs are registered

      ***.***.***.*** , ***.***.***.***

      When a single asterisk ("*") is displayed, the following procedure is unnecessary as all hosts will be trusted in the configuration.

    3. Execute the following command.

      Enter the result obtained from b. for Recorded_content_in_b..

      >winrm set winrm/config/client @{TrustedHosts="Recorded_content_in_b." , "Additionally_ registered_SCVMM_address"} <RETURN>


      The command specification when multiple SCVMMs are registered

      >winrm set winrm/config/client @{TrustedHosts="***.***.***.*** , ***.***.***.*** , Additionally_ registered_SCVMM_address"} <RETURN>

    4. Execute the following command to check the details for TrustedHosts.

      >winrm get winrm/config/client <RETURN>

      If the address of the SCVMM additionally registered has been added to the details recorded in b., there are no problems.


    When registering multiple SCVMMs in Resource Orchestrator as VM management software, specify the IP addresses for multiple VM management softwares separated by commas (".") using the command registered in TrustedHosts.

  8. Apply the Latest Update Program

    For the server on which the manager will be installed, managed VM hosts, SCVMM, and SCVMM agents, apply the latest updates using Microsoft Update, etc.

SCVMM Server MaxShellPerUser Settings

Resource Orchestrator controls SCVMM using PowerShell Web Services for Management (hereinafter WS-Management).

With standard Windows settings, the maximum number of processes that can start shell operations per user (MaxShellsPerUser) is set to "5". For Resource Orchestrator, change settings to enable a maximum of 31 sessions.
Since WS-Management is used for Windows administrator tools and Resource Orchestrator, set a value 31 or larger for MaxShellsPerUser.

Change the MaxShellsPerUser settings using the following procedure:

  1. Execute Windows PowerShell as an administrator.

  2. Change the current directory using the Set-Location commandlet.

    PS> Set-Location -Path WSMan:\localhost\Shell <RETURN>

  3. Check the current MaxShellsPerUser configuration information using the Get-ChildItem commandlet.

    The content displayed in MaxShellsPerUser is the current setting.

    PS WSMan:\localhost\Shell> Get-ChildItem <RETURN>


    PS WSMan:\localhost\Shell> Get-ChildItem
     WSManConfig: Microsoft.WSMan.Management\WSMan::localhost\Shell
    Name                      Value           Type
    ----                      -----           ----
    AllowRemoteShellAccess    true            System.String
    IdleTimeout               180000          System.String
    MaxConcurrentUsers        5               System.String
    MaxShellRunTime           2147483647      System.String
    MaxProcessesPerShell      15              System.String
    MaxMemoryPerShellMB       150             System.String
    MaxShellsPerUser          5               System.String
  4. Configure MaxShellsPerUser using the Set-Item commandlet.


    When setting MaxShellsPerUser "36"

    PS WSMan:\localhost\Shell> Set-Item .\MaxShellsPerUser 36 <RETURN>